Chapter 6

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Sal pov

It's been a few weeks since Larry and Alice got together, and things have been really weird lately. Something just feels.. off somehow. I don't want to worry her, so I haven't said anything to Dija, because it feels like something is going to happen to her... she's just been so- down lately.. so I don't want to add to whatever she is going through.

It was a Saturday, so we were all just relaxing in Larry's room. We didn't want to go outside due to the storm warnings we had received yesterday. We were taking turns playing on my gearboy, and while everyone awaited their turns, we all joined up into conversation. As I was playing, I saw the two girls joined up in conversation, and luckily Alice had gotten Dija to smile. It was nice. She hasn't smiled in about a week or so, so seeing her smile brought one to my own face. They have become very close ever since her fight with Travis. Which I still don't understand why she had fought him in the first place.. luckily her face healed well, I would hate to see her pretty face permanently bruised because of some bully..

After a little while we decided to have a movie marathon, but Todd said he had to go back to his place to hang out with his parents. So since he left, we decided to watch horror movies until we pass out. We raided our own apartments to make sure we had enough snacks and drinks to last us, but once we returned we found Ash sitting in a chair on the far side of the room "Hey guys! Lisa let me in. My dad let me come over and hang out, he doesn't really believe the storm will actually happen. A storm that bad hasn't happen in a long time." I was happy to see her, and glad she could hang out, however the others didn't seem to pleased- I'm still not sure why. I shrugged it off as everyone sat down. I went to sit next to Dija in a nearby bean bag chair, but Ash grabbed me and sat me on the floor with her. I blushed a bit as she did so, but luckily the mask hid it well. I didn't want her to know I liked her.

I looked over to Dija, who seemed annoyed. I ignored it, I don't think she's Ash's biggest fan, so I'd get why this would upset her. Soon we started our marathon. We were able to get through a few movies before we could hear noises from outside. We all went up to the first floor to check things out, and the storm had hit just as we were told. It didn't look too bad for now, so we just went back downstairs to continue our movies. As time went on, the storm only got worse. Eventually the power went out, and we had to turn on some flashlights. Alice seemed to be freaking out about the lights, poor girl is scared of the dark so this would definitely make her terrified. I felt Ash hold onto my arm, and I couldn't help but smile. I'm glad I could make her feel safe.

Alice pov

I hold onto Larry as the lights go out and everyone is frantic to get the flashlights on. He held me close and pulled me to his chest to comfort me. God he has changed so much, I'm glad I accepted this into my life again, it's only gotten better since. Except for this storm of course. I looked over to see Ash holding onto Sal, and I silently gagged God that's so gross, I can't believe he is falling for that bitch- I sighed and looked at Dija, who kept looking at the phone every so often. Her parents had gone on a trip, and they were supposed to come home tonight, so she is probably really worried about them getting caught in the storm.

It was completely silent apart from the raging storm taking place outside, and it was kind of awkward. I decided to go and sit with Dija, since she was sitting there alone, and tried to reassure her that her parents were doing fine. Larry came and joined us, but Sal remained over with Ash, comforting her from the storm. It was pathetic, his friend needed actual comfort and he was too busy with her. I sighed and hugged Dija tight, Larry joining us.

After about half an hour or so, the phone began to ring, and Dija shot up to answer "Hello?" She looked worried

Dija pov

"Hi is this Dija Onenya?" "Yes this is she, who's calling?" I was frozen, I was hoping it was someone calling to let me know my parents we stuck at the airport "This is the hospital. The storm cause a horrible wreck, and unfortunately your parents were involved" my eyes widened. I began sweating, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn't breath "I-" the woman gave a sorrowful sigh "I'm sorry hun, but I was just informed a few minutes ago that they didn't make it.." I dropped the phone and ran out of the room.

No! They can't be gone! I can't lose them! I took the stairs all the way to my apartment, running as fast as I could, not stopping until I was home. I ran to my room and locked the door. After a moment that felt like forever, I collapsed on the floor and began to break down. I can't believe I just lost them...

Sal pov

Dija had dropped the phone and ran out of the room. I heard a faint voice from the phone and decided to pick it up "Hello, who is this?" I said curiously "Hi, I was just speaking to Dija, I'm a nurse here at the hospital. I'm not sure if she had heard me, it fell silent. If you could, please relay this to her, can you do that?" I stiffened a bit why is the hospital calling her? "Yes ma'am I can" "Her parents didn't survive the crash, and I'm sorry for her loss" I blinked Oh my god... "Yes ma'am.. thank you.." I hung up the phone and just stood there, I couldn't move. This must have been why she was so reserved. Her parents had left, and I had completely forgot.. And now they had to die.. this is what I was feeling. My gut was telling me something was gonna happen, but I didn't say anything..

I heard Alice trying to speak to me, but I couldn't make it out. Everything had gone fuzzy. Without thinking I ran out of the room to Dija. She couldn't be alone right now. I burst into her apartment and heard the sound of crying and screaming coming from her room. I ran over but the door was locked. I tried knocking and calling out to her, but she didn't seem to even realize I was there. I decided to force the door open, I wasn't going to let her sit there alone at a time like this! Finally after a few minutes, I got in. I went and sat down close to her "Dija.." she looked up at me, her face was all red and tear stained. She was a complete wreck.. and I wasn't sure how to help..

I thought for a moment, then decided to go and lock her front door. I got up and left the room only to be met by everyone else. I motioned for them to leave, and locked the door behind them. I went back to her room and gently picked her up. Almost immediately she wrapped around me, she was shaking pretty bad. I laid us down on her bed and pulled up the blanket over ourselves. After awhile, she had stopped crying, but only after she fell asleep. I stayed up for a bit, making sure she was okay, then decided to get some rest of my own. I took my mask off and set it on her nightstand, laying myself next to her and pulling her into my arms, holding her close. She seemed to shift closer to me, and it made me feel so happy. She seemed to find comfort in being around me, and that made me feel, closer to her. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep, still holding her in my arms.

Dija pov

I woke up to the feeling of arms wrapped around me. I yawned and remembered the events of last night. I sighed and rubbed my eyes I still can't believe they are really gone... I felt someone shifting next to me, assuming it was whoever was holding me. I looked over to see Sal's mask on my nightstand, and immediately looked over to face him. I went wide eyed, staring at his face. I sat up to get a better look, but was pulled back down. "Please.. don't.. I don't want you to see me.. it's not pretty.." he sounded scared, and I could tell he was slightly shaking. I took his hand and pulled us both into a sitting position. He hid his face with his hands, and I got a bit sad. "Sal, please, it's okay." I gently grabbed his hands and pulled them down he kept his eyes down, and I could see everything. All of his scars and face deformities. He looked like he was about to cry, but I cupped his face, and he looked at me. I smiled softly "You look wonderful Sal, really" he stared at me for a minute, before breaking down into tears. I pulled him into a hug and stroked his hair "I told you nothing would make me run away right? This is no different. Your still my best friend, and this changes nothing." I felt him smile a bit into my shoulder, and I just held him tight. I'm glad he trusted me enough to let me see him, the real him, even if it was an accident.

After a bit we pulled away and I handed him his mask "Why don't we go find the others yeah? They were probably worried sick after we disappeared" he chuckled and took the mask "Yeah.." with that we got up and went downstairs. Man, last night was one of the worst nights of my life, but this morning, turned out to be one of the best..


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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