Chapter 41

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Note: nothing changed I just edited some typing mistakes, I need to start rereading the chapters before publishing them...

Sam's pov
I stepped into the shower enjoying the water hitting my body, I started to hum a song while I washed my hair, I waited too long for this...too long to live too and too long to, I took the scissors heading toward the mirror.
'sam, don't you dare ' Hyunjin said
"This my call now, shut up" I replied before I start cutting my hair.
'do you know how to cut...'
"This is how you felt when I kept nagging you about your life choices for the last time shut up"I cut him off clenching my jaw, I was enjoying myself and he got on my nerve.
I immediately finished fixing my hair smiling at my reflection" Handsome" I murmured.
'a narcissist' hyunjin said making me chuckle.

I dried myself before I made my way to the closet to look for something to wear, after going through his clothes I sight in frustration.
"so you are telling me all you own is long blue robes... What are you a fantasy story villain ?are you lord Voldemort or what?" I asked hyunjin, what the hell is this, he has no sense of fashion...he is a prince for god's sake and he is moving around like a grim reaper all he needs is a scythe.
'at least I am not the one who is trying to made me bold like Voldemort ' he replied making me bust in laughs.
"God hyunjin, you know how to make a joke I am surprised"I said shaking my head.
'I wasn't joking' he replied making roll my eyes.
my eyes fell on a blue shirt and a black pants so I wore them and went toward the bed to lay is better than what he wears.

'what are you planning to do?' hyunjin asked.
"hmmm"I hummed looking at the ceiling.
'you have been nagging to take control and you don't have a plan' he said.
"I have a lot of" I paused, what do I want really?
'you are unbelievable...'
"shut up hyunjin" I jumped out of the bed and walked outside the room, the guards that were standing on the whole looked at me shocked.
"what are you looking at?" I said glaring at them.
"sorry your highness..."
"I don't need your apologies"I cut one of them off making him look down

'sam, stop this right now....this was not what we agreed on, are you going to start with making problems from now ?' hyunjin said.
"the only one I agree to not hurt is minho the rest could go to hell" I yelled, the guards looked confused but they did not dare to look at me... They are scared...i like it...
"prince hyunjin, could you please come with me?" chan hyung said coming out of nowhere before he  dragged me with him pushing my back.
"what do you think you are doing?" he asked when we were away from all eyes.
"chan watch your tongue, I don't care about how much hyunjin cared about you but I don' careful" I said hitting his chest with my finger."I won't think twice before hurting you, I know there is more than a way to that"I added making his eyes widen.

"the queen wants to see you"her answered looking away.
"oh, my dear loving mother...look jinie, now I have something to do"I said with a chuckle.
Chan looked at me with sad face before he started walking silently...i immediately followed up after him.
It is different seeing the castle from here, I mean I took control before but I didn't really focus to really see it when I was fighting hyunjin, I must say it is breathtaking, a servant passed by us when I winked at her, her eyes widen and left.
"stop it" chan said.
"stop what my dear friend" I asked glancing at him.
"stop acting like this... Hyunjin has earned the respect of his people, you are ruining his life enough don't make it worse."he answered as he stopped walking

"Who said I am the one ruining his? None of you had ever thought that he is the one ruining mine" he said feeling angry but he didn't reply "I am talking to you"I added taking his hand.
He froze when I touched him, I looked down to see my hand which made me remember that wasn't wearing my gloves.
"sam...let go" he said whining in pain.
"why should I? the pain will worsen by minute, it is going to be fun" I replied with wide smirk.
'sam let go of him or I swear...'
"shut up" I cut hyunjin off, I watched as chan fell to his knees yelling in pain.
"hyunjin...stop" he said clenching his jaw.
'he is going to lose his hands sam stop' hyunjin yelled inside my head making me let go of the older who immediately clenched his hand.

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