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Y/n was staring at Jimin's sleeping figure, he told her all his problems when he was drunk yesterday.

He was really comfortable with her, crying freely infront of her and hugging her like a koala.

Y/n shoulders do hurt because he is still sleeping with his head on it, she doesn't mind.

"Strawberry", Taehyung called her from his room, she took one cushion from the sofa and put Jimin's head on it, before leaving.

"Yes oppa", she entered his room, he looked at her especially at the dark circles under her eyes.

"You didn't sleep well princess?", He asked and she told a clean believable lie.

"Umm, sorry i was playing... videogames", He sighed on her words.

"How many time tell you strawberry, I know you are passionate about games but if you continued this, i may take all your games", he threatened and Y/n shook her head.

"I won't from next time", She said and he smiled.

"Now please do my tie", He said and she nodded, taking his favorite tie from his tie collection.

Taehyung knows how to do his tie, but he likes it when Y/n does it.

He gets a chance to adore her more, and he ain't missing any chance to be close to her.

"Baby, let's go to icecream parlour today, Jimin oppa is here too, we all will go together", he said and Y/n excitedly nodded.

"Yep, lets go. But i may eat the whole shop", she said and Taehyung chuckled.

"Will pay gladly", he said.


Jimin's eyes had deep dark eye bags too, Y/n thinks that he doesn't remember anything since he was drunk so she left everything work as normal.

Jimin took a day off as Taehyung didn't let him come to work, but he is restricted from coming into Y/n's room, Possessive Taehyung.

She was reading books in the study, Jimin came inside with his laptop.

"Oppa, tae oppa said to not do any work right ?", She said.

"Just a little bit Y/n, it's boring to just sit and do nothin", he said and sat on the desk, Y/n was sitting on the sofa.

She could feel a stare on her, she looked at Jimin but he was completely engulfed by his laptop screen.

She shrugged that feeling, but someone was actually looking at her.


Jimin was here to visit his girlfriend, Taehyung and Y/n came to accompany him.

He looked at his girlfriend who was still unconscious, lying lifelessly on the bed.

Although, Y/n was devastated after knowing that Jimin has a girlfriend, she still can't ruin someone's happiness for just a crush so she decided to get over him.

She was seeing how broken Jimin looked, she can't break a lover more.

Jimin held his girlfriend hand, "Love, please get well soon. Everything is so hard without you", he kissed her hand and stood up.

He ran out of the room and Taehyung went to console him while Y/n stayed. She went closer to the girl, and suddenly that girl's eyes opened.

"RUN, RUN FROM HIM!", She said and her eyes closed again, Y/n got scared.

She looked at the girl again, she was not moving, not even a bit.

Y/n ran out too, to the doctor.


Again, Jimin was crying sitting on the couch while being consoled by Taehyung, his girlfriend died.

Y/n was still sitting beside them, shocked and confused about whatever happened, that was not a dream or hallucination.

She went in the kitchen to take water for Jimin, while pouring water in the glass she looked at the tab put on the kitchen table.

They had cameras all over their home and footages were recorded in their devices, including that Kitchen's tab.

When she saw the tab, she remembered that it must have her footage with Jimin. She already told Taehyung the incident of last night when he told her the truth about Jimin by himself, but still she wants to see the cctv footage.

She knows that Taehyung is alot possessive about her.

Y/n frowned, that Tab was blank, she tried to switch it on but it didn't work, something was wrong.

She took out her phone and tried to search for the house footage, it showed that the footage was deleted.

Something was definitely wrong.

"Y/n, what happened ?", She flinched hearing Jimin's voice suddenly.

"N-Nothing Oppa", she took the glass of water to him and he drank that.

Jimin sat on the kitchen table, just beside that tab.

"Oppa, where is Tae oppa ?", She wanted to see the footage now, the tab can't break by itself right.

"He left after getting a phone call from office, something urgent came i guess", Jimin said, she nodded.

She was about to leave the kitchen when.

"Y/n, i know that you have a crush on me", she stopped on his words.


I could have given some better lines to Jimin's girlfriend.

Thanks a lot to Anumanu1234 for being the first voter of mine, like i am so very grateful to you.

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