Chapter 32

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Han's pov
I sit down on the chair waiting for my father, I have made my decision to come home after he ignored my letter that I sent more than a week before, he didn't answer me concerning the sudden appearance of students under eighteen nor the earthquake which caused a lot of damage in the building of the university it was fixed in a blink of an eye and  thankfully no one got seriously hurt.
"jisung"my dad entered the meeting room looking at me confused" what brought you here? Is everything okay?"he asked taking his seat.
"you know very well why I am here father" I answered crossing my arms.
"oh, about your scared is nothing son, you did not have to travel back here for it"he said shaking his head.
"you mean letters I did not send just one...and you ignored me"I said scanning him, he seems relaxed but I know him too well to notice when he is trying to act cool.

"I was busy son..."
"I just needed an answer how long could that take from you?"I cut him off making him frown.
"look, about the new student all kingdoms decided to send the ministers and high members of the society's children before they reach eighteen just to not let the families train them know unlike common people you start your training early we made that decision just to organized things" he replied with a chuckle.
"how about the earthquake?"I asked, I know that the investigation of what caused it will be under the earth kingdom's responsibility.
"the earthquake was just an earthquake....we are just happy no one got hurt"he said.
"you and I both that the location of universality is not exposed to earthquakes father...what do you mean it was just an earthquake? you think I am stupid?" I said getting up.

"son believe me..."
"if you are going to keep lying to me then stop."I said taking a deep breath" Let's just hope this is not what I think it is"I added making his eyes widen.
"it is..."
He stopped when he saw me glare at him" it is our right to know if that's really happening"I said making him look away.
I start walking toward the door" are you leaving?"he asked making me stop an glance at him.
"I still have a couple of things to do here, I will be leaving in the morning"I answered him before I made my way toward my room.

I know he is lying to me, but why? As soon as I reached my destination I start looking for the books I read before
"I swear I put them here"I said feeling frustrated after a couple of minutes of searching.
"mrs kang come inside please"I yelled clenching my hair. Soon after the middle age woman entered my room.
"is everything okay your highness?"she asked.
"I can't find some of my books I left them here"I said pointing at the table.
"oh, we were asked to take them back to the library" she replied.
"they are mine if you wanted to organize them you should have put them on the bookshelf over there"I said pointing at it.

"we are sorry" she said bowing down.
"it is okay, thank you" I replied making her nod and leave.
I shook my head walking toward the library...this place is so big, our kingdoms have the biggest amount of books that's why I was surprised when I found out about this mysterious sickness that made king lee ill, I have never heard of it, and I have read my share of books not all but a lot...was it because no earthbenders had it before?
I made my way toward the books shelves checking them, thankfully they are organized by alphabetical order or I would have spend the rest of my life here.
"got you" I said taking the book is the one I think it may help prince hyunjin, the split in his personality was because of his powers...i think something made it unbalanced.

I quickly run through the book but unfortunately, it was useless, there is a story about people losing control over their powers but according to this book never had it ever caused a split in personality.
"this is frustrating, "I said taking the book with me.
I have heard stories from my grandfather before he said that a time will come when the balance of our world will be put in jeopardy, I didn't think about it at first but what jeongin's uncle is doing sounds like the start of the earthquake....i stopped in my track shocked...what if...what that was not the...

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