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Some door opened with a loud voice. And someone entered the room who was shook seeing what his assistant was going to do with Y/n.

He pushed him, and looked at Y/n who was crying by now.

He started punching his assistant till his face was full of blood, then took out his gun and shot him. The gunshot made Y/n flinch and she fainted because of the shock.

He came closer to her patting her cheeks, "Sweetheart, Y/n listen. You can't faint right now baby", he sprinkled water on her face but she didn't wake up. He screamed in fury and shot his dead assistant two more times.

He shouldn't have left Y/n in his hands, he should have been more careful. He also knows what type of men are in his team, he is disappointed with himself.

He picked up Y/n in his arms, If he took her to the hospital he will have to inform her registered family which is Taehyung, it's a rule. But right now he wants Y/n to be alive and healthy, he can't risk her life.

"Sorry sweetheart, I couldn't take you with me because of this mistake. But don't worry baby, next time you will come to me with your own will", He pecked her forehead and ran out.


Taehyung looked at Y/n, who was unconscious lying on the hospital bed.

He fell on his knees and held her hand, he can't believe that Y/n is in this condition.He wanted to find her but definitely not like this.

Her put his head on her hands and started crying, the doctor told him and Y/n is paralyzed. Maybe permanently. And her mental health has became worst which caused her to become extremely weak. Means she won't be able to walk or do anything.

He got to know that a nearby village's farmer dropped her here saying he found her unconscious in the jungle. He was also told that Y/n's clothes were all torn. Though she wasn't assaulted but he can't even imagine how scary all of that would have been for her.

"I am so sorry strawberry, i couldn't protect you like i promised", He feels terrible. Y/n is with him but knowing what all she has faced is making him feel worst about himself.

"O-Oppa", He looked up to see Y/n looking at him, they both made eye contact with tears in their eyes. He hugged her and she hugged him back, "I am sorry strawberry", They cried in eachother's arms.

"It's okay oppa, atleast i am with you now, that's enough",She said, her tears were staining Taehyung shirt and his tears stained her hospital gown, but they cared less.

"Taehyung", Hoseok came inside with Jimin and Jungkook with him.

He looked at Y/n, then again at Taehyung," We found Yoongi hyung but...He is in a coma now. There was a huge wound on his head but it was treated", Y/n remembers the glass vase breaking on Yoongi's head, she knew it would happen.

She started crying again, "Oppa, it's all my fault i am so sorry", Taehyung patted her back while mumbling 'It's okay' in her ears.


Y/n looked at her house, the image she last saw of it still horrifies her. Yoongi's blood splashed all over the wall still is clear in her memory.

Taehyung moved the wheelchair and made her sit on the couch, she felt suffocated in her own home. So, she asked him to bring him out and he did.
She feels comfortable below the calm shadow of the tree.

"Y/n-ahh, Is it really you ?", A man with buff body kneeled down infront of her, it was Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at Taehyung, kind of asking permission to introduce himself and he nodded, "I am yours uncle",

Uncle ? Y/n remembers the twin and family thing but she doesn't want to ask Taehyung right now. Her mind needs some time to get back in a normal state to know more about her past.
And right now, she wants nothing but to think that everything is normal and she never got kidnapped.

"Hello Uncle", She spoke with a light smile, Namjoon smiled back and patted her cheek before standing up.

She stared at Namjoon and Taehyung talking, they were talking normally and looked fine with eachother. She is happy that atleast there is someone from their family who cares about them.

She just wants to ignore the fact that she is paralyzed now and wants to live normally like she did before.

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