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It was 4 am, in the morning. Y/n was sleeping soundly.

Jungkook didn't come home yesterday so she slept after locking the door, Taehyung said Jungkook had his keys so she locked everything properly.

But none of the locks could stop him from visiting her.

Ofcourse he knows where she is, he is her dear stalker after all. But he is not planning to tell his boss, Seokjin, or his partner about her location. No way, she is too precious.

The only thing Taehyung did that made him happy was shifting her here, he definitely can't let his boss know about her location. Yes he is betraying his boss, but who cares.

Not like his boss is worthy of such an angelic human.

He caressed her cheeks, sometimes he wants to just drag her away from everyone where only he will be her priority. But he can never imagine to hurt her, he knows how much she loves her brother, not even real brother.

How she is giving the love he deserves, to other man.

He sighed, he hates how slow time is when he wants it to pass away fast.


"So Mr. Hoseok, Where were you when the murder of Kaya Mehta was conducted ?", The officer asked Hoseok, who still was in utter shock because of the events that occurred in his life in a snap.

In a blink of an eye, his happy perfect dreamy life has turned into an ugly nightmare, everything has turned upside down.

"I was at my residence", Hoseok replied, his voice hoarse because of all the weeping done in the past days.

The officers frowned, and looked carefully at the man infront of him. Swollen eyes, tired face, and sincerity in his voice. Definitely not how the suspect should act.

"Okay Sir, you can leave. As late Miss Kaya's ex-fiance, we will inform you about the further updates of this case. Thank you."

Hoseok came out of the police station.

2 days ago, mere 2 days ago they broke up. And now she has left him, forever.

"Hoseok-ah, let's go back. Please", Yoongi held his brother, who didn't talk to anyone since he heard this news.

His emotionless eyes scared him.


Taehyung rolled his eyes, he couldn't count how many times he did as he helped Seokjin who happily cooked in his kitchen, singing, swaying here and there.

He looked at his phone, which was playing his favourite song "Super Tuna" as his father danced like a young teenager on it.

If a person who doesn't know him saw him like this, they will think how cute and lively he is.
When he is much more dark than that.

"See how unorganised your kitchen is, you don't know even to store vegetables and fruits properly. And why don't you grow more veggies at your huge garden and terrace. Ayo you don't know kitchen tricks at all.", Seokjin scolded him time to time about his house and how he learnt nothing from his father who was/ is a kitchen master.

Taehyung heard all that but stopped cutting the onions when his phone rang, and picked it up, it was Namjoon who called to ask if anything was left for him to buy because of the long grocery list Seokjin gave him.

He was talking to him, when Namjoon told him that he just saw Jungkook's car behind the supermarket. And Taehyung told him to check on Jungkook.

When Namjoon went towards the car, he found Jungkook unconscious inside it.


Taehyung and Namjoon were at the hospital with Jungkook, he fainted because of overdose of drugs last night. They told Seokjin at home that they are meeting a friend for sudden reasons.

As Taehyung scolded Jungkook, who was looking down in shame. Namjoon inquired about how Jungkook got those dangerous drugs.

They both still don't know about what's happening with Hoseok and Yoongi, and about Kaya.

In all of these chaos, they forgot about one person, who is somewhat connected to the reason of all this happening.

And that person isn't done yet, he is planning to bring more problems to their already disturbed lives.


Y/n turned on her laptop and opened Omegle, she is an introvert so obviously doesn't use this app often. But her online friend said that she is online on Omegle and gave her the link to meet up with her.

As Y/n was trying to connect to her friend, she connected to someone else because of the problems in the link.

A bit scared of meeting a stranger, she looked up at the screen to end the meeting as soon as possible.

But stopped after looking at the person's face, She has seen him somewhere...

But stopped after looking at the person's face, She has seen him somewhere

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I want to end the mysteries soon, and complete the story.
But at the same time I want to add more plots, but that may create confusion for me too. Lol.

Let's see, i want to give a good amount of time to Taeyang's (Soobin) character.

And we are about to reach 100 votes! Author loves and appreciates you all so much.🥺💖

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