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The door opened revealing Taehyung.

He sighed and sat beside Y/n who was digging holes in him by her glare, "You want to go Strawberry? You want to leave me ?"

Y/n looked at him suprised but still angry.

"Okay go, stay at Jungkook's place. Stay as long as you want, I won't stop you", he uncuffed her legs which were tied with a soft handcuff.

Taehyung took out her suitcase packing her stuff and Y/n looked at him dumbfounded. It can not happen this easily, He never leaves her alone like this.

It's not like she was going to actually leave him, neither she thought he was the one responsible for Baekhyun. She knew him.

But wanted to know the truth, she also knew he was hiding something. This is why she didn't protest much when he locked her in the house like this.

But now he is failing her plan by just letting her go, Y/n decided to play along anyway.

She stood up and picked up the clothes he took out for her to wear.

By the time she came out, her all stuff was packed.

Everything, and now the room was looking like no one lived there.

"Come eat, Strawberry, i have made Kimchi fried rice. I may not be available to cook for you regularly from now on so eat as much as you want.", He took her luggage out.

Y/n felt bad, to see those dark eyebags under his eyes. Tension clear on his forehead. She felt terrible to see a tired gloomy Taehyung.

They were in the car going to Jungkook's place, Jungkook lived at the borders of Tokyo where it was all calm and green, his house was the biggest amongst them all and it was at the best place too. So, it was going to take some hours to reach there.

This is also why Taehyung chose Jungkook's place, because it is far and there is no way Seokjin will find out about Y/n. Also, now that Namjoon is informed that Seokjin is here, he came back at Taehyung's place to live with him for obvious reasons. None of them trusts Seokjin.

Y/n looked outside the window and took glances of Taehyung time to time. He was focused on driving and didn't even look at her once. She pouted, she shouldn't have asked him to let her go. She can't live without him for so many days.

It was evening when they reached their destination, Taehyung started taking out all the luggage.

Y/n looked at the huge snack box he prepared for her which was half full of spicy Ramen and her favorite cookies. She smiled, atleast he isn't mad at her.

After the luggage Taehyung also helped in setting up her new room, told her everything necessary and cooked her dinner. It was time for him to leave and he didn't even properly talk to her.

She jumped on him and hugged him, it was enough, she couldn't pretend anymore.

"Oppa! Why are you leaving me like this ?! You know i was not serious!", She started rapping in anger and Taehyung finally chuckled.

Finally, some real emotion on his face.

He sat down on the couch and took a deep breathe.

"Strawberry listen, it is not safe for you there right now so you will be staying here until I come to take you back, it is important Y/nie, so please listen to Oppa strictly this time. No matter who it is, what they tell you. You will not come out of this house until and unless Oppa himself comes inside to take you with him, only i. understood ?", He said.

Y/n nodded and hugged him pouting.

"And when will you come to take me Oppa ?",

"Soon Strawberry, soon", He patted her head protectively. She got sad, observing his tone she knew he won't come back soon.


Seokjin was drinking coffee late at night as he looked around his son's house, the son who dared to leave him. He was his only son after all, the only one related with blood.

He is astonished to see how much a mere young boy achieved just with some pennies given by his mother.

But he is not here to see his disappointing son's achievements and success, he is here to see his angel daughter.

But he can't see her, doesn't even know where she is. All credits to the disappointment.

He took out his phone.

"You fool, i gave you one damn task and you couldn't even do that properly, i am sure your brain is small just like your fingers and height. Dumbass", He was scolding someone.

The person who is stalking Y/n, he knows that person well. He sent that person to stalk her.

Actually there are two people he sent just to keep Y/n secured so that he can use her for his profit.

After all what else can he do with this another disgrace his own family gifted him.

Right now he was talking to the person other than the stalker.

"I don't take apologies, find her or give me all that money back."
He cut the call.

"Who was on the call hyung?", Namjoon came down in his pyjamas yawning.

"O-Oh no one, i was just calling Taehyung, he isn't home yet.", He quickly lied.

That's when the front door opened and Taehyung came inside.

"Where were you, Tae ?", Seokjin asked, acting like a caring father.

"I was at office Dad, completing extra work so I can enjoy tomorrow's day off with you", Taehyung smiled, again a realistic fake smile.

"Aww so sweet of you my son, you must be tired. I made you your favorite dinner, i will heat it up.", He went in the kitchen.

Taehyung and Namjoon communicated with their eyes, planning how to remove Seokjin from their house and country.


It was past 2 am.

Unexpectedly, heavy rain was pouring in Japan.

Someone was dragging a huge plastic bag with them and threw it in a dustbin.

"Who is it ?!!", A police officer on late night monitoring shouted at that person, his dog barking at him loudly.

That person hurriedly ran away from there as the police officer came near that dustbin.

He opened it in suspicion, and was petrified.

It was a dead body, badly beaten. But her long hair told that it was a woman.

The rain continued pouring as the police cars and reaserch team covered that whole area.


It is 12 am and i am scared too while writing this. I slept a lot today so i can't sleep now therefore decided to update.

And almost 600 views, i feel happy seeing this. It really makes me motivated to write.

Thank you, Author is grateful to each and every person who checked out this book.  :')

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