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"Y/n, i know that you have a crush on me", she stopped on his words.

Y/n looked back at Jimin who was looking down at the floor.

"I saw it long ago, the day you were talking about this to your online friend", He said.

"But how- Did you hack my phone oppa ?!", She asked.

"Not only your phone, but all the devices of your are hacked on the orders of Taehyung, even your School's computer which has your data in it but that isn't the topic now", he said and got down from the table.

"I want you", he said, "to get over me, i look at you as my sister Y/n", he said and Y/n nodded looking down in embarrassment.

He smiled and patted her head, "Don't worry, let's forget about this and everything will be normal", he said and left.

"How can Oppa do this to me ? Seriously hacking my gadgets", Y/n thought.


"Strawberry", Taehyung cooed and entered his head in her room, but found no one.

He came inside and found someone under the blanket, "Omo baby, What are you doing under the blanket in spring?"

He said and hugged the blanket, he took off the covers and kissed the person's cheek who was under the blanket, then opened his eyes just to find Jungkook sitting there.

"Hyung ?!", Jungkook said and pushed Taehyung off him, "eww", he said rubbing his cheeks.

"Jk ? Why are you here ? Where is Y/n ?", Taehyung asked.

"We were playing hide & seek hyung ? Eww you just took my first kiss", He said.

"Shut up, i didn't even touch your lips", Taehyung replied.

"Oh so you were planning to touch my lips too", Jungkook said and Taehyung threw a nearby slipper on his face.

But it landed on Hoseok's face who just came out from behind the bed, laughing.

The slipper stopped his laughing though.

"Ahh, that's why i told you all to not play anything, we could have just slept", Yoongi came out from where he was hiding.

By this time, Hoseok was chasing Taehyung with the same slipper in his hands and Taehyung ran out, he saw Y/n in the living room and hid behind her.

"Strawberry, please save oppa", he said and Y/n hugged him protectively.

"Yahh sunshine, don't hit my winter bear, he is innocent no matter what he does", Y/n said giggling and Hoseok stopped.

But someone felt bad, he wanted to hear these words for himself.

"Ok ok stop this, Yoongi hyung! Please cook something i am so hungry", Jungkook said and dragging Yoongi in the kitchen.

"Why do i have to babysit these kids ?", Yoongi thought whining.


"Oppa ?", Y/n said and Taehyung hummed.

"How were mom and dad ?", She asked, she doesn't remember how they were and wanted to know it.

Taehyung doesn't like to hear their name from her mouth, but decided to answer.

"Our mom, Kim Serin, she was a gorgeous woman. She was a good wife and a good lawyer ,but not a very good mother", Taehyung said, he stopped working on his laptop now.

"Every morning, she sent me school and then i came back to no one waiting for me, i cooked for myself, did all of my work by myself since i was 4, i used to make alot of mistakes because i wasn't taught how to do chores", He said.

"None of my parents ever visited my school except when they wanted to complain about my low grades, Especially our dad, Kim Seokjin, he was a great man  but never cared about anything other than grades and pride, they always said they love me but none of them ever hugged me", His eyes were wet by now, but he didn't cry.

"Our Uncle Namjoon, he was the only one who behaved with me like i am a human not a robot, but he also visited us once in a blue moon", he spoke silently," she used to abuse me in the absence of dad, physically as well as verbally, just because i never knew how to do the chores but that can't be a reason to abuse a kid",

"Once she burnt me with a lighter just because i didn't do the dishes, and told dad that it was my mistake, he too hit me because of that for the first time", He had a bit of anger in his eyes now," She made me a bratty bad person infront of all the people who used to give me affection, she didn't like to see me happy, she never did. Soon even i stopped caring, and got used to her torture",

"But then you came Y/n, like they say; a ray of hope. They were expecting a boy but you came unexpectedly. Though dad loved you but again she didn't, she never took care of you like she did with me. Your got the same fate as me. So, i took your responsibility from her and took care of you, i felt attached to you because unfortunately your life became relatable to mine, and then the plane crash took place", he said, ending his story of truth with a line of lie.

By this time, Y/n was hugging him while crying, she used to hate God for taking her parents from her and now she is thanking him. She never knew her parents were this terrible.

All of this was truth, there parents were actually like this and Taehyung was afraid that Y/n will have the same childhood as him, that was another reason he ran away.

But he is not scared of his parents anymore, he is just scared of one thing; Y/n leaving him.

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