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"So, How is my daughter ? Tae", Seokjin asked, finally.

Taehyung was waiting for this question since the last 6 hours of Kim Seokjin being with him in a hotel, then here, at this restaurant.

He ofcourse did not take Seokjin to his home, The last thing he wants right now is him meeting Y/n. He can't let that happen.

But he knew that his father will surely ask about Y/n.

Seokjin did forgive Taehyung for running away and kidnapping his daughter, as he said that he understood that Serin and he were toxic.

Serin, Taehyung's mother, the one whom he craved all these years. He craved his mother's love all his life and when he got a little of it, he had to leave.

And now, he got to know that, his mother died, Kim Serin died because of pneumonia 3 years ago, according to Seokjin.

And Taehyung believes him, because he knows that his mother died far before 3 years, and the reason of death was Kim Seokjin.

He sure is heartbroken after hearing about his mother, but he has to save Y/n because it was the last thing his mother asked him to do.

"She is fine, and you don't need to worry about her, dad", Taehyung replied, smiling.

Seokjin grinned too, but not because he was happy.

"Call me appa, don't be formal, son", he said.

Jin, the one who was his Appa before he got to know the reality is far better than Seokjin, his father, which is just a formality.

He can't call him Appa now, he never will again. But his father died the day he got to know about his true face, Seokjin killed and buried his Appa Jin, with his sins.

"By the way, Namjoon, he is here since so many months but didn't call me even once. Taehyung did he meet you and Y/n ?", Seokjin asked taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes dad, infact he lives with one of my colleagues as he refused to live with me", Taehyung replied and Seokjin nodded.

"So, Where is Y/n ?",

There, another question Taehyung isn't planning to answer.

"She...is currently in her hostel, in boarding school.", He lied, ofcourse he had to.

Seokjin looked suspicious but he nodded again.

"I see, after all it is difficult for a young man to handle all of this alone, obviously he can't give time to his family, i understand",  Seokjin said.

"Have you met Taeyang yet ?"

Taeyang, Taehyung's younger brother, Y/n's twin. Saying wisely, Taehyung sometimes even forgets that he has a sibling other than Y/n.

"Taeyang?", Taehyung asked confused.

"Yes, He is living here too because of studies, Didn't Namjoon tell you ? It's been years since he is living here.", Seokjin said.

Taeyang was here all this time.
Taehyung was shocked to hear that, not that it affects him because he or Y/n never met Taeyang but still, Why Namjoon did not mention Taeyang ?

"No, he didn't.", Taehyung said looking down a bit.

Seokjin sighed, "I don't know what problem that man has, ever since Serin passed away, he has been like this, ignorant, rude, cold."

Taehyung nodded.

"Wait, let me show you a photo of Taeyang.", Seokjin took out his phone.

He was about to see the photo but someone bumped into his table and his phone fell down and broke.

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