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Y/n was unconscious, she has been given a high dosage of sleeping medicine, it's harmful but won't kill her, the worst it can do is to temporarily paralyse her.

He stared at her. No one can imagine how happy he is to finally have her with him, he feels like he won a huge battle.
He swears he is never letting her go, no matter what.

He wants her to forget everything so that he can start from start, he will make sure she prioritises him over everything this time.

"Baby, we were destined together, your father, he promised to make you mine. But that kid Taehyung took you away", He said and removed her hair from her face.

Taehyung did take Y/n away, but he found them and has been stalking her since so many years. Ofcourse he can't let go of his property like that.


Taehyung crumpled the envelope, he is getting blackmailed about Y/n since the day she was kidnapped.

The kidnapped is asking for his company's property papers, but he kind of knows there is someone else who is blackmailing him, it's not the kidnapper.

Also, Yoongi is missing too.

Worst thing is they don't even have a clue of where Yoongi is, unlike the note Taehyung got the day Y/n was kidnapped.

Jungkook came in his room with a tray of food, Taehyung hasn't ate anything from 2 days, just water. He wonders if Y/n is getting food, or even water. He is in alot of pain.

"Hyung, atleast have a kimbap", He tried to feed Taehyung but he didn't eat anything.

Jungkook can't even hack Y/n's location, there is no clue of what devices the kidnapper uses, also he tried to hack Yoongi phone and found it broken near their office.

Since Taehyung wasn't going, Jimin went to China for business, Hoseok is managing the office while Jungkook is investigating where Yoongi and Y/n are. Talking about Taehyung, he isn't in a state to do anything.

"Hyung! Why can't you understand you will get sick like this?!", Jungkook shouted but Taehyung didn't flinch. He sighed.

"Okay, don't listen and do everything you want", he left his room.

Taehyung looked at the note of that kidnapper which was stuck to Y/n phone, he definitely knows that handwriting and is scared.

That person is too dangerous for Y/n.



12 year old Taehyung was playing outside of his father's study room.

He heard voices from inside.

"Okay, i will give you Y/n when she turns 16", He heard Seokjin's voice, He knows what he is talking about.

He looked inside to see a man in a black shirt standing infront of his father, he turned around.

Taehyung was shocked to see the person who wanted his little 3 year old sister, he felt disgusted.

He ran from there to his room, there was Y/n sleeping in her crib.

He held her little hand, and caressed her forehead.

"Don't worry strawberry i will take you away from those monsters, they won't hurt you. never!", He said.

"Taehyung!", Serin shouted, "Stop spending time with that disgrace and go change Taeyang's diaper."

Taehyung pecked Y/n forehead and went to Taeyang.

Serin came inside the room, glaring at Y/n.

"This bitch is taking all my attention even when she is a kid, just once chance and i will remove her from my life for forever", She said.

Y/n is Seokjin's favorite kid and she hates it, she is jealous of her own daughter.

Someone hugged her from behind, she looked behind and kissed that person, it was Namjoon.

Yes, she was cheating on Seokjin with Namjoon, his own brother, but it's not her fault, she was dating Namjoon before Seokjin proposed her and she had to agree since Seokjin had more money that time. But Namjoon doesn't has a problem in sharing her.

Also since Namjoon is hotter in Serin's eyes, he gets more time from Serin.

Nevertheless Seokjin is too busy with business which makes him boring in her eyes.

"Darling, Y/n and Taeyang are my kids, when will you let me claim them ?", He asked, yes the twins were his.

"Soon Baby, that is why i give Taeyang more attention since he is made of love, not arrangement", she said and kissed his neck.

"What about Y/n ?", Namjoon asked opening her dress zipper.

"Hmm, Y/n is my favourite too", She lied flawlessly like she always does.

They continued to do all that not knowing that Seokjin was looking at them from behind the door, he knows about them and let it be, he doesn't love any of them anymore.

He wants revenge and will get it anyhow, he will make sure they and their kids suffer instead of him and his real kid Taehyung.


I have edited the Prologue a bit, so please read it again for better understanding.

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