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Taehyung was packing for his China trip, he doesn't want to leave Y/n alone but he had to.

The news from his assistants who spy at his family says that his family is in China right now so bringing her there will be a huge risk.

He knows how much his father loved Y/n, he will definitely take her with him if he saw her and Taehyung also knows what his mother will do to her after that.

"Oppa, where are you going?", Y/n came in his room, he hasn't told her about this trip yet.

"Baby i am going to China", He said and Y/n's eyes widened.

"What ?! Why didn't you tell me ? When are you going? Are you taking me ? Why-", she was speaking continuously but Taehyung out a finger on her lips.

"Y/n, Strawberry calm down, it's hardly a two days trip", He picked her up and made her sit on his bed and continued packing.

"That means you aren't taking me...wae ?", She asked with a pout, he chuckled and pinched her pout.

"Don't do that baby, you are already so much cute", he pulled her cheeks.

"Strawberry, i have to leave in early morning tomorrow and you promise me, you will stay in the house and lock all the door, be careful even when Jimin oppa is here. You're skipping school tomorrow since i won't be here.
Keep your room closed and don't let anyone, not even Jimin oppa inside hmm ?", He said and Y/n nodded.

"Please don't leave", she again said and he smiled.

"Even i can't survive without my lovely lil strawberry for even a second, but baby sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone, you too have to live and survive alone. And i will come soon so don't make a sad face", He said stroking her hair but Y/n had little tears in her eyes.

Taehyung is like oxygen for her, he is her only family and she can't imagine a day without him, it's the first time he will be away from her for this long.

He noticed her tears so kissed her eyelids, "lets make your mood better", he picked her up and went downstairs.

Jimin wasn't home, he was at work editing the presentation Taehyung will be presenting tomorrow since it had some cliches.

Taehyung put Y/n on the sofa and covered her like a sushi with a blanket.

He went and bought some cookies, cakes and hot chocolate for her, and sat beside her hugging her tightly.

Y/n eyes were still moist, he put her on his laps and massaged her head whispering 'I love you strawberry', 'I am here', 'It's okay' in her ears.

Taehyung is a great brother, he may look bad for keeping Y/n away from her family, but he doesn't want to hurt her.

It isn't a lie that he can do anything for her.


"Aww look at the them, so sweet", He said looking at his laptop screen.

He was the one who hacked all the cameras in Taehyung's house, while he was hacking a problem occurred which deleted the past footages.

"Sweetheart look how great i am, letting you be touched and  cuddled by another man just for your happiness", he said and laughed like a maniac.

He has been stalking Y/n for a long time, since she came to Japan.

Yes, He became a pedophile for Y/n.

He is waiting for Y/n to turn 16 which she soon will do, 16 years is the legal age for marriage in Japan and he is following the rules.

He will make sure Taehyung is out of her life after her 16th birthday which is just next month.

He has been waiting for this moment, longer than you can guess.

Y/n doesn't know about him, he regrets that alot.

He hates Taehyung for stealing her away from him, when she was his from birth. He hates Taehyung for keeping what is his with him.

He will take his revenge too from Taehyung, soon.


Y/n was cleaning Taehyung's room, he will leave for China in 4 hours, Right now he is in the office collecting files which he will need.

She found a box while organising his cupboard, it looked old.

She took it out and opened it, it had an envelope in it. She opened the envelope.

It was a hospital file, the file containing her birth records.

She read it.

"Kim Serin gave birth to Kim Y/n and her....Twin Kim Taeyang", the file fell down from her hands.

Twin ? Why didn't she know about it ?


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