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Taehyung's pov

I looked at Y/n and Soobin, sorry, Taeyang play in the garden. One can't imagine how shocked I was when I got to know such a handsome genius young boy was my own brother.

I had to confess, I did mistreat him. And I apologised the night he came to our house straight away because I knew I was wrong, I was child that time who could barely differentiate between wrongs and rights. Basically the only right thing I knew was caring for Y/n. And I do feel guilty for doing that to him without his fault.

But now seeing Y/n and her twin bond together makes my vessels boil. I don't know why but I don't think I can handle him being around her too much. Y/n told me how she met him on Omegle and I felt a bit frustrated at Jungkook for not telling me about it. But I can't do anything, Jungkook is himself not in the state to interact. I feel like everything is gradually falling off my vision and at the same time it's feels like an unknown puzzle is slowly but steadily being completed.

Seokjin told me how much of a good son Taeyang is, I know he did that to light up a spark of guilt and jealousy in me. And that spark did lightened but it was all about my siblings and not that bastard's words. I don't give a damn about him and his tricks of becoming a normal father. I do not care.

However, I still feel the need to keep away Taeyang from Y/n and myself.

Today they told me that they wanted to visit the amusement park. Y/n has been taking about it since ages, but all this chaos never let us have that fun, but now that her twin is back. She wants to go there and I didn't decline.
After all, my strawberry's wishes matter.

I agreed to take them there but Taeyang said that he wants to give his sister a treat and would like to have siblings time. I know he is now a considerably native in Korea but again, I don't seem to be imagining leaving him alone with Y/n. So I decided to join them anyway.

"Oppa! I am hungry!! Let's eat something.", Y/n came running to me and held my hand, I gave her the towel I had for her to give after her little football match with Taeyang. "Ofcourse strawberry, let's eat some strawberry as you don't like the artificial flavored icecream." I purposely and with affection pecked her head as she happily came in.

I felt it. As expected I felt an unrecognisable glare. I suppose Taeyang, no I am sure Taeyang gave me that.

I know he is fishy.


Y/n's pov.

I still can't believe it, that the stranger I met is my own brother. I felt it though, I felt I knew him from before but I still couldn't process it.

When uncle Seokjin told us this, I was surprised. But I accepted it. I know Oppa never told me about him that much, let it alone. He didn't even mention it, but Tae Oppa does everything for a reason and I know this has one too.

I ate the icecream Taeyang Oppa bought us, I call him Oppa too because even though he is my age, he is already too responsible and is earning. I am very proud of a brother like him.

My both brothers turned out to be extremely handsome, I could see girls looking back at Taeyang Oppa just like they do with Taehyung Oppa. I believe they are genetics, ofcourse they are.

"Y/n-ahh, let's get some candy floss too.", he said as he held my hand taking to the closest shop.

"Tae Tae Oppa loves Candy floss, I wish he didn't have to go this early. I wanted to spend time with both of my-", I was about to complete the sentence but Taeyang Oppa gave me the candy floss.

"Shush, it's fine. Oppa got work, but don't be sad. We will still enjoy hmm.", He patted my head.

I could still see girls looking at him but till now he paid absolute zero attention to them. Too bad, some of them were pretty. I pouted indulging in my thoughts. Taeyang Oppa snapped twice infront of me.

"What's up, Y/n-iee ? Haiyaa live in the moment gurl.", I giggled on his usage of slangs as he giggled too, along with me.

"Let's go.", He again held my hand taking me to another ride, and just like that we took rides after rides and ended up inside the Ferris wheel at last. As the giant wheel rotated I realised how I, for a complete minute, forgot about Taehyung Oppa. I guess it's the Tae vs Tae effect.

"Y/n-iee, Did you enjoy today?", he patted my head again as I nodded.

"I enjoyed a lot.", I said.

He smiled and pecked my cheeks.

I swear I did find that weird but I ignored it as he is a new brother, and Taehyung Oppa did peck me too but rarely on my cheek. It was mostly on my forehead.

I shrugged that feeling off, enjoying the glorious moment again.


A man in black leathers drived around on his bike, and flew like an eagle on earth with confidence gliding in his orbs.

He stopped on a corner, perfectly parking his bike to the corner and took out his phone.

"Let's take the final step now. Before that idiot gets to know about us, we should be done with our plan.", Saying he put down his phone.

"I waited too long, sweetheart. Let's take you permanently now."

He put on his helmet, and started his bike again.


Do tell me how was the chapter and your opinions, that would be really appreciated. And tell me if I am making mistakes, I would surely learn from them if you did.

I won't be putting vote goals anymore, however I would update by my schedule as writing is a hobby right now and I have a life to live too, I hope it's understandable.

Winters are here, keep yourselves warm everyone and keep yourself hyderated.

Warm and cozy winters to everyone ❤️❄️

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