Chapter 32

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Alice pov

"Sal, is that you?" I asked, looking down at Ash's arm, which was now a glowing blue, almost looks like lightning strikes down her burnt arm. Ash opened her eyes, and stood up. One of her green eyes had now turned a very bright, light glowing blue, the same color flowing down her arm. "Ash, can you hear me? Anyone?" I went wide eyed "Sal?!" Larry said excitedly "Wait- where are ya man?" "The ritual has awakened a power within my being. But I cannot return to your world. You must be my sword in the darkness." I heard him say, though I knew he was talking with Ash. "Come on guys, let's go save Todd, and the rest of the town from this shit show of a cult!" Larry and Ash nodded, and we began running to the church.

As we ran, I heard Sal begin to speak "Hey guys.. I know this probably isn't the time but- where's Dija?" I looked back  "She's inside the-" I was cut off by Ash "She's dead. I'm sorry Sal. She died a few years back, not to long after your execution." My mouth fell as I stared at her. The fucking audacity of this bitch!

Sal pov

Those words rang through my thoughts like church bells on Sunday. She's dead. That's not fair.. she shouldn't have died.. she's so strong, despite everything nothing has been able to bring her down that far... it's just not fair..

Soon enough it seemed as though we made it inside the temple. We walked around, and I heard the others mention how there was nobody around. It was quiet for a moment, before I heard the sound of a metal door. "It won't open!" Alice said in a frustrated tone "I think I may be able to get it open." With that I found myself looking around the hallways of the temple, though it was all dark and gloomy. There was no color to really anything but myself, if you could even call it that. I tried the metal door, but it was sealed shut. I looked around some more and found another door, though this one was wooden, and walked inside. "God these realities are so weird-" I sigh as I look around at everything in the room. It looks as if it's all made of clay, or from some kind of claymation movie. "Great, a safe. There's only like a million different numbers in here" I walked around the room, and found a switch puzzle "Here we go again" I mutter as I begin trying to solve it.

I was getting frustrated, because I couldn't figure out how to solve these damn lights. "This is fucking stupid.." I sighed as I sit down in front of the lights. "Why couldn't Dija have been the chosen hero.. she would have been able to be of much more help.." I began thinking back on what Ash had said, and started to, at least what felt like, crying. I sat there in silence as I thought back on all of our memories. From when we first met, our first kiss, all up until our final moments. "I miss you so much Dija.."

Alice pov

We stood there for a little while, before the door soon opened. "Hooray! Sal did it!" I smiled "That's Sally for ya!" Larry said proudly. "Guys come on we need to focus. Taking down the cult remember?" We nodded and went back on our way.

It wasn't to long after we walked through the door, that my heart sank into my stomach "Todd.. Maple.. Neil! Oh my god!" Tears brimmed my eyes, and I felt sick. Maple and Neil were hung up by their feet, hooks shoved through them, their throats cut open. It was fresh, for the blood was still running down their bodies. Todd was being held up above the huge hole in the center of the room, from the bottom of a podium someone was standing on. "I've been expecting you." The man on the podium spoke, his voice sounding familiar. "Wait.. holy shit that's Kenneth Phelps, the pastor of the church-" my voice was shaky, for I was very frightened by the sight before me.

Ash stepped forward, and they began speaking. The conversation wasn't to long however, for she threatened the pastor, and he began sending his goons at her. One by one, they fell to Sal, seeming to fade into nothing the second he touches them. The only thing remaining is a pool of their blood that lay still on the floor, and their robes to soak it up.

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