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Hoseok put on his black mask.

"No matter what, I will find your killer Kaya. I will kill the one who killed my life", He took out his camera, and his gun walking inside the building.

Recently a lot of murder cases have been going on in the neighborhood, and apparently Kaya was one of them. The last murder happened in this building.

As Hoseok walked further, he could sense the terrific vibe of that building. Another creepy thing ? The blood was still there, dried splashed on the walls.

He was sure the murderer is inside as he walked faster but quieter.

Boom! And Hoseok found himself on the floor as a dead body was infront of him, glaring at him with its dead orbs. He was petrified, but put up his courage and walked again. He cannot leave this chance.


Jungkook was watering the plants while Y/n was attending her classes in the garden.

Suddenly he got a call, sighing he picked it up.

"What's wrong with you liko ? Can't you fcking leave me alone!", He shouted.

"You know what Jungkook, I am tired of your shît too. Let's break up then, i am done with you. I just called to make it official. Goodbye for once and all.", Liko ended the call.

"Oppa what happened?", Y/n asked.

"Nothing bub, you focus on your class.", He replied continuing his work.

Liko Weatherwanes, Jungkook met her in London and they fell in that rushed kind of love. But soon they had to be in a long distance due to Jungkook's work, but Liko came to Japan for him. Spent some years in a live in relationship with him and then left for college. They were teens and didn't perfectly knew how to do and manage a relationship which ended up with them having a toxic relationship.

They fought, said sorry, united and then fought again. Same circle repeated again and again.

To be honest, Jungkook's feelings for Liko were confusing so he decided to let go of her a long time ago but Liko was not giving up.

But now Liko is tired of all this and decided to meet with him for the last time, and end their relationship.

But again Jungkook talked to her like a jerk and now Liko is crying in the airports waiting area.

"Mam why are you crying? Please calm down. Take some water." Liko looked up at the person offering her a water bottle.

'staff' was written under his name badge and he was wearing the airlines uniform.

So Liko took the water and drank it.

But soon, fell her unconscious body on the floor and that stranger took out his fake uniform and picked up Liko taking her with him.

Coming to Japan right now was another dumb decision Liko made to save her fake love.


Taehyung escaped from Seokjin's sweet honey torture, like feeding him delicious food and massaging his head, and taking care of his house.

All of that's still a torture for him.

Author needs someone to cook for her and love her so bad 😭 Dw I will do the cleaning, just love me in return :')

He drove the car, it soon started raining so he played Spotify 'Rainy days' and 'Love me again'.

The calming voice of the singer soothed his mind, as he hummed with the melody.

Once the album ended, he played his favourite song 'Still with you' on loop. He can never get over of how beautiful this song is.

But his phone was interrupted by a phone call, fck.

"Hello." He slowed the car speed.

"Two cuckoos are captured, their mates are ferocious and sad. The next one's maybe yours, i will soon catch that cat.", Someone spoke and swiftly ended the call.

"What a disgusting poem ? It that a joke." Taehyung looked at the caller ID which said 'Unknown'.

He called Jungkook to track the number.


Tiny sprinkles of water touched his face walking Hoseok up, he blinked his eyes a few times.

Soon his vision became clear, and as the culprit stood right before him, he realised he kind of knew the murderer...


Idk. Just wanted to update. Lmao author's weird ik.

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