Chapter 33

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Alice pov

It's been a few days since the events of the cult. Things have been peaceful with their demise, and with Sal's return, the house has never been more lively. Dija has been so much happier than the last time I saw her, and Sal hasn't left her side. It's like when we all were younger, and they wouldn't admit their feelings for one another. They were so caring and compassionate, but just never got the words out, at least not for a little over a year or so. Like love sick puppies obsessed with each other.

I decided to plan a picnic for all of us, just like we used to back in highschool, apart from Todd, he is still recovering. Larry and I got everything set up at our spot, and texted Sal and Dija to meet us there. It would be a nice surprise for them that they definitely need.

After about ten minutes or so, Sal and Dija walked up, hand in hand, and surprisingly, Sal wasn't wearing his mask. I smiled and waved at the two, and I noticed Dija's eyes light up "Oh my god! No way, for real! Alice this is amazing!" She quickly ran over and sat down beside me, and I couldn't help but giggle.

Sal pov

Dija ran over and sat next to Alice, and she had the brightest smile on her face. It gave me a warm feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. I smiled and sat down next to her, placing my hand on her leg. She looked over and smiled softly, and Alice began handing out the food she made. "This looks amazing Alice, thank you." She smiled "Only the best for my family!" Everyone smiled and began to enjoy the food.

As we ate, we chatted about life, what all was new. As we talked, I couldn't help but feel curious about Dija's look, and why she changed it. I guess she caught me staring, because she sighed and began playing with a small part of her hair.

Dija pov

I could tell everyone was curious as to why I look so different. I hated what I had to do, all so they wouldn't try to come and find me.. I sighed and looked at all of them "I can tell you all want to know, so I may as well tell you." I took a deep breath "Maybe a year or so into joining the cult, Alice almost caught me in the cemetery while I was visiting Sal. Kenneth didn't like that, and told me we had to change something, and he picked my hair. It was the most recognizable thing about me, so we dyed it black, and I've been straightening it everyday since then.." I looked down "I miss my old hair, but I know it's going to take a lot to change it.. and it's already so damaged.." Everyone was silent, and I began to feel.. almost embarrassed about myself.

After a moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see Sal giving me a soft gaze. "It's alright Dij, I'll make sure to do whatever I can to help you with your hair, and just know I'll love you no matter what." I stared at him for a moment, and felt another hand on my other shoulder "That's right Dija, we are gonna do whatever we can't to get you feeling like yourself again!" Alice said, giving a huge grin. Larry just nodded with a smile, and I couldn't help but smile as well. "You guys are amazing you know that.." Alice hugged me "We know" all of us burst out laughing and enjoyed the rest of the picnic.

Larry pov

After a while we all returned back to the house, and the girls went up to Dija's room. I looked over at Sal and smirked "Sooooo, is the plan still in motion?" He looked at me, and his face turned red "I.. it's on Alice right now, if she can't pull off her part I can't do it.." I chuckled "You know she will. She knows how important this is to you bud." He sighed and nodded "I know it's just... I'm nervous man. Was it easy for you? How did you calm your nerves?" I laughed "Sal I was a nervous wreck. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't exactly hard either. I thought about our future, and how much I love her, that's what got me through it. Granted, your circumstances are a bit different, but still." He sighed and rubbed his head.

I put a hand on his shoulder "Trust me man, you got this, okay?" He looked at me and nodded "I hope so man.." as the conversation finished, the girls walked downstairs "We are going out, be back later!!" Alice smiled and dragged Dija out of the house. Sal and I both laughed, and ran upstairs to their room. We looked around and I spotted the ring on her desk "Bingo! We are a go baby!" I looked at Sal, who was smiling wide "Alright let's get started." With that we grabbed the ring and put our plan into action.

Sal pov

After about an hour or so, everything was ready. Larry had gotten me dressed up, and we fixed my hair up a bit "Now all that's left is to wait for the girls" Larry said, and I nodded "I'm nervous, but I feel like it's going to go well." He nodded and nudged my arm, and in response I gently shoved him. We both laughed and heard the from door open, I quickly straightened myself up and turned towards the door, meeting eyes with Dija. She was in a beautiful red velvet dress, and some simple black heels. Her hair was back to it's old, beautiful red curly self, and god she looked beautiful.

She walked over to me with a smile "I hear you have a date planned for me." I chuckled and nodded "Yes I do, you ready?" She nodded excitedly, and I took her hand, leading her out of the house. Throughout the night we went to the arcade, the lake, and ended at the park. I had set up a small picnic area in our normal spot, but instead of an actual picnic, it was more full of some snacks, alcohol, and had a couple of pillows for us to lay down and watch the stars. She smiled as I took her to the blanket, laying down next to her.

We laid there for a while before I finally decided it was time. I looked over at her "Hey Dij, there's something I need to ask you.." she sat up, and had a worried look on her face "Is everything okay.." I nodded and sat up "I know I have done this before, but it was proper, so I'm going to redo it." I got on my knee, and looked into her eyes, my gaze as soft as it could be. I held up the ring I had gave her all those years ago, and took a deep breath "Dija.. you've been there for me through everything, even when you were going through worse. You always made me feel loved and wanted, and you cared for me like no one ever had. Hell, you brought me back to life after five fucking years, not everyone can say their girlfriend did that for them." I heard her chuckle and smiled "So Dija Onenya, I ask you here and now, will you marry me?" She stared at me for a moment, and I began to feel nervous again..

Dija pov

I stared at him for a moment Wait.. is this actually happening?! I noticed he looked away, and he looked nervous, almost even scared. I cupped his face with my hand and had him look at me. Tears rolled down my face and I smiled softly at him "Yes Sal, I will marry you. That's all I've wanted for so long!" His eyes widened and he immediately cheered up. He jumped up and picked me up, twirling me around. I giggled at his action, and he stopped spinning to kiss me. It was so passionate and loving, I'd almost forgotten what it was like.

Not even mere moments later, I heard cheers from the bushes, and immediately knew who it was "WHOOOO GO SAL THATS MY BROTHER!" Larry screamed and hoped out of the bushes, followed by Alice "Congratulations you two, it's about time don't you think?" I smiled "Yes, and I'm glad that time is now" we all laughed and went home, enjoying a bunch of junk food and liquor, and we even got Travis in on the celebration. It was definitely the best night of my life, and I can't wait to start planning.


Hey lovely readers, just popping in to say that there will most likely only be about 2-4 more chapters of the story. It's nearly it's long awaited end, and im so happy with how it has turned out. Please watch out for the next chapters coming out soon.

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