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Taehyung's pov

I carefully cut down a couple of tomatoes, turns out Taeyang loves tomatoes too. Just like Y/n does.

I stirred up the tomato soup I made, as I grilled some cheese sandwiches. I looked out of my kitchen window to witness the sky dark, as heavy rainfall continued. This is actually a perfect weather to make tomato soup and sandwiches. 

As the meal was prepared, I closed the cooking book he gave me before leaving. It has been a few months since he left all of us, but his memories still force us to call him back. But I can't. The fear of, what if he changed again, haunts me.

I put their plates on the tray as I left for the living room.

"Tada! Taehyung's special rainy meal is here.", I announced as both of them left their work, and took their meals.

"Wahhh it smells so good, Hyung. You cook so well." Taeyang complimented. I smiled, he compliments me more than Strawberry, I love compliments for my cooking.

"No problem Yang. Eat as much as you want.", I said before passing both of them their glasses of water.

"Oppa, let's go out later. I want to see the Christmas decorations. We haven't been out since ages.", Y/n said munching on her sandwiches.

"Nope, we can't Y/n-ni, not until exams are over.", Taeyang said, He is a much matured kid than Y/n.

"He is right Strawberry. let's keep that as a celebration for when you get your results.", I said secretly giggling also with Taeyang on her pouty face.

"Haiyaaa!! You both. You can't laugh on me.", She mumbled before throwing a pillow at Taeyang before he threw one back at her, as they fought like that. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Yahaa, how can you prioritise your fight over my delicious foo-", I said but recieved a pillow on my own face,both of them gulped fearing the consequences.

But recieved one pillow each on their faces as I giggled and ram away from two little monsters, not little actually, chasing me up with mighty pillows.

"Good-Good evening, Sir.", The man said with his usual gloomy expressions.

"Please don't call me Sir, Mr. You're older than me.", I said before giving him a file.

"These are the papers for the orphanages I own. I am freeing you from all my office responsibilities, And I intend on you to take charges for these. I believe that you will do this job best.", I spoke but he fell on his knees.

I know what pain he is feeling now, he lost his son Baekhyun, his only one. Just because of the problems I had to take care of.

"Please don't disapprove, I can't bring Baekhyun back neither can you. But I believe that you will may feel a little better, helping the kids who felt the same as you, vice versa.", I told him giving him the papers.

"Please take control of your life again, I am sure Baekhyun will not feel okay seeing you cry. Please start living again, atleast for your son who wanted for his father to get all the happiness of this world." I said as I left the place.

I dialed a number on my phone on reaching my car, "I am sending you a man's profile. Make sure to keep a look at his life. If in any way, he does something harmful for himself. Inform me.", I hanged up the call.


No one's Pov.

The police station's cell room was set in its usual leisure as everyone was drifted in their dreams at this hour of midnight.

As Namjoon impatiently roamed in his cell, fear of his last plan failing engulfed his heart.

He constantly mumbled stuff, inaudible to anyone near.

"No it can't happen, Yoongi was sent to the sea prison. Life time stay at prison should not come to my doom list. I need to escape, I need to escape.", He said.

"Y/N! It's your fault. Because of you I lost my everything, my fame, my freedom, everything. While you stay harmless. I won't let it be, If I am in the dark, I should drag you along. After all we are meant to be until death does up apart." He smirked.

"Until death does us apart.", He whispered before lying on his bed.

The police station rung up with Alerts as the cops ran towards the celler.

"No! Fck! He escaped. I told you he was one smart bastard. We shouldn't kept an careful eye on him!", An officer shouted.

"Call Mr. Taehyung! I am sure he will go there first. Alert him.", Another said.


Y/n slept soundly, unaware of the quiet opening and closing of her window.

A shadow engulfed in the shades of the room, as she lied on the bed unknown to any danger, glowing in the moonlight.

And then that shadow hovered above her, tieing her hands with a rope. Before tieing her mouth too, but she woke up with a flinch.

"Aww, finally awake hmm.", The same shadow which now seemed clear under the moonlight spoke as Y/n's eyes widened.

It was ofcourse Namjoon.

"C'mon baby, don't tell me you thought I would not come for you.", He said with that devil smirk.

Y/n tried to kick him, but couldn't succeed as he completely dropped his weight on her body making her unable to move.

"Don't. Try. Me. Any. Further.", He held her jaw as tightly as he could, and soon tears welled up in her eyes.

"As much as I love seeing you cry, I can't deny that it's hard to differentiate between your real and fake tears now that I have learnt about your true self, Smart baby.", He finally left her jaw.

This time, Y/n felt real fear.

She tried to make louder sounds with her closed mouth. "Don't worry sweetheart, your sweet brother Taehyung. I already gave him sleeping medicine. Let's take you with me to a world of darkness. How does that sound.", He stood up and put her on his shoulder, moving out of the room.

While Y/n tried and was able to loosen up her mouth, as soon as she did she kicked Namjoon and ran.

"Taehyung Oppa! Taeyang Oppa! HELP! ANYONE HELP ME.", She ran to Taeyang's room, unlocking the door but heard Namjoon's footsteps running behind her, So she ran up the terrace way.

Immediately opening and closing the door she hid behind a huge wall of cartons to keep her away of his sight.

Y/n heard footsteps coming closer, she tried to open her hands faster and finally she could free herself completely.

"Strawberry~", He sang roaming around.

"Strawberry, my baby~~", He sang a Lil louder, she was shivering.

"Boo!", he suddenly came infront of her and she tried to run again.

But he caught her, pinning her down to the floor.

"Strawberry, don't run baby...you know you can't hide from me.", He tightened his hold.

"Shut up! I am not a strawberry, I am a human, a living human!", Y/n mumbled.

"So what ? You're still my strawberry. Mine to keep, mine to eat.", Namjoon said smiling.

And now there was extreme madness visible in his eyes.

"I thought I won't hurt you, but baby I can't let my life get ruined while you keep running. Let's end this. Let's make death let us be apart.", He said taking a piece of broken glass from the trash lying around on the terrace.

"If you can't be mine, you can never be anyone else's.", He held his hand high up, about to stab her when.

Shot! A loud gunshot was heard.

And Namjoon laid dead, on Y/n. As his blood dripped down on her.

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