Chapter 31

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Please note that some of the conversations and actions may be cut out to not make the chapter so long/create more chapters than necessary.


Alice pov

The two cult members continued to make their way over to us. I was scared, I didn't want to die here.. not yet.. "Wait- I know that voice. Who are you?" Ash spoke up, looking at the two. They stopped and pulled their hoods down, and my eyes widened when I saw who it was "Travis!?" He smiled at me "Hey there Alice. Nice to see you again." I ran over and hugged him "Thank god your the one who found us.. but um, who's your friend?" He looked at the girl, then back at me "No surprise you don't recognize her" I looked at him confused.

Dija pov

I removed my mask and looked at Alice. It was clear she didn't know who I was, and I couldn't blame her. It had been so long, and I look very different now. "Hey Alice.. it's good to finally see you again, as well, my sister." She went wide eyed "Wait.. Dija?!" I smiled "The one and only." Her eyes welled with tears as she hugged me tightly "I've missed you so much.. I thought you were dead.." I shook my head "Nope, cult made that story up.. it was the only way you wouldn't come looking for me." I held her close as she cried into my shoulder.

"I hate to break up this- touching reunion, but you all need to leave. If they catch you here, it won't end well." Travis said, looking at the group. "Let's get out of here together, all of us! We can get Todd and Maple.. and we can all leave together!" Ash said, but Travis shook his head "Trust me when I say, it's beyond impossible." Ash continued to protest, but eventually we had to drag them all out. I sighed "Travis, we need to help them stop the cult once and for all. And I know exactly how to do it." He nodded "Let's go, before they notice we are gone." He began walking off. I looked to the door and sighed "Be safe Alice.." with that I followed after him.

Sal pov

"It's happening again." I say as I look around. I was in.. god knows where. It was dark, and there were weird orbs all around me. "What am I?" I say, although almost certain I'd get no answer. "You are unbound." said a voice "You are broken." Said another. The first voice spoke again "You must balance yourself. Fight the chaos within. Don't let your nightmares infect your reality, Sal. Find your center." I looked around, trying to pinpoint the voice's whereabouts, and the second voice spoke again "Don't listen to them, Sal. You must give in to your dreams. Give in to the chaos and reach your full potential." "It's too dangerous. He's not ready." Spoke the first voice. This continued on for a little while longer, and I could do nothing but stand there as, whatever I was.

Soon the voices stopped, and it was silent. However now, I could move. I began wandering around in hopes of finding something. I had to try and find a way back to my friends, somehow.. after some time passed, though not sure how long, I came across a house. Why would there be a house in the middle of nothing? I pondered for a moment before going inside, unsure of what to expect here. Once I'm inside, I see a long staircase that seems to lead up, and on each side is a doorway. One is lit up brightly, while the other is pitch black. I decide to go upstairs first, and come to see Jim, Larry's father.

We talk for a long time, depth hidden in every word he spoke. He had no emotion, but his words, the way he spoke them, he made them feel so deep hitting to your soul. He told me I was the key to the cults demise, but I didn't understand how. I'm not some chosen hero out of a storybook, I'm a murderer who killed his friends, his family, and hurt those he didn't kill, those he cared for most.. "Upon dying, your soul was shattered. This occurrence has awakened a unique ability within you. You will be able to drift into parallel worlds. Though it will take some practice." Wait.. does that mean I can see everyone again!? "How do I get back to my world?" He looked at me blankly "It will be difficult but I have prepared for your arrival. I built a device to help you. Your friend, Ashley, has gathered the device above your grave, in your world. This is good." He continued telling me about how I can go back to my own reality, however I'd have to travel across others I've never heard of.

I went through the door he showed me, then looked down the hall. There were a few other doors, all numbered one through five. "I just came from door one so.. I guess it's on to two I go-" I walked through the door and looked around "What the hell?!" Everything was in some sort of.. Cartoonish look. It was- strange to say the least. I shook my head and began looking around. It took a long while, different codes into one door from all around the house. Finally after what seemed like forever, I found it. I grabbed the pyramid, and there was a flash of light.

Alice pov

We were just sitting at Sal's grave, when there was a bright flash of light, followed by loud thunder that echoed through the cemetery. I heard Ash scream, and I looked over to see what she was screaming at "Sal!?" I said, my eyes wide, and my jaw hung open in shock. Above his grave, Sal was still, floating in mid air. However.. it wasn't exactly- all of him. "Sal, is that you?" Ash asked, standing up to get a better look. The skeleton began talking, however it was weak and the sentences were broken "It's. Me." We all stared in shock and confusion as he explained what was going on. Ash knelt down next to the pyramids, and picked up the one that was glowing. She put in some sort of pattern, and set it back down. There was a weird scream, and when we looked up to Sal, he had vessels and muscles covering the bone.

"All I have to say is... WHAT THE FUCK" Larry said, obviously very confused. I looked between him and Sal "I think.. I think we are getting our friend back my love." I looked back to him, a smile on my face.

Sal pov

I walked through the next door, and I appeared in the woods that were next to the lake. It was a part of never been to before, however, I wasted no time. I noticed there were puzzles located on the ground in certain places. One by one, I began trying to solve the puzzles. The first one wasn't so bad, only took a couple tries. Once I finished it, the pillar rose from the ground. The next one only took one try, and I wasted no time solving the final puzzle involving the pillars. I will say, it was way more tricky then the matching puzzles, but soon I got it and there appeared the pyramid.

There was a flash of light once again, and I could see everyone standing there below me. "Another one lit up!" Ash said excitedly "Keep going... Ash... I'm getting... stronger..." she looked at me "You don't look so great, Sal. I'm gonna figure this out. Let's get you back to normal!" With that she knelt down and began messing with the second pyramid. I gave an eerie scream, and I could feel the skin forming around the bones and muscles. God that felt horrible... With the end of the scream, I was back in the house. I went through the final door, and as I looked around, I felt like I was in a horror movie.

"Okay.. let's just get this over with.." I walked forward, and saw a familiar cave. It's the one located near the lake, but last I remember, it wasn't nearly as big as it is here. I shrugged it off and went inside. As I looked around, there were weird paintings on the walls, and there was a woman a little farther ahead. We had a conversation, and unfortunately she wasn't able to help me find what I was looking for. I sighed as I continued on my way, seeing more paintings the deeper I went. I noticed a handprint on the wall, and it looked like it was on a button. I decided to press it, cause I mean hey, what's the worst that can happen right? There was a sound, and panels opened up on the wall next to me. "Oh good, finally something just easy from the get go." I solved it pretty quickly, and once again, yet another flash of light God can't it just be dark and I show up there? Like Jesus Christ man!

Alice pov

Lighting flashed as we looked down, but the final pyramid didn't glow. Ash was already trying to solve its pattern, hoping to get it working, and it did! However when we looked to Sal, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. "Sally dude! Are you okay! What's happening!" Larry said in a very worried tone. Ash was screaming a bunch of things I didn't exactly understand, however what she did next scared even me.

Ash took out a pocket knife, and sliced open her wrist. Sal was screaming as best he could in protest, but there she was, on the ground as her wrist bled out. We all stared at her, and Sal's ghost disappeared. "Wait no.. this can't be the end! Sal dammit come back!" I began crying, and Larry pulled me into a hug. Moments later however, lightning struck the ground near us, and when we looked over, it had hit Ashley. But when we looked closer, we noticed something else. "No fucking way!" We both shouted as we knelt down beside her. I looked at her arm, which had been electrocuted by the lighting and went wide eyed "Sal that you?"

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