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It was night time. Serin came in kids room to check on Taeyang, Y/n was in the crib beside him and Taehyung was sleeping on his bed.

She adjusted Taeyang's blanket and took a glance at Y/n who was shivering.

Serin frowned and touched Y/n forehead, Y/n had pretty high fever. She quickly picked up Y/n and called Seokjin meanwhile Taehyung and Taeyang got up because of the noise.

Taeyang started crying, Taehyung expected Serin to come back to Taeyang but she ignored him and ran out with Y/n in her arms.

"What happened baby?", Seokjin asked.

"Y/n! She has f-fever, take out the car, fast!", She said and Seokjin ran out, followed by her, Namjoon and Taehyung with Taeyang in his arms.


They were out of the hospital room while Serin and a doctor were inside with Y/n.

Taehyung looked at Serin from the room's window, for the first time he noticed tears in her eyes and they were for Y/n, who she hated.

Doctor came out, "Don't worry, Y/n got fever because of her recent vaccination", She said.

"But it's been 1 month since we got her vaccinated!", Namjoon said, he was anxious for Y/n because ofcourse she is his daughter.

"Yes but sometimes it happens; vaccine shows side-effects after a long time too", She said and walked away.

"I will go and pay the bills", Seokjin said and left while Namjoon and Taehyung went inside to see Serin holding Y/n in her arms, they could sense the positive feeling of mother's love.

Today when Serin found her 4 years old daughter burning in fever, she realised how precious her every kid is to her.

She realised what is motherhood meanwhile Taehyung realised what is a mother, for the first time in his life he saw her care about anything other than money.

"That's it, from now the kids will sleep in my room, i can't let them be alone", Serin said and Taehyung ran into her arms, and for the first time she hugged Taehyung back.

Namjoon was happy to see this beautiful change in her.


Seokjin gave extra money to the doctor, he bribed her to keep her mouth shut about Y/n's health report.

He is the reason for her fever,he wanted to kill Y/n to see Namjoon in pain, but because of  Serin his plan failed.

He doesn't know how this change came into her but he will find another way to make her's and Namjoon's life hell.

Flashback ends.


"Taehyung what are you doing here ?", Jimin said, but got a punch from Taehyung.

"You Rascal, i treated you as my brother and you ? You blackmailed me in the name of Y/n", He kicked Jimin.

"What are you talking about ?"

Taehyung threw some envelopes, he collected these blackmailing letters , ofcourse he knows what kind of words only Park Jimin uses. He knows him more than Jimin knows himself.

"Now tell me where is Y/n ?!", He punched him again.

"The fuck are you saying? Yes i blackmailed you but do you think i will have the nerve to kidnap Y/n when i know you can kill anyone who hurts her without a second thought", he said and Taehyung got scared, if Jimin didn't kidnap her than is the the person he suspected since the start.

If it is actually him, then he has to find Y/n as soon as possible.


Jungkook was trying to hack someone but instead hacked an unreleased advertisement of BottegaVeneta.

"Woahhh! Thighs...", Jungkook said and Hoseok was working in his laptop beside him frowned.

Hoseok peeked in Jungkook's laptop and watched the advertisement, "Famous Korean model Kim Namjoon is in to Japan to do shoot for the BottegaVeneta, as he is the new brand ambassador", he read it then hit Jungkook.

"Ouch, Hyung!", Jungkook whined.

"What hyung ? Here is Taehyung so worried and tensed and you're looking at a model thighs",

"Aigoo, so what huh ? Can't i even enjoy a bit after working non-stop for 2 damn days", Jungkook pouted.

Hoseok sighed, he is right. Jungkook hasn't even smiled once since Y/n and Yoongi are missing.

"Okay do want to visit Kim Namjoon during his shoot ?", He asked and Jungkook stood up, "Really? Woah Thank you hyung, You're the best !", He jumped while Hoseok smiled.

Atleast he can give the Maknae a little break.


Namjoon came out of the airport with his bodyguards guarding him, well ofcourse the big body with big brain has alot of fans.

"Hyung, Can you stop calling me ? Please atleast don't interfere in my career", he talked with Seokjin on his phone because Seokjin still acts like a mother to him but he is sick of it now.

He threw his phone in the van and sat inside, it is all going to be a waste if he doesn't finds Taehyung here.

He accepted the Japan tour just to find Taehyung.


I have fever so i gave it to my characters too-

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