Chapter 23

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Hyunjin's pov
We just come back from dinner, I entered my room with chan hyung behind me.
It is been a week since he told me about what happened to king lee who apparently still here when his doctors come he advised his family to keep him here since it is dangerous to move him...the lee brothers attended classes, yet they were silent no more teasing and glares from minho or yelling from felix....jeongin's father is still in a coma too...this university turned into a hospital I swear, I glanced at chan hyung who looked like he is thinking he is worried about his uncle but I feel like there is more,he seems so disoriented as if he wants to tell me something but he is holding back.
"hyung, just tell me what is in your mind"I said making him look at me confused.
"nothing jinie..."
"I know something is bothering"I cut him off he sighed looking down at his lap.

"I can't...i can't tell would be so selfish of me to ask this from you"he murmured.
"you know I would do anyhting for you..."
"I know but no"he said looking up at me, I took a deep breath before I nodded...i will have to figure this out myself.
"how are you? Are you feeling okay?' he asked, if I am being honest I was going last week...i have managed to fix the crack on my necklace and I hope it stays that took all my father's power to make it, remembering that he gave up on his life just to make this...just to make me stable not hurt anyone like I did in the past breaks me...and seeing it on average of breaking made me thing that my father's died for nothing...i loved him so much...i love him so much but I will never forgive him for choosing my life over his....
"I am fine"I replied finally giving an answer to the older.
"that's good to know"he said humming to himself.

"did you hear anything about your uncle's condition?" I asked.
"I tried to ask minho and felix but they didn't answer me"he replied making me get up.
"come with me"I said making hi eyes widen.
"where?"he asked following after me.
"to check on him"I answered.
"hyunjin, no stop"he said taking my hand I stopped on my track facing him.
"I hate seeing you like are worried and you have the right to see if he is doing fine"I said making look down.
"for them I have no right...i am just an outsider...worse a water bender, they won't tell me"he replied.

"we will tell them that we are checking on the king based on my mom's orders"I said making his eyes widen before he eagerly nodded.
I squeezed his shoulder before we start walking toward king lee's room, as soon as we reached it his guards looked at me and chan weirdly before they shared a look.
"could you inform the Queen that we want to check in king lee?" chan hyung said.
"wait " one of the guards said, I crossed my hands behind my back looking across the hall...all you can see is is filled with soldiers of the fire kingdom, who were throwing daggers at me and chan with their stares.
"you could come in," the guard said coming back, he opened the door widely mentioning for us to come into the room.

"What are you two doing here?' Felix asked glaring at us as soon as we entered, I locked eyes with minho who looked at me surprised then looked away not saying a word.
"Felix, they are our guests be nice..."
"They are water benders mother...they are here to gloat over my dad's sickness" felix shouted
"prince lee, we are here based on queen hwang's orders she asked us to check on the king and see if there is any changes in his condition" chan said trying to calm the raging boy.
"felix enough" queen lee said getting up from her seat."please thank you mom on my behalf... for the king's health unfortunately he is not getting better...he had been like that since your friend found him" she looked at chan back at her sleeping husband." he is breathing yet we don't know for how long" she added his voice come up as a whisper.

"if you don't mind me asking what is exactly wrong with him?"I asked.
"didn't your friend tell you?" felix said with a mocking tone, I glanced at chan hyung who looked like he saw a ghost or something.
"he didn't"I answered making the older boy look at me before he gulped.
"my father's powers are getting out of other words it is killing him from inside" minho said for the first time since we came...i looked at the older boy who looked so pale unlike his usual tanned skin....his hair was messy and looked like he didn't have much sleep in the past few days.

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