Chapter 21

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This chapter is going to be near the end of their senior year. It will be a two part chapter, this one, and then the next will be graduation! Also I do not own any of the songs I reference here, and some won't be from their time, so please bear with me- anyways- back to the story! Enjoy!


Dija pov

Today, the school is holding a talent show for the seniors, as a last kind of hoorah before we graduate. We got let out early so we could prepare, have a chance to go home and grab what we need before performing. Lucky for me, I didn't have to leave, so I just went to the choir room to practice my song. I decided to sing Heartbreaker, it fits my range well, and in my opinion, it's an amazing song. As I rehearsed, I heard the door open. I ignored it, not caring who it was. Once I finished, I heard them applauding, and I looked over to see who it was. "Oh hey Charlie!" I smiled as he waved in response.

Charlie is one of the friends I made this year, he's new to the school, so I helped him get comfortable. "That was amazing Dija! If this were a competition, you would win for sure!" He walked up and placed a hand on my shoulder "I don't think so, everyone is way more talented than I am. Hell, I just started actually singing this past year." "So? Your voice is amazing, and you could really go places someday!" I smiled at his comment, and pulled him into a hug "Thanks Charlie, that means a lot." He hugged me tight, and we stood there for a moment, before I heard someone clear their throat. I jumped back and looked to see who it was "Hey babe, sorry for interrupting... but the show is about to start, might want to get dressed." It was Sal. I walked over to him with a smile "Thank you my love, hope to see you in the front row!"

Sal pov

Dija ran off to get changed, and I looked over to Charlie. If I'm being honest, I didn't like him. He's always around Dija, and is always so... touchy with her. Nothing bad obviously, or she wouldn't still hang around him, however it's to much for my liking. I know he does it to piss me off, because I can tell he likes her. I mean who could blame him, she's perfect. However she is my girlfriend, and I can't understand why he doesn't get that.

I sighed and walked off to get ready. I had entered the show last minute, so Dija doesn't even know I'll be performing. Luckily we have to sit in the audience while everyone else goes, so it helps keep the surprise.

Dija pov

I sat with Sal, Larry, Alice, Todd, Ash, and Charlie. Not all of us were performing, but we wanted front row seats to the show. Charlie and Sal sat on either side of me, and Sal grabbed my hand. I looked at him with a smile, but he seemed upset. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but the lights went down, signaling the show was about to start. I sighed and turned my attention to the stage.

Alice pov

This Charlie guy is really starting to get on my nerves. Who does he think he is sitting next to MY best friend? Sal doesn't seem to like him either, but I can't blame him. I look over to see Sal tightening his grip on Dija's hand a bit, and I couldn't help but giggle. Sal has become so much more confident in himself within the relationship, allowing himself to get jealous, and visibly express it.

As the show went on, he grew a bit more irritated. Charlie kept talking with Dija, making her smile and laugh, and I guess he didn't like that. Her attention wasn't on the show, or even him, just some other guy he didn't like. She checked her phone and stood up "I'm up next! See ya guys in a bit!" She smiled and ran off back stage.

We all watched as she entered the stage, walking over to the microphone. She adjusted it a bit then looked to the side and nodded, signaling for the music to start.

Dija pov

The music started, and I waited a few counts before singing "Your love is like a tidal wave, spinning over my head!" I heard a bunch of cheers coming from the crowd as I sang. I looked to my friends, who were mouthing along to the lyrics, and cheering me on. "You're a heartbreaker, dream maker, love taker don't you mess around me with! You're a heartbreaker, dream maker, love taker, don't you mess around, no no no!"

As the song went on, I put my whole body into the performance. I was walking around the stage, doing small dance overs every now and then, just having a good time. It was so much fun! Sadly the song came to an end, and my time was up. I heard loud cheers as I left the stage, Abe heard my friends over everyone else. I sat back down in my seat "Babe that was amazing!" Sal says with a smile "Yeah Dij, god who knew you could sing like that!" Alice chimed in. I smiled as they showered me in affirmation. "You did perfectly Dija, so proud of you!" I looked over to see Charlie smiling, his face a bit red "Thank you Charlie." I smiled faintly.

The show continued, and soon was coming to an end. As far as I knew, there were only a few people left. I looked over to see Sal getting up "Where are you going?" He looked at me "Just the bathroom." I nodded, and he walked off.

Sal pov

Time for my surprise. Dija and Charlie are the only ones who don't know what I'm about to do. I wrote a song many years ago, and it had a different meaning. Now, maybe Charlie will get the hint, and finally leave her alone. I walked backstage and waited for my turn to come. As the performance ended, we traded places on stage. I looked to my group, and Dija looked at me a bit shocked, but then a smile broke out on her face. She gave me a thumbs up, and I motioned for the song to begin. After a few counts I started "I kiss the scars on her skin, I still think your beautiful, and I don't ever want to lose my best friend. I scream out god you vulture, bring her back or take me with her!" I kept my eyes on Dija and Charlie the entire time during the song. She was smiling, but Charlie look rather uncomfortable. Exactly what I wanted. I kept singing, putting all my emotion into the song "She's mine! You stay away from her it's not her time! 'Cause baby I'm the one who haunts your dreams at night until she's satisfied!" I stared at him as I said this, and I saw him get up to leave. When I looked to Dija, she didn't even seem to care he was gone. I smiled, and kept going. The end of the song came, and I sang the final lyrics with confidence "Go.... fuck it!" With that the song ended, and after a moment, the crowd irrupted in cheer and applause. I bowed and left the stage, taking my seat once again next to Dija.

"You did amazing my love" she smiled and kissed the cheek of my mask, and I felt my cheeks grow red. Soon the show ended, and we all said our goodbyes to our underclassman friends, then went home. The rest of the night, we all screamed our hearts out to Sanity falls, and other metal bands. Soon me and Dija laid down together on the floor, rest our heads on one of Larry's bean bag chairs. We cuddled one another, just enjoying the company of each other. It was a great way to end the night.

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