Chapter 50

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Han's pov
It is been a week since the whole mess happened, hyunjin just disappeared with no trace, minho hyung locked himself inside his room not wanting to talk or speak to anyone, I kind of regret asking him to do this...i made a least jeongin and seungmin are back with us...they are acting normal but jeongin keeps on asking me for updates which I don't have...i did not even tell them the headmaster and our families that I told the air prince and his boyfriend.
"what are you thinking about?" felix asked entering the room.
"guess"I answered taking a deep breath.
"you can't keep on blaming yourself had an idea and it did not work...stop being hard on yourself"he said sitting next to me.
"but...i destroyed minho hyung an hyunjin's relationship..."
"you were trying to help had good intention"he cut me off, I took a deep breath biting my lips...i just wanted to make hyunjin and sam merge again to confirm my theory.

"I..." I stopped standing up"gaia is here"I added looking at my husband who frowned, the both of us walked outside until we reached my dragon...why is here?
"gaia"I said looking at her back to see a green bag on it we used them to send letter...what happened now?
I took it out to find a letter inside it...felix and I shared a look before I opened it.
"what does it say?" he asked.
"it is from my father...the earth kingdom experienced a huge earthquake "I said swallowing hard" and there were some casualties "I added clenching the paper hard...
"it is linked to what is happening yet now one us doing a damn thing felix...i am going to lose my mind...people lost their lives houses were destroyed...and they are just watching that happens...hyunjin is missing...he is missing and I can't even tell the rest"I said clenching my jaw.
"baby, it is time for you to tell the rest..."

"it is more complicated than you know felix...if hyunjin finds out about what I know it will destroy will break him..."I paused mid sentence my eyes widening...why didn't I think about this before? If hyunjin finds out that his father is alive it will shock him...that's what I was trying to do when I told minho to break his heart...i mean it could work but...what if I am wrong again...what if I make things worse...we don't even know where is the water prince...what a good time for both son and father to disappear.
"I still don't understand what..."a loud growl echoed through the sky we looked up to see felix's dragon flying toward us until he landed he had the same bag but this one was red.
"well shit"I murmured watching felix ran toward him taking the letter out.

"one of the biggest volcanos in our kingdom erupted"felix said making my eyes widen...what is happening now? I thought the signs ended...are these new ones or the end already started? Why I am not feeling anything yet? Could I be right with my theory? Honestly it is the only logical explanation.
"felix if both of our kingdoms experienced a catastrophe that means..."
"the water and air kingdoms will have ones too"he continued making me nod...this is bad...really bad.
"we need to tell minho hyung and the rest about the letters"felix said making me hum before I followed after him silently...we need the water king to come back as soon as possible...

Minho's pov
I hugged the cover closer to my body as I laid down the bed...that's all I did for the past week after hyunjin disappearance...felix and han kept on checking on me but I did not want to met anyone...hyunjin gave up on me just like that...i know what I did to sam was wrong but his words hurt me....when he said that I may not love him if the two merge i wanted to tell him that it was not true...i keep on lying to myself saying that I hate sam or I don't care about him....the past days I kept on thinking about him how broke and hurt he looked...i freaking miss the both of them yet I find myself angry that he left me...i am just tired of this....
I heard a knock on my door making me groaned I know very well who is going to be...either felix or han...or both...i don't feel like seeing or talking to anyone.

I did not answer them hiding under the cover hoping they will leave me alone but of course they did not...the door was opened and I could only hear footsteps coming closer toward my bed.
"hyung, I know you are not sleeping it is midday" felix said.
"minho hyung it is urgent..."
"what the hell do you want from me now?"I yelled jumping from the bed, taking both of the boys by surprise.
They glanced at each other silently before han handed me two papers, I frowned looking at both confused.
"they are letters from our parents "felix said as I scanned the two letters, my eyes widened at what I saw...a volcano eruption and an earthquake at the same time...

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