Chapter 30

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Its time for episode 5 to start!!! Sorry for the long delay in chapters I've been busy with work and friends. But I'm back now so let's go!


Alice pov

It was strange. The first time in a long time we all really got along. We kind of just.. made peace with one another because of the events that happened all those years ago. It was me, Larry, and Ash, and we were visiting the graves of Sal and Dija. We paid our respects to our friends and family as well, especially to Lisa and Henry.

Larry pov

I don't hate Sal for what he did to my mom. Well, not anymore at least. I soon came to realize that he was doing it to save the town, to save us. And it was only thanks to Dija I realized that. She was so passionate and determined to prove he was innocent, but in the end, she failed... we all did.

We all Sat around Sal and Dija's graves, the two buried next to one another. In the end, even in death they couldn't be torn apart. We began talking about fun times we missed way back when, then Ash spoke up "Hey Sal.. Sorry I haven't visited in a few nights. Things have gotten worse.." We all hung our heads and sighed "Come on guys, let's head home.." Alice said in a low tone. We all got up, saying our goodbyes to the two and walked home.

Alice pov

The next morning I went upstairs to find Ash and Neil talking. They were talking about trying to sneak into the underground area of the church. I heard them mention C-4, and how they were going to blow it up. I went wide eyed Were they really about to blow up the church? I know it's the cults main hideout but still... Todd is down there, and Travis..

Ash turned to go downstairs, and I quickly ran down so she wouldn't know I was listening. They have been trying to keep this from Larry and I for a while, though they aren't very good at it. They talk so openly about it while we are home, yet won't bother to get us involved. I smiled at her, and she waved back in response, walking off to the basement. I could hear maples growls from here through the cracked door. "Poor Maple.." I sighed.

"I hope she gets better.." a voice came from behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Larry standing behind me. "You scared me you asshole! I almost hit you!" He laughed "My bad love." I noticed he was holding an envelope "Hey, what's that?" He held it up and shrugged "No clue, but it's addressed to you." He handed it to me, and I took it "To me huh?" I sat back down and opened it. I pulled out a handwritten letter, and noticed it was similar to the ones Ash had been getting, however just a bit different. The handwriting wasn't the same. I began reading it "Dear Alice, I sincerely hope this has reached you, and you're able to read it. If you are, congratulations you're now involved with the scheme of taking down this god forsaken cult. I can't tell you much, or who has been sending the letters out, but I can tell you that you shouldn't sit by while Ashley tries to take all the glory for herself. You must be careful, watch Neil and Maple, the cult wants them for the sacrifice. Confront them, join them in bringing us down." I scanned over it again, turning it over. There was another small section of writing. "Just know Alice, it wasn't your fault about Dija, the cult is the one to blame. They made up that story, and it's time for you to find out the truth." I went wide eyed What do they mean find the truth? I sighed and ignored it for now.

"So there's two insiders trying to help stop the cult." I looked at Larry "That's badass. But, what do we do. We have no information at all.." I thought for a moment "I remember finding one of the notes Ashley had received. It came with a package, I think that's where she is right now, in the shed grabbing it. We can confront her then, when she leaves." He nodded "Alright then, we will follow her to see what exactly she does with it."

We waited for hours and hours for Ashley to leave. But once she grabbed her package she just went back upstairs to talk with Neil. I must have fallen asleep, because I was woken up by Larry shaking me almost violently "Alice wake up! Ash left we have to hurry!" I shot up and immediately threw on my shoes, running out of the house to find Ash, Larry following close behind me. Soon we found ourselves at the graveyard, and saw Ash next to Sals. We hid behind a couple trees nearby and watched her. "We got these weird pyramid things in the mail. Another package from our mysterious cultist insider. Todd had a third pyramid in the shed." She said "In his notes, he says he found it in the temple under the old apartments. It seemed to be pretty important. There are several mentions of a prophecy in Todd's notes about them. He was actively looking for the other two."

She placed three pyramids surrounding Sal's mask "I think they might be linked to you somehow" she said. I took the chance and walked up to her "Well hi Ashley, nice night huh?" She jumped and turned to me "Oh uh, hey Alice, Larry. What are you guys doing here?" "I want to know why you didn't tell us about your plans with Neil. We want to help Ash, they took away OUR friends, my sister, I'm not letting them take you guys to if it means we will be left alone." She sighed and nodded "Alright." She turned her attention back to the pyramids, kneeling down and messing with them "No matter how I turn these, nothing happens. I thought SOMETHING would happen this time..." she sighed and stood back up.

"Hey, did you guys see Neil? When I went back upstairs to talk to him he was gone." I looked at Larry and he shook his head "Not a clue man. I had just gotten home not to long before you went upstairs." She nodded "Damn.. I wonder where he is.." I looked at her wide eyed "I know where he is.. and Maple is in trouble too.." she looked at me "What happened Alice." Her expression went from sorrowful to worried "It's.. the cult.. they took them!" She went wide eyed "That's not good..." we rushed to the temple, following Ash.

"I have some C-4 we need to plant around the temple. I have a map from our insider, just follow me and stick close. We don't want to get caught." Larry and I nodded and continued to follow her, keeping as quiet as we could. Once we finished, we found ourselves at the dungeon, where we could see Neil in one of the cells. "Neil are you okay?" I said, running up to the cell. "I've had better days. How the heck did you all get down here?" Ash walked over "I'll tell you later, right now we gotta get you outta there. What about Maple and Todd, have you seen them?" "Maple is in the next cell over. And Todd is here! I saw him when they dragged up here!" We moved down to see Maple in her cell. Ash was still talking with Neil, and I had my hands on the bars of Maples cell. "Hey Maple.. are you okay?" All I got in response was low growls, almost like she was a rabid animal. I sighed and turned my attention back to Ash and Neil. "I think.. it's time for plan B.." he said. Larry and I went wide eyed "You don't mean.." he looked at us "Save yourselves, someone has to live through this."

Ash shook her head "I'm not leaving you guys down here.. I can't lose anymore friends." He sighed "I don't think we have any other option-" he was interrupted by someone shouting "You there!" We all froze as the man walked over to us, and he was accompanied by someone else. Based on her stature I assumed it was a woman. They kept getting closer and closer, and Larry held me close. This can't be how it ends.. not like this..

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