Chapter 17

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Hey y'all, I'm just starting this by telling you that there has been a year timeskip. In the game episode 3 and 4 have like a three year ish timeskip, so I'm gonna put out some stuff in between. I'll let you know when there is another major skip. Now then, that's all! Enjoy!


Sal pov

I haven't been feeling very well lately. Not super sick or anything, but not exactly at my best tip top shape either. I've tried hiding it from everyone, because I don't need them worrying about me. Luckily Dija has a lot of theatre stuff to do after school, and Alice and Larry just kind of hang out in his room, so I have some time to try and take care of myself the best I can. Especially because Dija might have a pretty huge breakthrough in her future theatre career. She is planning on presenting her play script to our drama teacher, in hopes that they will perform it as this years production. She's really excited for it, so I wouldn't want to cloud her mind worrying about me.

Dija pov

Today is the day. At the end of club, I'm going to be talking to the teacher about the play that I wrote. I spent almost an entire year writing it, making it perfect and ready to be produced. I sat there impatiently as she spoke, and to my dismay, Travis sat behind me. I don't know why he is here, this definitely isn't his thing, and I'm starting to think it is literally just to torture me even more than he already does.

"Hey loser, what do you got there?" He asked, pointing at my binder. "None of your business church boy." I mocked, and I heard him scoff "Just curious as to what a dumb brat like you could possibly have a binder in here for. It's obviously not school work, since you wouldn't be able to do it by yourself." I rolled my eyes and turned to him "If you must know, I wrote a play." I held up the binder "And this is what I stored it in. There, happy now you nosy bitch." He smirked "Very." And before I knew it, he snatched the binder from my hands and began reading it "Hey! Give that back you asshole!" He ignored me and kept reading. "You really think you can call this a play? It's pathetic!" He laughed "I don't know why you even try, you'll never make it anywhere with these poor writing skills. God not only are you a freak, but your fucking stupid too." I felt myself burn in anger, and snatched my binder back, turning away from him.

Ignore him Dija, he isn't worth it, not right now. Soon enough the teacher finished up and the club ended. Once everyone left, I walked up to her, handing the binder to her "Um, sorry to bother you.. but I wrote a play, and I was hoping you'd look over it and possibly consider us using it for this years production." She looked at me, and took the binder, flipping through some pages as she read through it. "My, this is lovely Dija. I'll definitely discuss this with the board tomorrow." My eyes lit up "Thank you so much!" I smiled and ran out of the auditorium, joy filling my body. I ran home and quickly rushed to tell Sal, however I noticed he wasn't in my room. "Must have gone to his place." I set my stuff down and went down the hall. I knocked on the door, and heard a faint "Come on." I opened the door and found Sal laying on the couch with Gizmo. I rushed over "Guess what!" I looked at him excitedly "She agreed to put on your play?" He looked at me, and I could tell he was a bit excited as well "Not yet... but she loved it and said she would talk to the board about putting it on!" I smiled widely "That's amazing Di!" I saw his mask shift, and I knew he was smiling. "Why don't we grab Gizmos things and bring him over to my place. I can make us dinner and you can play with him." He nodded.

Soon we gathered his things and went over to my apartment. He immediately sat down on the couch and laid with Gizmo again, and I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong "Sal, are you okay?" He nodded "Yeah, just kinda tired." "After dinner you can head to bed if you like. If you want to you can go back home, you don't have to stay here. I'll probably be up a little while longer." He shook his head "It's alright, I'll stay here, I don't mind." I nodded and began making dinner. Sals been into foods from different places in the world as of late, so every now and then I'll make different dishes for him. Tonight I'm making sushi, hopefully he will like it, cause I have no clue what the hell I'm doing.

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