Chapter 8

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Sal pov

After a while, Todd upgraded the gearboy. He calls it "The super gearboy", not exactly original, but it fits. Me and Dija followed him to his bathroom, and decided to give it a try. I held it up, and within seconds it flashed a bright green color, and I pushed the button I was instructed to by Todd. Just as I did so, a bigger man appeared from out of his toilet.

"What the fuck-" Dija said, disgust not exactly hidden in her tone. Todd elbowed her, and she made and noise, which was kinda cute. After that I turned my full attention on the man, asking him questions. He said something about a red eyed man, which I presume was the demon Larry told us about. When I tried to ask further into it, he said he had to go, and disappeared back into the toilet. Just then, the lights flickered and I heard Dija scream. I turned back to her "Are you okay?" She pointed to the mirror "There.. the demon, I saw him!.." she was shaking. I walked over and hugged her "I've got you, your safe now" as I spoke, I could feel her relax in my arms, just like she did that night she got the call about her parents. It made me feel happy, that I could still help her in some way.. even if she hated me.

I decided to leave Dija with Alice and go to the treehouse by myself, give her a break from this for a little while. Once I got up, I took out the super gearboy and started it up. A few moments later, a very glitchy head appeared in front of me. He was talking in words with missing letter, and some sentences seemed backwards- I tried talking to him but nothing made sense, I couldn't understand anything he said. And just as he appeared, he vanished. I stood there in the treehouse confused as to what happened and what to do about it. I decided to go explore the rest of the apartments, seeing if there was anything I could find, and hopefully make sense of.

Alice pov

Dija and I were hanging out in our apartment, but she seemed off. She was shaky and was looking around as if something was about to jump out and get her. I didn't want to ask, I'm case something did happen, I wouldn't want her to relive it by explaining it, that's always the worst. I thought for a moment, and a shit eating grin appeared on my face. I moved closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder "Why did the blind man fall into the well?" She looked at me and shrugged "Because he couldn't see that well!" She just stared at me in disappointment. "Why was the pirate arrested in the streets? For selling Booty!" She blinked and held back a laugh. I kept these terrible jokes going to try and cheer her up, and I guess it worked because by the time I was done she was laughing and smiling, seeming to forget about whatever anxiety she had.

We continued to just chill, talk about things going on. Then we got onto the topic of boys, as most teenage girls do. "Soo how are you and Larry doing?" I smiled "Better than ever before. I'm glad we took a break, it let us both have a chance to grow, and now, it's made us stronger" she gave a soft smile "I'm happy for you Alice" I held up my hand "Oh stoppp" I chuckled "What about you Di? Any boys you fancy?" She went wide eyed "No, not at the moment." I looked at her in disbelief "There's no way you don't have a single crush, at all! You don't even like Sal?" She froze "I don't know what your talking about." She huffed "Oh come onnnnn! I see how you look at him, how you act, it's so obvious!" She looked away "I don't like him okay! Not like that.." I sighed This girl I swear. She will come to see it someday. I guess that's just not today.

Dija pov

After a little while Sal returned with Larry and Todd, telling us about everything he had seen. He also mentioned the info he got from Megan. He soon left, saying there was one more thing he needed to check out. Larry and Todd began talking in the corner, and I couldn't help but feel worried for Sal. I decided to follow him. He went up to the fifth floor, and entered a room. I stayed outside, I couldn't stand the smell coming from it, almost like someone died in there or something. A little while later Larry appeared and walked up to me. "We need to go to Sal, like now-!" Just then I heard a scream from the room, and immediately rushed inside looking for Sal. I couldn't find him. I began getting worried, I called out his name but I got no response. I noticed Larry disappeared. Great no I'm alone in a creepy ass apartment and my best friends could be fucking dead- and I wouldn't be able to find them..

After a few minutes, Sal and Larry walked out of a small crawl space, and Larry looked as if he had been crying. I didn't ask, for it was none of my business. I asked Sal what happened, and he explained how he had faced the demon, and Larry came to his rescue. I couldn't believe it. Sal tried going against the demon alone.. "You should have said something! What if you got hurt! What if we couldn't find you! What if you-" he held up a hand, which I assume was to get me to shut up "Dija, I'm okay, I promise. And even if I did end up dying, I know I would have done it trying to save my friends. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you"

I felt my face heat up. Was I- blushing? No I couldn't be, I don't like him.. but his words, his actions, they make me feel safe, warm, protected. Holy shit... do I- like Sal?

That night, I was exhausted, and passed out almost immediately after hitting my bed. It was peaceful. However as time went on, I had this dream. It was of Sal, however he didn't look completely like himself. His hair was down, and looked rough. And he was taller, more built than he is now. And one thing that stood out to me, he was wearing an orange jumpsuit, it looked like it could be a prison uniform. After that, there was a white flash, and I was suddenly in the treehouse, looking at a very weird man, who had a giant mustache. He was talking to himself, but no words came. Just as he was about to leave, a ghost appeared, but when I looked at it, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was Larry! My attention turned back to the man after I heard him scream. And oh I wish it was the only thing I heard from the dream that night. After a moment, he fell from the treehouse, and all I heard was the sound of something hitting the ground with a thump, and something of a bone breaking. All of a sudden, everything went black.

The rest of the night was restless, and I just decided to stay up. Who was that man, why was Larry a ghost, and why was Sal.. in prison...

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