Chapter 28

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Trigger warning!! Mentions of suicide!


Alice pov

It's officially been four years since Sal was executed, and two years since Dija was found dead near the lake. It was broadcast on the news that later evidence showed that she had overdosed on her medication, the spot where her and Sal would go on dates and just hang out. I was truly heartbroken, and it was all my fault...

I sat between the graves of my two dears friends, my family.. "Sal Fisher, Dija Onenya.. it's hard to believe huh.. We all were going to live together, get through college, have some of the best nights of our lives. We were gonna continue to grow up together, raise families of our own together.." I began to tear up "Dija.. if you can hear me.. I need you to know I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.. I realized too late that what I had said, hurt you so fucking bad.. I hate myself more everyday that passes.. And now your gone..." I held myself as I continued to talk to her like she was right next to me. God I missed her so much..

I looked up hearing someone walking around. I looked over to the noise, and saw the back of someone as they walked off. They had on a robe, and the hood was off. I noticed their hair, and immediately stood up "Dija!" God I sound crazy.. but there is no one else in this town with hair like that.. Could it really be her? I kept calling out, and the closer I got, the quicker the girl walked away. I started running, I had to see for myself if I was crazy. She turned a corner, and once I passed it, she was gone. I looked all over nearby, but she was nowhere. "Dammit!" I sighed, deciding it best to go home.

I unlocked the door and went inside, Larry was sitting on the couch, while Ash and Neil were talking at the kitchen table. "Hey Alice, how was the visit?" Ash smiled, and I rolled my eyes, going to sit with Larry. He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. "How was it babe?" He looked at me "I- honestly it was weird. I was crying at her grave, and I saw this person. She had the exact same hair as Dija, and I was confused because no one else did. I followed her until she rounded a corner, but when I got there, she was gone. She was in this weird robe." I stared at me "Alice... she's dead my lo-" "Dammit Larry I know! She killed herself because of me I get it! But I saw her, I swear I did..."

Dija pov

Once I got back to my room, I locked the door. I went and got some water as I caught my breath. She almost saw me... that would have ruined everything.. I heard the door unlock and looked over, taking a sip of my water "Welcome back Dija." I was greeted by a warm smile from my husband. I wasn't exactly happy being married, but he wasn't a bad guy. And he understood my whole situation, and is perfectly fine with the agreement we made. He only acts as my husband when we are around other cult members, for he knows my heart lies with someone else, even though he has passed. "I almost ruined everything today Thomas... I went to visit him.. and Alice was there, she saw me- well kinda. She wasn't sure it was me, but she followed me. Luckily I got away and-" I rambled on until he held my shoulders "Hey, it's okay. You didn't get caught so everything is alright." I nodded and sighed.

We decided to watch a movie to help me calm down, and I made us some dinner. We sat on the couch and watched the movie as we ate. It was quite peaceful.

Alice pov

I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw at the graveyard. I know it was Dija, but I had no proof, and now everyone thinks I'm crazy.. I sighed as I made myself something to eat. After I finished I decided to go down the road to the church. Since Larry was at work I didn't really have anyone to hang out with, and I didn't want to be alone.

Once I got there, I listened to the sermon. I sat in the back and just watched and Mr. Phelps talked. After he finished, and everyone was leaving, I decided to go into the confession booth. I sat down and just the door "Hello lost one, how may I help you tonight?" I blinked That voice.. "I need to confess my sins sister.. for it is a dreadful one." "Go on child" I sighed and held my arm as I spoke "A couple years ago today, I was responsible for the death of my best friend.. my sister. Her name was Dija, and she was going to go places someday. Hell she was planning on going to Juilliard for crying out loud.." I heard her shift "I don't hear where there is any sin to you" "After he fiancés death, she became severely depressed. I always made comments about it. How she needed to get over it, or how she wasn't even eating food we would buy her.. and that night.. the second anniversary of Sal's death.. she overdosed by the lake, all because of the things I said to her.. she's been through so much.. and I just went and made everything worse.." I heard muffled crying from the booth next to me. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault. She probably couldn't handle all of her own guilt and sadness." I sighed "I know it was my fault.." she sighed and I could tell she opened her door "It wasn't your fault Alice..." she mumbled and walked off. I quickly left the booth and looked around, only to see no one around. I sighed and decided to go home for the night.

Once I got home, I immediately went to bed. It was late, and I was emotionally exhausted. I laid down on my bed, and closed my eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

Dija pov

I was a balling mess. I wasn't expecting Alice to show up, especially tonight. And her confession... I'm not even dead- but she thinks I am.. and that it's her fault.. I broke down in my bed, just wishing I could go back in time. Wishing I never did this, that I never left, never joined this stupid cult.. none of it...

Soon, I fell asleep, for I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

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