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Jungkook and Hoseok were here in this street, where Namjoon was shooting another advertisement.

Though people usually aren't interested in advertisement shooting but Namjoon is more popular than other models, also because he has worked in some K-dramas too so he is really famous. Hoseok was getting bored while Jungkook was busy clicking pictures of Namjoon, he was reading a book in the Ad, people weren't allowed to click pictures but they still broke the rules and took them secretivly including Jungkook.

"Cut", the director said and Namjoon stood up.

He dropped his book down and Jungkook picked it up and returned it to him. "Thank you", Namjoon said and looked at the Polaroid camera in his hands.

"You won't be able to leak my pictures with a Polaroid camera", Jungkook frowned on Namjoon's words.

"Who said i want to leak them ? I will put them in my collection.", Jungkook is a fan of Namjoon since starting, basically he likes the vibes every shoot of him gives. Namjoon is his style.

Namjoon chuckled, "You seem a interesting and respectful fan", he said and ruffled his hair.

"Thank you, Hyung", Jungkook knows korean well since he spent his childhood in Korea. Namjoon was suprised as he was leaving so turned around.

"Kookie let's leave, Taehyung is calling us", Hoseok came out from the crowd and took Jungkook with him, "Taehyung ?", He asked but by this time they had already left.


Jungkook pinched Jimin's cheek, "I can't believe this mochi looking guy can be this evil", he said.

They all forgave Jimin because he apologized and looked sorry, he wanted to prove his parents that he is capable of living his life by himself thus wanted the company as a proof. He said that he was going to return Taehyung the company after his parents see him as the CEO.
So, they all forgave him easily but Jungkook, he will tease Jimin for the rest of his life.

Taehyung sighed and threw his phone, now another problem is here with him, he doesn't even know how Namjoon got his address and he is coming here.

Obviously he can't meet Namjoon, he will definitely try to take him back to Korea or inform his parents about him and he can't let Y/n and himself in the same terrible house again.

"I am leaving", He stood up and left.

"Is he still mad ?", Jimin pouted, he is still naive from inside.

"No, he is just stressed.", Hoseok said.


"Why are you here ?", Taehyung said, he is seeing his uncle after 9 whole years and it's the first thing he is speaking.

"Taehyung, atleast give me a hug", Namjoon said, he had tears in his eyes and Taehyung's eyes also got wet.

They hugged eachother.

"I missed you, my son", Namjoon loves Taehyung alot, Most of his childhood Taehyung spent was with only Namjoon's love. His absent parents never gave him any.

"Me too, Joon uncle", Namjoon's heart beated with calmness on hearing this nickname after years.

"I understand Joon uncle that you love me alot, but you have to leave. Y/n is in danger and i can't let the old danger come back", He said and Namjoon nodded.

"I know Tae, that she is in a huge danger, and i even know who that danger is", Namjoon sighed while Taehyung's eyes widened.



Serin took Y/n in her arms, "her fever is over now", Seokjin said ashe came into their bedroom.

"Yeah, i was so scared. She is my life and her life being in danger made me realise that", She smiled looking at Y/n's smile.

"Her dimples remind me of Namjoon alot, sometimes i think she is his daughter", Seokjin hugged Serin from behind and he could clearly feel her heart stop for a second then start beating again, oh how much he wishes for that heart to stop forever.

Seokjin tried to pick Y/n up, but she kicked him. He groaned, and Serin laughed.
Her laughter irritates him now.

"You know baby, Namjoon-ah used to kick me the same way when he was her age", He said and Serin stopped laughing.

She wants Namjoon to call his kids his, but she knows what kind of a person Seokjin is.
When they were newly married, he started using her as a s3x slave, giving her attention only when he wanted her. He verbally assaulted her, and made her mental health shit.
That's why she hated Taehyung, because for her he was a proof of her suffering caused by Seokjin so she started taking out that suffering on Taehyung.

When Namjoon got to know about it, he started comforting Serin as a friend and slowly they became more than friends.
But then one day, Seokjin was early to home and caught Namjoon and Serin together, but he kept quiet and didn't say anything to them because he was cheating on Serin at that time too. But when his girlfriend left him and Serin got pregnant, he suddenly wanted to be a good father and forgive Serin but then he got to know that those kids aren't his. Now, he wants revenge.

"I am going to feed Taeyang", Serin said and left, Seokjin stared at Y/n sleeping and caressed her cheek.

"Such a cute kid, i never knew sins can be this beautiful", He poked her cheeks.

"But still you're a sin, a terrible sin", He glared at her and then left.


Y/n opened her eyes but all she could see was black, because of the blindfolds.

"You woke up strawberry...", Y/n's breath stopped, it's Taehyung's given nickname but not his voice.

She could feel fingers touching her lips, then caressing her cheeks then poking them.

"Still the same, you haven't changed even a little bit, oh wait you have boobs and hips now. You have changed and became beautiful as well as sexy", Y/n felt disgusted on this person's words.

She would have kicked him hard if her legs were open.

"Hmm now that you're finally here, why not play a little with you", She gulped her saliva when she felt hands on her top's bands, removing it.

But before that person could remove it fully, some door opened with a loud voice.

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