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Taehyung peeked inside the operation theatre in curiousity.

He is mad on his parents, he told them a million times to not give him a sibling, still they are doing it and he hates it.

His friends told him how irritating siblings are, how they take everything from you; toys, snacks, gadgets, room, peace and love.

Also he is just 9, he doesn't need a sibling right now.

He looked at his father, who was with his mother inside holding her hand.

His mother was screaming and crying a lot, just because of that upcoming sibling.

His father says that he will never let his mom cry and here he is watching her cry.

Then he looked at the person holding him in their arms, his uncle.

"Namjoon uncle, my parents listen to everything i say then why are they still giving me a sibling"

Taehyung said with a pout and namjoon chuckled.

"Because baby they can't undo it", Namjoon said.

Namjoon is seokjin's younger brother and only sibling.

"I don't know whoever it is but i will hate him/her for sure", Taehyung said.

"You know your father used to think the same about me, then he became the one who loved me the most. He always cooked, cleaned and did all the work for me, he became my second mom", Namjoon laughed a little remembering his childhood.

Then the red light of O.T switched to white and the door opened revealing doctors and Seokjin with mild tears in his eyes.

Namjoon looked at him in a questionable look and Seokjin nodded with a smile.

Namjoon smiled too while Taehyung was confused.

"Can we meet our angel ?", Namjoon said but seokjin shook his head.

"Not Angel, Angels. Serin has gave birth to twins; a boy and a girl and yes you can meet them", Seokjin said and the smile on Namjoon's face grew brighter.

Namjoon ran inside the room and looked at his sister-in-law with his niece and nephew beside her.

Both kids were adorable and gorgeous, handsome and beautiful just like their parents.

"Hey little Angels, I am namjoon your uncle", He waved at them a little with his free hand.

Taehyun, still in Namjoon's arms, was just looking at one of them, the one whose eyes were still closed.

He moved a little and touched her cheeks, then her head with little hair on it then her nose and then her lips.

He liked how soft and smooth pink-ish her skin was, how soft her little hair was and her cheeks were all red like someone coloured them red. she looked like his favorite fruit, strawberry.

"Mom what's this little thingy",he asked.

Everyone in the room laughed including his mom, she got up sitting on the bed and answered.

"That thing is your sister tae-tae", she exclaimed.

"Her cheeks are so red and fluffy and her hair... they're so soft. She smells so sweet and looks like a strawberry, My favorite Strawberry!", Taehyung exclaimed in excitement.

"But she is a human Taehyung", Namjoon said.

" favourite Strawberry like human", he giggled and everyone laughed again thinking he is joking.


The babies were named in the hospital, the boy's name is Taeyang and the girl's name is Yn.

Taehyung till now always admired Y/n and didn't pay even a little attention to Taeyang.

He played with Y/n the whole day and didn't even take a look at Taeyang.

His family found it weird and let it be thinking that Taehyung will soon start adoring Taeyang too.

But it has been 6 years, the kids were both 6 now and 15 year old Taehyung still gives all his love and attention to Y/n.

Right now, Taehyung was making milk for both his siblings, he made Y/n's milk carefully with accurate amount of sugar and making sure it is lukewarm, warm enough for Y/n to drink comfortably.

While he didn't pay much attention to Taeyang's milk and poured the leftover hot milk in his glass.

He gave them their glasses and Y/n finished her milk in a second while Taeyang made a disgusted face at the glass.

It had a thin layer of cream on top of it and Taehyung hated cream.

He told Taehyung that he doesn't want to drink it but Taehyung forced him giving Y/n's example.

Taeyang hated Y/n because Taehyung loved her more therefore always wanted to do better than her, so he drank that extremely hot milk and the cream on top of it too.

After drinking it, he ran to the bathroom to vomit because of the cream he drank, Taehyung was disappointed on him again.

He dragged Taeyang out of the bathroom and took him to school with him even when Taeyang refused saying that his stomach hurts.

In school, Taeyang again vomited so the teacher called his parents, they took him to the hospital.

The doctor said that Taeyang oesophagus and stomach burnt a little because of the hot milk and also he vomited because of drinking the cream which harmed his oesophagus more.

Seokjin and Serin were horrified seeing their 6 year old kid lying on the hospital bed unconscious.

They asked Taehyung and he told them the truth, they were obviously furious at him.

They restricted him from being close to Taeyang and Y/n.

Taehyung became restless after being away from Y/n so he did the unexpected.

He ran away from his parents house with Y/n, to keep her with him forever...

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