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Taehyung was here to pick Y/n up from school.

“Oppa!”, She ran towards him.

“how was my strawberry's day ?”, he asked hugging her.

Y/n was about to speak but was interrupted by someone.

“Y/niee, you forgot to take your project file from the teacher”, A boy said giving y/n a file.

“Thank you Baekhyun-shii”, Y/n smiled bowing to that boy.

“No problem”, Baekhyun left while Y/n was still smiling.

“Strawberry”, Taehyung finally spoke, he didn't like seeing a boy near her.

“Yes oppa”, Y/n said.

“Who was it ?”, Taehyung opened the car door for Y/n.

“Ohh him, he is Baekhyun. He is the class president of our class and comes second in class, also he is my deskmate”

Y/n said sitting in the car as Taehyung drove off.

“Deskmate ?”, Taehyung asked.

“Yep, since i come first and he comes second so we always get seats beside eachother”

Taehyung clenched on the staring wheel which went unnoticed by Y/n.

“Strawberry, Do you want to eat icecream?”, he offered and Y/n nodded like a kid.


Y/n was eating Chocolate icecream straight out of the box while they both were watching Doraemon on their couch.

Taehyung was putting oil in Y/n hair, massaging her head.

One of  Y/n's features which Taehyung likes the most is her long, black wavy hair.

He likes how beautiful they are and loves to take care of them.

Y/n put a spoonful of icecream infront of Taehyung's mouth and he ate it.

“Mmm, This icecream is tasty but not more than my strawberry icecream”, he said.

“But strawberries are eww”, Y/n made a disgusted face.

“It's funny that my strawberry hates strawberries”, he chuckled and Y/n glared at him with a pout.

He looked at her while she continued eating, her big doe eyes, plump lips and smooth skin.

He wonders how someone can be this heavenly beautiful.

“My strawberry is so pretty”, he said and her cheeks instantly turned pink.

Another thing he likes in her is that she gets pink very easily, like all the time her cheeks, lips and her body glows in light pink color.

He was done oiling her hair, he tied them in a braid.

“Now go and sleep princess, otherwise you will feel tired tomorrow”, he said but she shook her head.

“Let me finish this movie oppa”, she said with puppy eyes.

He couldn't say no to her.

Y/n stood up, went somewhere and came back with a blanket.

“Can we cuddle ?”, She asked and Taehyung nodded.

She climbed in his arms and laid between them while Taehyung covered them with the blanket.

Soon Y/n started feeling sleepy, so she turned around snuggling into Taehyung's chest and slept.

He looked at her sleeping figure in adoration, her fluffy cheeks were pressed against his chest making them look more full and soft while her mouth was open, she was drooling a little bit.

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