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Taehyung decorated the Christmas tree with a smile on his face while Y/n decorated the cake.

Both were busy preparing everything for Christmas as well as another occasion, decorating each corner with all the love.

"Huff, Finally done! Let's leave now." Taehyung said taking the car keys as Y/n ran behind him.

While in the car, Y/n looked around and admired all the Christmas decorations.

"Oppa you know the best gift we are getting this Christmas ?" Y/n said looking at him.

"Ofcourse strawberry, it's Taeyang. Our brother, the best gift we could ask for.", Taehyung replied.

As he drove, Taehyung sang along the song "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas".

As soon as they reached the police station, Y/n ran outside the car.

"Taeyang Oppa!", Shouting Y/n hugged Taehyung as he happily hugged her back.

"Finally!", Taeyang said patting Y/n's head.

"My Yang.", Taehyung came and kissed Taeyang on his forehead, stroking his hands through his hair.

Taeyang had to be in the police station for a while for some necessary counselling and guidance, Yoongi did try to take the blame but eventually it was proved that whatever happened was for self defence so Yoongi wasn't death sentenced.

However, due to his past crimes, life prison still stood valid.

As the Kim siblings distributed Christmas presents to everyone, Taehyung went to the cell section finding Yoongi.

"Hyung!", Taehyung said. Yoongi looked back.

"I bought a gift for you", Taehyung mumbled, "Merry Christmas Hyung."

Yoongi smiled, "You still remember that day right", Taehyung said.

"Yeah I remember a teenager showing up at my house on Christmas Eve, years ago. And now he is a well built man here to give this oldie a gift.", Yoongi smiled remembering.

As he opened the gift, Yoongi saw a little kitten who meowed looking at him.

"I asked the authorities, they said you could keep one if provided care. Don't be lonely hyung, you did a lot for me, I am here to return.", Taehyung said before going back.

Yoongi took the little kitten in his arms as tears welled up in his eyes.


Hoseok carefully dressed the twins in comfortable Christmas pyjamas, smiling in awe on how cute they looked.

Hoseok officially took their authority and now they are his kids.

These kids changed his life. They snatched him from the darkness and spread their bright light to him.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, "Oppa!", Y/n came inside and before seeing Hoseok she ran towards the twins.

Hoseok pouted.

"Aigoo, So tiny. Little Santas.", Y/n said with sparkles in her eyes.

Taeyang laughed, "Hoba no one loves you. Hehe", He said the ran towards the babies.

Taehyung gave Hoseok his gift, "Hyung, Merry Christmas."

Hoseok opened it just to find a portrait of him and Kaya, and the twins edited inside it.

Tears appeared in his eyes too as he hugged Taehyung.

"Tae. Merry Christmas! My brother." He mummered.

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