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"Yoongi Hyung! It was you!", Hoseok exclaimed.

Yes, It was Yoongi. All this time, that betrayer was him, and not Jimin. Yes, Jimin did became disloyal to Taehyung a lot of times but other than that, he is innocent.

Another proof for this, He is tied just beside Hoseok, all beaten up and covered in blood of other victims of Yoongi.

Yoongi smirked, "Aww my lovebird, wailing for your little cheater. Actually you were a great couple, but how can you be with someone else when you belong to my cage birdie."

"So I banished that witch who was trying to steal my birdie.", He laughed like a maniac he is.

But soon his gummy laugh was again replaced with a smirk as his hands reached his pockets taking out a gun.

" Now time for this little chicken to be banished too, idiot caught me and now will loose his life." He was about to shoot when.

"Stop. Right. There.", The police officers entered the room.

" what the-"

"Caught you, red handed hyung!", Jungkook exclaimed and came inside along with Taehyung.

" Did you think of my skills as a joke hyung", Jungkook said while the police handcuffed Yoongi.

But Yoongi started laughing like a maniac, again.

"You saved me but what about your Liko, kiddo", he laughed as Jungkook's eyes widened.

" Alright, let me do you a favour. She is upstairs taking her last breathes. Go spend some quality time, kiddo."

Jungkook rushed upstairs followed by two police officers while the others choose to stay there helping injured Jimin and Hoseok.

There was Liko, lying in a pool of blood.

Trying her best to keep up, fighting with death...


"I am so sorry Liko", Jungkook said to the unconscious girl lying on the hospital bed, fortunately she is alive.

He kissed her hand, and held it softly.

While, Taehyung was with Jimin and Hoseok.

" We are sorry Jimin-ah, sorry for neglecting you." Taehyung said.

"Don't be sorry hyung, This is our worst nightmare. Yoongi hyung was the reason my love died, he was the reason of Y/n's kidnapping, he was the reason of everything wrong that happened with us. I can't believe it."
Jimin cried slowly, resting his head on the hospital bed.

None of them could believe that there brother like friend, betrayed them like this and turned out to be a serial killer.


Taehyung was in the police station to submit an official statement against Yoongi as everyone else were injured and Jungkook was busy taking care of them, after all Jungkook was heartbroken too.

He stood before Yoongi, "You killed Baekhyun too, didn't you?  I saw you clearly at the hospital room door that day, and I regret thinking of that as a misunderstanding and doubting Jimin."

Yoongi smirked. No guilt at his face, not at all.

"And do you think it's over ? Aww not yet bro, the hell for you is still waiting for you. The dark time of others was limited, but you...a whole era of darkness is waiting..for you", He smirked and sat down on his seat there.

" And what makes you think I will let that happen, hyung." Taehyung left.

Deep inside his heart, he is scared too of what the future holds further for him.


Short chapter again..

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