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Taehyung stumbled into his house, still thinking about Yoongi

He walked in the kitchen hoping to see Seokjin cooking another mischef.
But what he saw shocked him to the core.

"Oppa!", Y/n said jumping on him.

Saying he was shocked would not comprehend Taehyung's emotions, a sting of fear engulfed his mind as a list of terrible possibilities of why Y/n was there moved through his brain.

"Hey Tae, The school bus dropped Y/n here in the morning, and I would say you have raised my daughter marvelously." Seokjin spoke as Taehyung looked at Y/n gripping him tightly.

"Oppa", And this time this voice was much lower and almost a whisper, he knew something was wrong.


"So Yoongi hyung dropped you here." Taehyung asked as Y/n nodded.

"He said you were missing me a lot.", Y/n whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"What are you Y/n ?! A kid or what! Even a kid would have understood that if she is told to only leave the house when I say, its means only my order!", Taehyung shouted holding his head, only God knows how he will save her from Seokjin now.

But Y/n cries moistened his eyes too.

"I am sorry Strawberry.", He hugged sobbing Y/n, "Don't be, Oppa..it-it's my fault, but I really couldn't sleep thinking what would have happened to you, and when Yoongi Oppa said you have a fever, I-I just.."

Taehyung hugged her tighter, "Shh it's okay, Strawberry, It's fine."


"Taehyung-shii, You thought that I wouldn't find her. Remember who is the Dad here, Ofcourse me.", Seokjin swinged on the swing kept in his balcony, smiling and smirking to himself as he took sips of his favourite wine time to time.

"And now it is time to expose the biggest character of this game", He smiled calling someone.


"Liko, ah you-you are awake.. Doctor! Doctor!", Jungkook shouted on seeing his love open her eyes finally after two days.

And Liko became a survivor of Yoongi's cruelty eventually.

"I am sorry Li, I am very sorry", Jungkook cried in her arms as Liko comforted him.

"I am Sorry kookie, I should have given my time to you, I should have been the one curing your anger issues but I-I was too focused on myself to be noticing your pain, I am sorry." Liko said.

The couple cried all their miseries and worries to each other, and at the end finally united again.

"Li-ahh, I am never going to leave you again.", Jungkook kissed Liko as she replied with same passion.


"Tada! I present my greatest invention to princess Y/n.",

Seokjin presented his special dish, White Kimchi Ravioli, which he learnt from a K-Drama as Y/n giggled.

(Guess which K-Drama I am taking about.)

Taehyung didn't tell her that this man is her father, yet. Because he wanted to keep her away from any tension or any depressing thought as he already told her how his father was, half of it but still.

And Seokjin, Taehyung told him that Y/n has difficulty remembering things and due to the last accident, it may be harmful to introduce such a important person of her life to her in a sudden so first he has to make a comfortable atmosphere with her.

Not like Seokjin doesn't understand why Taehyung said that, but still he agreed.

So now, Seokjin is another uncle of Y/n's.

"Yumm, it is delicious." Y/n praised him as Seokjin gave his alpaca laugh of pride.

Meanwhile Taehyung was beside Y/n eating the food burning in jealousy but the food was tasty so he was enjoying it too, and praised Seokjin by secretly glaring at him.

That's when the doorbell rang shutting his mouth and his alpaca laugh as Seokjin fell on the ground along with his chair due to laughing to much on his own dad jokes.

"I will go and open it.", Taehyung stood up from his chair. Opening the door was just an excuse, in reality Taehyung wanted to go to a place where he can laugh his heart out on how Seokjin landed on his butt while laughing like a horse.

After laughing all the way to the door, Taehyung opened the door which
shut his giggling too.

After laughing all the way to the door, Taehyung opened the door whichshut his giggling too

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"Excuse me, Is this the house Kim Taehyung ?"


Soobin ✨💁❤️


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