Chapter 22

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Sal pov

Today is the day. Graduation. Something we have long been waiting for since we began at this god forsaken place. We stood in Larry's apartment, lined up for a picture. Lisa looked at us teary eyed, while my father had a proud smile plastered on his face. "I'm so proud of you kids" Lisa said, and my father nodded in agreement "Your all going to do great things." He came up and hugged me and Larry, he's gotten a lot better with his emotions. Thanks to Lisa, he's learned how to express himself, through love, happiness, and compassion.

After Lisa got all the pictures she wanted, we all grabbed our things and left for the school. We decided to walk rather than drive, give us a small reminder of how things used to be. As we walked, I could tell Dija looked a bit sad. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked her, causing the others to look at us. She nodded "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sad my parents won't be here to see me walk the stage.." I couldn't help but feel sad myself. She's fought hard to be able to handle her parents death all these years, and now that she's walking the stage, they can't be here to cheer her on. I pulled her into a tight hug, and the others joined me "It's okay Dija, I know they are watching you, and are proud of the woman you've grown to be." Alice said, smiling. Dija looked at her, and gave a small smile "Thanks Ali... now then, let's keep going! Don't want to be late for our own graduation!" She snickered, and we all laughed, continuing on our way.

Once we got there, we talked to some of our classmates. I noticed Dija walk over to Travis, and start talking to him. It was a strange sight to see, normally they would ignore one another, but now, they seem to be having a pleasant conversation, and Travis seems... happy. I couldn't help but smile. He's been through so much, at least from what I've heard. It's nice to see him being kind, shows how much he has grown. As we all continued in our friendly banter with one another, some teachers walked in, and told us to get lined up and ready to go. Our group all stood next to one another, and Dija dragged Travis over as well, having him stand between her and Alice. I chuckled at her actions. She is trying to help him feel included, which is something now one did over the years.

We all walked into the graduation area, and took our seats. One by one the rows stood up, and awaited their time to walk the stage. I could see me and Alice's parents, they were cheering and waving at us. I pointed them out to everyone, and we all waved. Dija of course seemed to sadden again, until Alice's parents looked at her.

Dija pov

I looked to Alice's parents, and they mouthed "We love you, and we are so proud of you." I felt my eyes well with tears, and then felt an arm around me, it was Travis. He gave me a warm smile "You got this." Was all he said before letting go and turning his attention back to the ceremony.

Alice pov

I felt my heart beat fast, but not in a bad way. My parents just accepted Dija as their own. I knew they loved her, we grew up like sisters, but they finally just told her, in their own way. I smiled as happy tears filled my eyes.

Larry pov

It was nice to have our parents here to support us. They have dealt with so much over the years, but been there for us all nonetheless. I was a bit surprised Travis was with us, I can't say I liked it, however I let it go, because it seemed to Make Dija happy. More names were called, parents were cheering, and camera flashes could be seen from every corner of the room. Soon, it was our turn to stand up, and await the stage.

As we walked up the ramp, awaiting our names, I couldn't help but tear up. I never thought I'd make it this far, yet here I am, about to walk the stage, with some of the best friends I could ask for. "Larry Johnson." I walked up, shaking everyone's hand. I grabbed my diploma, had my cord switched to my right side, and held up a rock and roll hand as I left the stage, earning a few laughs from the crowd.

Alice pov

"Alice Jones." My name was called, and I walked across the stage, pretty much copying what Larry did, except I did an air guitar and ran off. We took our seats and watched our friends.

Dija pov

Travis went before I did, and before he left the stage, he did the holy trinity and left. I smiled and stood there, awaiting my name. "Dija Onenya." I was nervous, but looked to Alice's parents, who nodded. I walked across the stage confidently, giving a dramatic bow before leaving, and taking my seat with the others.

Sal pov

"Sal Fisher." I took the walk across the stage, looking to my father and Lisa, who were crying. I smiled underneath my mask, and grabbed my diploma. I simply waved before I left to take my seat, then watched as Todd and Ash went.

Soon, graduation was over, and we went to the waiting room which we had been in before. We all gathered around, and counted down "3.....2.....1!" And threw our caps in the air. Everyone was laughing, chatting, and some were crying happy tears. "We did it guys." Larry said and pulled us in for a hug. "Yes we did." I said, messing with his hair. "What do you say we have a small party at my place? We can have the parents over and just enjoy ourselves!" Dija smiled, and we all agreed. We met with our parents, and after getting many congratulations and hugs, we told them about the party.

Once we got back home, we set up Dija's apartment for the party. We went out and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks, and even rented a couple movies. "Hey guys... could I invite Neil to come with us?" Todd asked, seeming a bit nervous "Of course he can Todd, you know you don't have to ask, we all love him!" Alice giggled. His face brightened, and he had a huge smile on his face. We all laughed and went back to the apartment.

Dija pov

I invited Travis to the party, but he said he couldn't make it. I was a bit sad, but I wasn't going to let that ruin the fun we were going to have. As the night went on, we all danced to music, watched movies, and reminisced on all our adventures, of course leaving out all the ghost stories since parents were present. Soon it came time for gifts, which the parents surprised us with. Lisa got us tickets to see Sanity's fall, and we all screamed with excitement. Henry got Sal a necklace with his belated mothers ashes inside, I could tell he had gotten teary eyed, but he was also smiling. Alice's parents got her a new gaming system, with a few games "Hell yeah! Now I can beat all of your asses!" We laughed. Her parents then turned to me "We have a little something for you as well dear." I looked at them confused.

Alice pov

My parents pulled out a folder and handed it to Dija. I went wide eyed when she opened it. Oh my god! They- they are adopting her!? "I don't understand.." she looked back to them "You've been the best thing to ever happen to our daughter, no offense to Larry of course." I chuckled "We have grown to truly love you as our own, and with what happened to your parents all those years ago, we thought maybe you'd like to have some of your own again. If you feel it's to soon, or aren't exactly looking to have us as your parents, we will understand." They smiled at her so warmly, and I looked over to her. She was in tears, and she was looking between them and the papers. Seconds later, she got up and nearly tackled them off the couch in a hug. They comforted her as she cried. "Thank much. This means a lot to me, of course I'm saying yes. I can truly call Alice my sister, and get to call you amazing people my parents!" I felt myself starting to cry, and as I looked around the room, everyone else had tears in their eyes.

Best graduation day ever.

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