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"You're pretty", Said the stranger whom Y/n connected with on Omegle just now.

"Umm Thank you, actually I was trying to connect with someone else but i guess..", Y/n said.

"Ahh oh ok, Omegle is having problems with connecting links these days, if you want we can end the meet.", He said but Y/n shook her head seeing his disappointed face.

That's her problem, she doesn't like to disappoint anyone.

"Ohkay, I am Soobin. And you ? ", He asked, Y/n smiled.

"I am...Sia.", Y/n said, she remembers Taehyung telling her not to tell her real information to a stranger.

"So, whom you were planning to meet ?", Taeyang adjusted his headphones.

"My bestfriend, they sent me a link but maybe it's broken.", Y/n said.

"Oh, I can tell you a trick to make it work." Taeyang told a trick to repair broken links, Y/n nodded.

"Alright, I will try it...after our meeting ends."

Taeyang smiled, she is a kind one.

"Hmm, How old are you ? Below 15 are not allowed on Omegle." He asked.

"First you tell, what if you're below 15.", Y/n replied.

"Ok let's say it together, 3... 2...1.."

"Sixteen", they both said together.

"Omo, we are the same age!", Y/n exclaimed, she was happy that he said the same thing she did when she decided to say truth.

"And what's your birthday?"

Taeyang looked at her, "let's say that together too. 3..2..1.."

Y/n decided to say truth again.

"25 December, 2007", Again, they said together.

"We are birthday twins, what a marvelous coincidence", said Taeyang.

"Oh, i have to attend an online lecture now. We gotta end the meeting, btw check my profile once. I may try to connect with my birthday twin again", Taeyang grinned and ended the meet.

Y/n noted his username on a notepad.

"He was cute, and handsome.", She smiled, he reminded her of Baekhyun, she sighed as the smile disappeared.

She wishes for Baekhyun's killer to face hell.


"Jungkook, here I left Y/n to you thinking you're the most trustworthy person and you're roaming around the city doing drugs, What's wrong with you ?", Taehyung said.

Jungkook looked down, "I am.. sorry Hyung. I never saw Hoseok Hyung cry, and seeing him like that broke me, my anger issues got triggered and i...i... ended up doing drugs again."

Taehyung eyes softened after listening to his breaking voice, he sat down on his knees and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

"Don't cry kook, next time your anger issues get triggered, send anyone of us a text. No way you're getting to harm yourself again.", He hugged Jungkook.

"Joon uncle, you go back at Jungkook's house. I will handle him alone.", Taehyung said.

"Tae, you know if i disappear then he will get a hint about Y/n.", Namjoon said.

"But uncle-"

"It's okay Tae Hyung, you take Namjoon hyung and go. I won't do the same thing again, and i promise to take care of Y/n.", Jungkook stood up, picking up his car keys.

"Alright, call us if you see anything suspicious.", Namjoon and Taehyung hugged Jungkook the last time before he left.


Jungkook opened the house door, it's 2 am. Y/n must be sleeping. He is sure she ate Ramen the two days of his absence, he felt bad.

Jungkook was about to go inside when he heard the buzzing of his door's smart lock. He connected his phone to it, and it was broken.

He was sure Y/n doesn't know hacking, which means someone was here. Jungkook panicked and ran inside, knocking on Y/n's door.

The door opened revealing Y/n rubbing her eyes, "What happened oppa ? You're back."

"Nothing Y/nie, just wanted to check on you. You go back to sleep, good night.", Jungkook said and Y/n nodded.

"Close the windows tightly.", He said and she closed the door.

Jungkook, after checking the whole house clearly, went to his computer room to check the CCTV footage.

Ofcourse, it's was deleted. He is a good hacker, Jungkook thought.

But Jungkook was a trained professional hacker, he easily restored the footage.

It showed a man, a boy actually, wearing a black hoodie and mask. His tablet, which he must have used to hack the security system.
Jungkook hasn't yet put camera in Y/n room, he regretted that now.

Jungkook changed and made the security system stronger, impossible to hack now. And even if the mysteries boy hacks it, Jungkook will be home now to beat him up, Jeon Jungkook's biceps and muscles are no joke.

The next morning, Jungkook asked Y/n if she was alright, and Y/n was completely okay. Which means the stranger didn't harm her.

Still, Jungkook needs to do something. The old security system was not easy to hack, and a stranger entering his house. He will tell about this to Taehyung on the next meeting.

Jungkook cooked pancakes for Y/n, and made sure she ate well, as per Taehyung's strict instructions.

"Oppa, i tried Omegle yesterday. I met an boy the same age as me, and we turned out to be birthday twins.", Y/n said with her mouth full of pancakes.

She told what happened in his absence, basically what she did in his absence.

Jungkook smiled and gave her banana milk, He made fresh banana milk for her again as per Taehyung's instructions, she doesn't like plain milk.

She is like his little sister, also he doesn't share his banana milk with everyone.

He patted her head.


Y/n entered Jungkook's room, he will be working at home because he wants to stay with Y/n all the time, again as per the instructions of her caring protective brother Taehyung.

"Oppa, Bam is asleep now and i am bored.", Y/n said.

She has met Jungkook's dog Bam before, and Bam likes her too.

"Hmm, okay come.", Jungkook put a stool infront of the computer beside him.

"You can play online games, there is a lot of them in this computer.", Y/n happily turned on the computer.

Y/n got impressed because of how high Jungkook's rank was in all the games, she praised him and Jungkook grinned with pride and taught her how to play those games.

They then had some snacks and after Jungkook was done with him work, he played videogames with her too.

But he had to tell her to sleep early, again because of Taehyung's strict instructions.

He set up a temporary bed for himself in Y/n's room, it was between her bed and the window. No way he is taking risks when Taehyung gave Y/n's responsibility to him.


Taeyang named himself Soobin in Japan, as he didn't want to reveal his real name and identity to anyone.

So, Taeyang and Soobin are the same person.

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