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Namjoon laid dead, above Y/n, while his blood dripped down on her.

And there on a distance, stood Taeyang with Taehyung's gun in his hand. And he fell on his knees.

While Taeyang sat shocked, Y/n too froze. Namjoon's dead eyes staring at her, and her staring back...


"Sir! We don't think we will be able to save him. He literally killed a celebrity.", The lawyer spoke frustrated.

"What do you mean huh ? Why do I pay you all that ?", Jungkook banged his hands on the table and ran them through his hair.

While Taehyung sat with Taeyang, "Yang, You are not serious right? "

"No hyung. Let me be. Let me go to whatever counseling they are talking about.", Taeyang said.

"They are indirectly sending you to jail, Yang, No! I got you after ages. I am not leaving you alone.", Taehyung stood up.

"Take care of Y/n first, Hyung, She is truamatized. It's mere 12 years, and they're offering me education there. What else is needed", Taeyang spoke as Taehyung sat back.

"12 years aren't less! I can't let you, go away again, I-I can't Yang!", Taehyung hugged Taeyang.

"I can't."


"Oh so you're here ?", Yoongi smirked looking at the adult infront of him.

"Yes. Here. To sacrifice you, because you're of no use. Hyung.", Taehyung spoke.

Yoongi giggled looking at the gun in his hand.

"You. A 25 year old little cutie daring to kill me, captivating. Isn't it.", He mumbled sitting down.

"Do it. If you want, Kill me. I deserve it. My love hates me, it was better before. Atleast he loved me, as a brother. But atleast he did. Now that I am all alone, I see how it is. How worst it is.", Yoongi stared at nothing, sitting hopeless.

"Atleast you regret, Hyung. Nevermind, I will have to kill you. So that they can arrest me instead of my brother.", Taehyung pointed the gun he brought into the prison, by hiding it, and let his last tears for his hyung fall.

"What after that ? Huh. What after that." Yoongi said as Taehyung stopped.

"What do you think will happen to Y/n, your brother who never had a family, what about them ? Stop sacrificing Taehyung. Stop it.", Yoongi stood up.

"So what should I do ? Everything is falling apart I can't do anything.", Taehyung sat on the chair, practically fell on it due to loss of energy.

Yoongi hugged him, suprising him to the core.

"Let me do it. Let me do a last thing for those friends who gave me happiness, for my little sister who called me meow meow.", Yoongi chuckled with tears.

"Let me do it." He mumbled.


As Taehyung saw Yoongi getting outside of the court room, his heart wrenched for his hyung.

He knew he did never see him again. And that was cutting his heart in half. But what he did, then what he did to compensate too much.

Taehyung still doesn't understand how he convinced or manipulated the police into thinking that it was him who shot Namjoon, because he was angry for he got betrayed by Namjoon.

Maybe because no one saw who shot Namjoon.

But all of it still seems too much..

Before entering the police van, Yoongi swayed his hand in a goodbye gesture as he showed his gummy smile for maybe the very last time.

And then, he drove off.

"Meow oppa won't come back.", Y/n mumbled as Taehyung nodded lightly before side hugging both his siblings.


"Oppa, Those stars are people who left us right.", Y/n asked.

Taehyung, Y/n and Taehyung were lying on their terrace, star gazing.

"No pabo, those are just balls of plasma held together by self-gravity.",
Taeyang said as Y/n lightly hit him.

Taehyung laughed on their interaction.

"Yes, Strawberry, maybe.", Taehyung said as his thoughts drifted off to Yoongi.

"Then maybe, Mom is one of them too.", Y/n spoke, ever since she got to know about her mom. She misses her more than usual.

"And maybe Namjoon uncle is there...too.", Taeyang spoke as a flood of memories played before his eyes.

"Joonie, what's that ?" Little Taeyang spoke.

"That's chocolate chips, you wanna taste some.", Namjoon took a chocolate chip and fed it to 6 year old Taeyang.

"Umm, that's too little.", No sooner Taeyang said that, and a spoonful of chocolate chips laid before his mouth as he ate it while giggling.


"Yayy! A cool robot. I love it! Thank you Joonie.", Taeyang jumped around as Namjoon smiled.

"Anything for my junior Tae tae." He picked up the 10 year old swinging him around.


"Joonie I am scared.", 12 year old Taeyang hid in his uncle's arms.

"No worries, Junior Tae Tae, your strong Joonie is here for you. Always.", Namjoon said.


The memories played non stop as Taeyang's eyes got filled with tears.

"I-I am mention him.", Taeyang wiped his tears but Taehyung saw them already.

"You don't have to be Yang, I know what a great man Namjoon uncle was but then again, every person has two faces these days. It's not your fault. Maybe, the good part of him still lays there as a star, protecting us.", Taehyung took Taeyang as asleep Y/n in his arms.

But maybe he is right, and the good of the bad people are always lying above as stars protecting their precious,


And Forever.


So, Strawberry.kth ends here.
Basically I loved this journey. This is the first book I am completing of mine, and it just feels nostalgic to read older chapters, the character with their certain traits are stuck with me. I wanted everyone to get that happy ending no matter what actually happens to them.

In the start, I was planning to kill so many characters. Because it felt that, this was the only thing which could leave a mark of this story on readers.

But now that I do fair to every character, I feel this is better.

I guess it just ends here, and I have no regrets, nothing. I feel satisfied and maybe that what matters.

I know I did make mistakes, I will improve as time passes.

Also, I know I promised to post the final on day before my birthday. But now the epilogue will be posted that day.

So I end this here altogether.

Well, I am putting the completed mark. See you soon for our last conversation of this book.

Take care of yourselves till then. Author loves you and appreciates you all. ❤️

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