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He loved how beautiful Y/n looked sleeping.

Breaking into her room at Midnight was worth it, she looked like a goddess in the moonlight.

He came closer to her, caressing her cheeks.

He softly kissed her lips, he knew she won't wake up because of the drug he gave her just right now.

He held her cheek tighter, and went down, kissing and licking her neck.

He was about to remove her shirt when he heard someone's footsteps, and the door being unlocked.

He quickly hid under the bed.

"Strawberry, good that you're actually sleeping instead of playing games", Taehyung said coming into Y/n's room.

Oh no, he made sure that Taehyung doesn't come in her room tonight, why didn't his plan work.

Taehyung adjusted Y/n's blanket,  and left closing the door.

He came out from under the bed, and looked at Y/n.

"Sorry sweetheart, i have to leave now but i will come to claim you soon", He jumped out from the window.


It was morning time, Taehyung was making hot chocolate for himself in the kitchen.

Jimin came inside, "Tae, i think i should leave now, i have been staying here for so long now", he said taking out a bottle from the refrigerator.

"Whyy ? You know Jimin, just stay here for forever. I am used to seeing Jim booty daily now", Taehyung said and Jimin chuckled.

"Hmm, that's why i am leaving, no body lives with a pervert", Jimin said.

"Okay okay, i can't change your decision i guess, but stay a little longer, soon i have to go to China for our new game's deal, so i want someone trustworthy to be with Y/n", Taehyung said and Jimin nodded.

"Okay i will leave after you come back", Jimin said.


Y/n was in school.

The day when those girls back talked about her, she hasn't seen them after that.

She kind of knows that it's Taehyung who is behind those girls being missing, she doesn't mind it.

Y/n is kind...to those who are kind too, she won't feel bad for someone who made her feel terrible about herself.

Baekhyun got a new seatmate, a boy this time. But he hasn't been the same, ever since he left Y/n, he hasn't been happy.

"Y/n", Baekhyun called her.

"Hmm ?", She said to him, relieved that he said something to her.

"How...How are you doing?", He got the courage to say this today, Baekhyun was afraid all these days but decided to speak for his friendship.

"Fine, what about you ?", Y/n smiled.

Baekhyun smiled too, he finally got to see her smiling, for him.

"Fine too, umm i was saying that if you can...have lunch with me today?", He said hesitating but Y/n's smile grew bigger, she nodded elated.

"Ofcourse, lets meet at the playground at lunch time, where we always had our lunch", She said and Baekhyun agreed.


He glared at Y/n and Baekhyun happily having their food from a distance.

He is furious, he made Taehyung see Baekhyun's father and their teacher just so Y/n and Baekhyun can be separated.

And here are they, laughing together and being friends again.

"Taehyung is a dumb bitch", He thought and took out his phone, texting someone.

"Y/n sweetheart, you need a rough punishment for doing this with your lover", he smirked.


Y/n was crying, today when she was coming back from school, she saw people gathering and circling someone.

That someone was Baekhyun, he had an accident and was in the hospital right now, Y/n was the one to bring him here.

"WHERE IS MY SON ? BAEKHYUN?", A man, looking in his early 40's entered the hospital hall.

"Sir, calm down. Please tell your patient's ward number", A nurse held him but he pushed her aside.

"Excuse me sir, i am the one who called you", Y/n's school principal said, the accident took place infront of the school and one of the school van hit Baekhyun.

"Mam, where is my son ?", He asked and the principal showed him the way to the operation theatre.

He looked at Baekhyun, being treated inside the O.T with tears in his eyes.

"Calm down Uncle", Y/n came towards him, he looked at her.

"You're Y/n ?", He asked and Y/n nodded, he fell on his knees crying, "Baekhyun talked about you alot, telling how you are his only caring friend, he never wanted to lose you but i seperated you both, i am sorry my kids", he cried with his hands on his face.

"I-It's okay uncle, we became friends again", Y/n tried to console him.

"Y/n let's go, Baekhyun's father is here", Jimin said, he was picking her up from school today.

"Uncle don't cry, Baekhyun will recover soon", Y/n said and wiped Baekhyun's father tears before Jimin took her with him.

"She is such a kind girl, but unfortunately a psychopath is chasing before her", Baekhyun's father thought and sighed.


Y/n was combing her hair while thinking about all the things happening.

It was all too much for her to take in just a week.

She tied hair and stopped, she saw a red mark on her neck, she moved her top and there were more, it didn't look like a mosquito bite.

She is confused, she thought it's a skin problem and applied ointment on it.

He took off his binoculars, he was spying in Y/n's room like always.

"Too bad sweetheart, wiping off my creation, too bad", he said.


The story was going normal and sweet-

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