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Taehyung's point of view

I put sleeping Y/n on my bed before coming out and closing the door. I will give Y/n my room now as it has much safer than any other room I could think of.

Now, I don't find my own house safe.

"Hyung, you found her." Taeyang came to me, "Hmm." I nodded.

I felt extreme anger at Taeyang for losing Y/n, but at the same time I knew Namjoon will take his next step, and he is the same age as Y/n.

A mere teenager.

So, he isn't at fault.

"Where is Dad ?", I asked.

"In his room. He has been there since morning." He said and I nodded again before leaving.


"Breaking news, the supreme idol Kim Namjoon turned out to be a p3dophile, who kidnapped a 16 year old in Japan. Currently companies are cancelling their contracts with him and he soon will be back to Korea to be submitted to Korean police."

The news reporter spoke before Seokjin turned off the television.

"So you caught him ? Well. It threatens me.. exactly how good my kids are.",

Seokjin said as soon as he sensed Taehyung in his room.

"You're next, father."

"There is no need son", Seokjin got up from his seat before putting a suitcase on his bed.

He packed his stuff, Taehyung stared at him while he did so.

"I came here to find Y/n, otherwise my dear brother would have killed me because of the deal I made with him ages ago.. Just like he poisoned your mother. And I love my life.", He said.

Taehyung eyes widened, though he expected that his mother was killed.

"I know you remember the deal, I saw you peeking into my study room that day. I knew you did catch him, that is why I took slow steps.", He continued.

"However, now that you have gotten rid of that Namjoon. I do not have anything to do here, afterall you took Taeyang from me too.", Seokjin said.

"So you knew it ?", Taehyung asked as he sighed.

"I saw him, confessing everything to you yesterday night. How Namjoon asked him to continue the final plan.Yes, he was in the team with Namjoon at first. But that poor kid is innocent, Namjoon made him do all that because he was intelligent and he did, because he wanted to meet you and his twin. Even after all you did to him, he still wanted to live with his brother and sister. Take care of him, he is..a pure soul indeed." He spoke before picking up his suitcase.

" I am leaving and will never see you all again. I know you're an excellent brother. Take care of Taeyang and Y/n, I do not need to say that though. I was a bad father, bad husband, bad brother too. I can't change that. But maybe I still have time to be a little better human. Goodbye Tae Tae, and find yourself a wife.", Seokjin said and gave Taehyung a tight hug before leaving the room.

Taehyung had years in his eyes, for the first time. His father gave him a geniune hug.

Seokjin entered Taehyung's room, where Y/n was still sleeping along with Taeyang how came to take care of her but fell asleep.

He pecked both his children's forehead, he too had tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye, my dears. May God keep you all away from my bad deeds, and give you all everything that you deserved and I couldn't give. Appa is sorry and loves you all. Your eomma did too. Goodbye.",

Seokjin said and finally took his leave from Taehyung's house.


"So he left ?", Taeyang said entering the kitchen.

"Hmm. Maybe we never see him again.", Taehyung served him a bowl of curry and rice.

Taeyang ate a spoonful, but ended up with tears himself. Not because it was spicy, but because his dad made it.

"Appa made a lot for us before leaving. Maybe it was the last delicious meal we eat of his, Enjoy it Yang. He made a lot, eat as much as you want. Just leave a little for Y/n",

Again tears entered Taehyung's eyes as he hugged Taeyang receiving a tighter hug.

"Why ? Hyung. Why we didn't get a happy family. With our parents.", Taeyang spoke moving his head. Maybe in denial of his fate.

"I don't know that too, Yang. But all I know is that, only we are eachother family. No one else will come my boy. No one.", Taehyung gently patted his head.

They had their brother movement while Y/n looked at them, standing behind the wall. Also crying.

She was sad for not getting the normal happy family like everyone. But at the same time, she looked at her brothers feeling grateful for having them.

Feeling grateful for having siblings, how loved eachother more than anything.

The Kim siblings shared their misery while outside their home, the wind flew calmly as the moon took the sun's place.

Like peace has finally entered their messed up lives.

But there was someone who still craved someone on whom he could lean on.

Hoseok sat on the bench looking at the flying leaves, while his heart was crying. Crying for the one he lost, crying for the one he could never meet again.

But suddenly he heard crying too, not coming from his heart, but from somewhere near.

Hoseok ran towards the voice, just to find a huge basket under a mango tree.

There was a cloth on it, he removed it and found two little babies. Maybe they were twins.

It was the month of December, extremely cold. He quickly put his jacket and wrapped those two babies in it.

When he picked them up, he found a note on that basket.

He took it with one hand and went back in his car.


After Hoseok carefully fed the babies and put them to sleep. He opened the note.

I know. I know I am a bad mother for doing this to my own kids. But I am compelled to do this. A week ago, I lost my husband. I loved him with my whole heart, and without him, I was going insane. I was afraid, I had self harm thoughts but I was scared what if I hurt my kids. I am a bad mother mother, but I am compelled. Now, I am leaving them to fate. By the time you read this..I maybe dead. but whoever is reading this please, take care of my kids. Please. A mother begs you.

Hoseok completed reading.

He understood this feeling, this feeling of wanting to die after losing someone you love so much.

He looked back at the kids, he decided to keep them and raise them. He knows how hard it was for Taehyung and Y/n. These little humans are at no fault. They deserve a good childhood.

They were twins, two little boys.

He sat beside them, " Jung Mang-Hyun and Mang-Shin. My little babies." He patted them soundly.

Maybe this is what God planned for him. Maybe this is his fate.



Actually I was planning to kill Jin by an accident but decided not to, I am already traumatized with Ryu Si-o's death.

Everything is coming to an end. So much different from how it all started. But I love this. I love how it's going.

By the way, How are you all doing?

Take care of yourselves, you all are precious.

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