Chapter 20

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Dija pov

A few months have passed since my attempt at leaving, and as much as I wanted to, I'm glad I didn't. Things have gotten much better ever since that day, especially with Travis. Yeah he still teases us, but he doesn't bully us anymore. Just the simple comments that don't really bug you very much. And my friends have been doing what they can to help me feel reassured with them, as well as myself. It's been great. Right now, we are at a party that Travis threw. It's at some abandoned house, since his dad would kill him if he had it at his place. We were all having a blast, until someone turned down the music "Let's play truth or dare!" The sounds of hoots and "hell yeahs" could be heard from most drunk teenagers, and if I'm being honest, I was included in that.

We all gathered around, in a somewhat circle, as to be visible to one another. The game started out calm, just everyone answering truths, or just being dared to kiss one another. Then it became my turn "Truth" I was a bit nervous, because Travis was the one asking me the question. He looked around, contemplating on either what to ask, or who to ask me about. Finally he turned back to me "Your with Sal right? Why do you care so much for him?" This was my question? I mean it's a great question- just not what I'd expect from him. "Well, the first thing I was drawn to was his willingness to protect his friends, no matter what the cost. He's caring, funny, sweet, and will do whatever he can to make sure you feel safe." I smiled. I heard a lot of "awes and ooos" from everyone, and I could tell my cheeks had been dusted a light shade of pink.

After that we continued on with the game, and it came to Sals turn. "Dare" he said. Damn, drunk Sal is brave, normally he wouldn't even be playing this game. I looked to who was giving him the dare, and he had a smirk on his face, which honestly made me concerned. "I dare you, to do seven minutes in heaven with-" he looked around the room. I was hoping it would be me, for he would most likely be uncomfortable with anyone else, however, once I heard the name, I felt my blood boil.

Sal pov

"Ashley." I froze. Why her? Why not pick literally my girlfriend, who is right next to me? Or any of my other friends? God this isn't going to end well at all.. I sighed and stood up, just wanting to get it over with. We were led to a closet in another room and locked inside. I found the light switch and flipped it, making sure the light was on.

Ash looked at me with a smile "You seem tense. Loosen up would ya?" I sighed and sat down, not trying to be in any position she could do anything with. She simply sat down next to me, and surprisingly, we just talked. It was nice that for once, she wasn't trying anything funny, though I knew this still made Dija upset.. Soon, our time was up, and we waited for the door to open. I stood up, hearing the door unlock. However, once it opened, something happened, catching me off guard. All of a sudden, my mask was up, and Ash was kissing me! What the fuck man! We were literally just having a fucking conversation and now she's kissing me! I shoved her off and pulled my mask down, but by the time I had gotten back to the main room, the same guy who gave me that stupid dare was showing Dija his phone, and she looked pissed.

I slowly walked over and took my seat as the guy walked off, and she didn't look at me once. Dammit.. just when things were getting better.. I sighed and sulked back into my seat. I asked Larry to get me another bottle, and I chugged it down, hoping this night would end soon. And it did, but not soon enough. By the time we were leaving, everyone seemed a bit off. I ignored it, because they were probably feeling weird about the picture the guy had taken. He must have been set up by Ash or something, because there's no way that was random. As we walked, I could just feel someone behind us, I already knew who it was before she even said a word. "Hey guys! Fun party right?" I looked at Dija, who looked as if she was going to blow a fuse.

Dija pov

I was fuming. I turned around and gave her a smile "Yes, the party was so fun. But you know what else is fun Ash?" I walked over to her "Hmm?" She responded, and in response, I threw her to the ground, and began hitting her. I didn't care where or how hard, I just swung to my heart content. After a short time I stopped and grabbed her by the collar "You listen to me carefully you whore bitch. You don't get to be with Sal? You got it? He picked me all that time ago, not you! So keep your filthy fucking hands of MY boyfriend." I got up and walked off, not caring if the others followed.

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