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Today was another day where Serin was scared the most in her life. Taeyang's condition was terrifying to her, what if something really serious happened to him. Poor Taeyang won't be able to even talk for some days.

She went in the kids room, Taehyung won't be sleeping here for some days because of what happened today. She was about to go inside when she saw Seokjin sitting beside asleep Y/n, he was talking to himself. She doesn't know why but she chose to be outside and listen to whatever he is saying.

"Oh Y/n-iee, you should enjoy today. Because from tomorrow your life will be worst then hell. Your mother thought she could get away from cheating on me. Never. She loves her daughter so much then let her see you suffer, little baby", Seokjin said patting Y/n head.

Serin was shocked, she never expected Seokjin knew it all.
She went away from the room.


It was night time so Serin again come to check on Y/n, she was scared for her now. Ofcourse she knew what kind of man Seokjin is.

She came inside...just to find Taehyung ready to jump off the window while Y/n was in his arms.

"M-Mom", He stepped back from the window looking down, ofcourse Serin understood what he was going to do.

"Why do you want to run away Taehyung-ah", She asked.

"You wanted me to stay away from Y/n. I couldn't do that.", He replied, she kneeled down and caressed his cheeks.

"Mom, why are you crying ?", Taehyung wiped her tears with one hand.

"Taehyung, i know that you know what kind of man your father is.", Serin said. Yes, Taehyung knows Seokjin isn't a good man too. He has seen him slapping his mother when he was 5. He has seen him fighting with him mother when she cared for him, he has seen his mother suffer and he did feel bad but at that time Serin was doing the same torture to him too.

Taehyung nodded, "So run away from here child", Serin said and Taehyung's eyes widened.

Serin knew it is the only way to protect her kids, and she can do anything for them. Anything.

"Run away and save your sister from that man my boy, save her. He can never be a good father but you're an excellent brother my son. Run away", She started crying. Taehyung hugged her and she hugged him too, loving her children as much as she can because she also knew that it's the last time she is seeing them.

She knew she will never see them after this...

Serin gave Taehyung sufficient money to survive and she herself dropped him to the airport, in the middle of the night.

She kissed Y/n's and his forehead, "Tae, my baby, you can do this. You're a strong kid and Mom loves you a lot. Take care of yourself and your sister. Remember, i am always with you and will love you both." Taehyung nodded crying.

He finally left as Serin watched him leave with a broken heart.

She will always love her children, even if she dies.

Flashback ends.


Taehyung made hot chocolate for Y/n.

It's been 8 months since that kidnapping incident. Yoongi has recovered too.

Taehyung decided to change his house, since living in that house triggered Y/n more.

They live in a apartment now, which is peaceful and safe too because there are people here. Unlike his old house where no one was around since they lived in an isolated area.

 Unlike his old house where no one was around since they lived in an isolated area

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"Strawberry", He gave her the cup and sat beside her.

Y/n's legs were healing too, Yes the doctors thought she is permanently paralyzed but no. Y/n is healing physically and mentally both. She can walk but with a stick.

Y/n attends online classes now, and she likes them more because they are no classmates to bully her. And she is doing great since she was and is a bright student.

"Your birthday is near baby, what gift my strawberry wants?", Taehyung asked passing her chocolate cookies.

Oh yes, Y/n completely forgot about her birthday. She will turn 16 now.

"I want my 25 year old oppa to get a girlfriend and bring me a sister-in-law", Taehyung choked on his cookie, and Y/n gave him water laughing.

"You naughty brat", he smacked her lightly.

"But really oppa, get a girl. You can't spend the rest of your life going on dates with kookie oppa.", Y/n said and Taehyung shook his heads.

"They are not dates. We just go to shopping then eat ramen at a restaurant then eat some icecream. That's just hanging out",

This time Y/n smacked Taehyung's head, "Pabo, this is exactly what couples do at dates."

Taehyung glared at Y/n with a pout.

"Look at you, from which angle you look like an adult.", Y/n said.

The bell rang and Taehyung went to open the door, the door burst open and Jungkook jumped on Taehyung.

Imagine a heavy muscle bunny jumping on you out of the blue, you would die a beautiful death. But Taehyung was habitual to this.

Hoseok came inside too, with groceries Taehyung asked for in his hands.

Y/n giggled looking at Taehyung carrying Jungkook like a baby.

"Jungkookie, Leave me now!", Taehyung said but Jungkook shook his head.

"See Hobi oppa, i told you they are a couple", Y/n said and Jungkook left Taehyung and both said 'No' at the same time.

Both were pouting now.

"Nevermind, now tell me why are you so happy", Taehyung asked Jungkook and he smiled before saying.

"Hoseok Hyung is getting married, yay!", Jungkook announced as Hoseok blushed a little.

"Really hyung ?!", Taehyung asked Hoseok and Y/n did too.

"Yeah! I am excited", Y/n said.

They all have met Hoseok's girlfriend and she is a very nice girl.

Jungkook took out icecreams from the bags Hoseok bought and gave everyone their individuals cups except Taehyung.

"Yah, Kook, you took a big tub for yourself and didn't give me any icecream", Taehyung complained.

"Hyung we will have to share, the store had only one tub of your favourite icecream and i wanted to eat this flavour too", Jungkook took out two spoons and Taekook happily shared icecream while Y/n and Hoseok laughed internally looking at them.


Taekook are the best bestfriend duo, Author adores them so much. ^_^

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