Chapter 29

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This is a filler chapter until I can get episode five out, hope you enjoy!


Alice pov

Today is a day I no longer look forward to. I'm turning twenty-eight, and I won't have my sister, or my best friend here for it. Just another year I'm reminded of just how much we have lost over the years. I sigh as I get myself ready, about to head to the church in hopes of seeing Travis. It's rare I see him anymore, but I'm praying I can see him, maybe talk to him about everything.

Once I finished getting ready I made my way to the church. It wasn't very crowded, since there a sermon today. Just some people catching up or confessing sins they wish to have forgiveness for. I looked around until I spotted a familiar blonde haired boy, however he definitely looked different. I ran up and hugged him, almost knocking him over. He looked at me in shock, then smiled "Hey Alice, how are you?" I smiled "I'm well, at least as well as I can be at the moment." His gaze softened a bit "It's your birthday right? You should be celebrating." I sighed "How can I celebrate when I don't have everyone here. I miss them so much Travis.."

He held me and comforted me as best he could, until a woman walked over. She had straight black hair, blue eyes, and had a mask covering half her face. Her eyes were sad, almost empty, like she had nothing left in her. Travis looked at her and nodded "I must go Alice, but hey it's your birthday, don't let their loss stop you from having a good time." He stood up next to the woman, and she looked at me "Alice? What a lovely name.  And happy birthday." I could see her smile under her mask "I overheard you lost someone, and it's hard for you to have fun, but perhaps raise a glass for them. Or if you do it, roll and smoke for them."

I stared at her for a moment, before nodding "Your right, thank you sister. Bye Travis, hopefully I'll see you again soon." I smiled and waved before walking out of the church.

Dija pov

As she left the church, I couldn't help but tear up. Travis put his hand on my shoulder, and looked at me with sympathetic eyes "She will be okay, don't worry to much." I nodded and sighed "I'm going to head back to my room for a bit, before the meeting." He nodded and walked me to my room, before taking his leave as I went inside. I closed the door and saw Thomas in the kitchen making lunch. I silently walked to my room and locked the door, sliding down to the floor, holding my knees to my chest.

"I can't do this anymore... I don't want to hide away.. I want to go home!" I cried as I held myself. I can't keep living like this. The cult is horrible, and I joined the one thing that caused the death of the man I loved.. just because I couldn't handle being around Alice.. God I'm such a shitty friend.. There was a soft knock on my bedroom door "Dija, I made you something to eat, may I come in?" I sighed and unlocked the door, moving to the side so he could enter the room. He walked in and sat next to me, handing me a plate.

"What's up Dij? You've been so reserved as of late, I'm starting to get worried." He asked while taking a bite of his food. I looked at him "It's Alice's birthday today.. and she came to the church. She was so upset.. and I couldn't do anything to help her.." he put a hand on my shoulder "She will be fine. She is a strong girl from what I can tell. She's been through so much, as you have, and you both have grown to be strong, unbreakable women." He smiled "Here's an idea, why don't you get her a gift, leave it on her porch or something." I thought for a moment, then a soft smile crept across my face "You know, I like that idea actually. Thanks Thomas" he smiled and we enjoyed each others company as we ate.

Alice pov

A few hours have passed since I got home. I was sitting on the couch, watching tv as I waited for Larry to get off work so we could hang out. I had everything already set up. The alcohol, the weed, as well as many different ways to use it, and some snacks for us to enjoy.

Soon, I heard the front door open, and I looked over to see Larry. I smiled at him as he walked over to me, and kissed my forehead "Happy birthday Mi Amor." He smiled softly "Thank you love. Why don't you get into some comfortable clothes and we can begin our fun evening of partying. Just the two of us." He chuckled and nodded, going up to our room to change. While he was changing, I decided to start drinking. I poured myself a couple shots, and took them one after another. I then poured two more shots, but left them alone to the side.

Larry came back downstairs, and laughed at the fact I was already drinking "Starting without me? How rude" I chuckled "Hey, it's MY birthday after all. I can do whatever I please." We both laughed and began drinking. We left the two shot glasses alone, and I could tell he knew what they were for. We continued on with our fun, drinking and smoking to our hearts content. We had just started to indulge ourselves in the snacks I had laid out, when there was a knock at the door.

I went over and opened the door, but no one was there. I looked down to see a box sitting on the ground. I picked it up and a note fall from the bottom of it. I grabbed the note and began reading it "Dear Alice, I know you don't know who I am, or at least I can only hope that's the case, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday properly. Here's a gift to brighten your spirits, and make your day even more special. -D" I blinked as I finished reading it. I ran outside and looked around, however all I saw were two people in robes, walking off in the distance. One was a taller blonde man, and the other, a shorter, black hairs woman. I smiled and went back inside, setting the gift on the counter.

"What's that?" Larry asked "A gift from a friend I suppose." I carefully opened the box, and looked inside. Inside was a beautiful black jeweled necklace, and after a moment, I recognized it. "This is- Dija's old necklace.. but how could they possibly have it.." Larry looked at me confused "Who?" I sighed and shook my head "No one, Nevermind." I brushed it off and placed the necklace around my neck, looking at Larry "You look wonderful Alice." He smiled. I held the necklace tightly for a few more moments, before letting go and going back to my birthday celebration.

Dija pov

Once she had gone back inside, we made our way to the window on the side of the house. I could see her putting the necklace on, and going back to her drinking. I noticed two full shot glasses on the other side of the table, and smiled softly. "She poured one for Sal and I." Travis chuckled "Indeed she did. See, what did I say? She will be just fine. Now come on, we have to get back before they notice we are gone." I took in a few more moments of Alice, before walking away. "Patty hard Alice, for me."

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