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"Oppa, open the door, please open the door", Y/n was banging the door of her room, from inside.

Taehyung locked her inside.

He was fine when Y/n was accusing him of killing her bestfriend, even when he did nothing. But when she said she is going to leave him, he had to prevent it.

"Ok, don't open. I am going to jump off the window, i don't care if I die doing so", Y/n shouted.

Taehyung quickly opened the door and caught her in his arms," You ain't going to do that strawberry, i don't want you to harm yourself when you have just recovered"

Taehyung tied Y/n on the bed with the ropes he bought.

"I don't know why you think that i killed Baekhyun, but i will make sure to prove you wrong. But i can't let you harm yourself strawberry so stay in these ropes till i find evidence", he left her struggling.


Taehyung opened his laptop and watched Y/n from the camera he just put in her room, she slept after struggling too much.

He called someone, "Hello, Jungkook, i want you to hack a hospital's CCTV camera. The hospital in which Y/n's friend was admitted."

The footage arrived sooner than he expected, Jungkook's skills always surprises everyone.

He looked closely where Baekhyun pointed his finger, Taehyung was beyond shocked to see the person he trusted the most behind him, smirking when poor Baekhyun died.


"Namjoon hyung", Jungkook said, "Do you want to come with me to buy groceries?"

Namjoon nodded.

These days, Namjoon is free and that's why he is staying in Japan.

He was okay booking a hotel but Jungkook, as his biggest fan, insisted him to live with him.
His house was big enough for two people so Namjoon agreed.

"Hyung buy 5 bottles of banana milk, and 2 packs of kombucha.", Jungkook kept narrating him the list while Namjoon put them all and chuckled time to time because of how cute Jungkook sounded.

They were in the car right now.
Namjoon's eyes went to a fast food stall, "kook, you want to eat spiral potato ?",

Jungkook happily nodded and Namjoon chuckled before stopping his car near the stall

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Jungkook happily nodded and Namjoon chuckled before stopping his car near the stall.

They are very good friends now, and ofcourse Jungkook is very happy to be friends with his idol.

They were eating spiral potato sitting beside the stall while talking to eachother, Namjoon became Jungkook's favourite after Taehyung.

"Isn't that Hoseok Hyung and Kaya ?", Namjoon said and Jungkook looked to where he was pointing.

It was actually Hoseok and Kaya, fighting.

Namjoon and Jungkook started going towards them slowly, that's when..Kaya slapped Hoseok...


Taehyung was at the airport, waiting for the person he never wanted to see ever in his life again, but eventually he had to, Kim Seokjin, his father.

Seokjin came out and found Taehyung.

"My son.", He hugged Taehyung and Taehyung hugged him too, not because he wanted to but because of formality.

Fücking formality.

"How are you, Taehyung", Jin smiled, Taehyung could see the evil smirk behind his smile. It was so clear.

"I am good, dad", Again formality, had to call this monster, dad.

Kim Seokjin is definitely not going to let Taehyung be in peace.


Short chapter but i had to update, i promise a good long chapter next.


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