Chapter 52

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Han's pov
My head is spinning from the news I found out are we going to fix this now? I had a feeling that hyunjin split personality was the reason of why we did not feel a connection between us...that's why I tried to make him and sam merge...i didn't even tell felix about what I found out...king hwang made a mess...he tried to make things better but he messed everything up...even my father got angry at him and he is one of the calmest people I know.
"han" I glanced back to see felix looking at me with a frown.
"dude are you okay ?we were calling for you at the last minute" changbin hyung said making me look around the table.
"oh, what were you saying?"I asked blinking at them.
"you were not listening...i was telling you about sam and me...we are finally together" minho hyung said pecking Sam's lips.
"okay we are happy for you but I am eating"felix said acting disgusted.

"how is seungmin? Did you hear anything about him?" chan hyung asked.
"I talked with jeongin this morning, he said he woke up...there is nothing serious but the doctor advised him to stay in bed for today and jeongin did not want to leave him" I replied making the older nod.
"I am sure he is taking good care of him " felix said with a small smirk.
"stop it" I said hitting the back of his head,making him groan in pain.
"okay kids stop" minho hyung said rolling his eyes.
"sorry dad" felix answered making all of us laugh.
I glanced at sam who was watching as silently but as soon as I did he looked at me with a glare mouthing a what?
I shook my head looking down my lap, I know he is angry at me for what I asked minho hyung to do but I had to at least try something...i thought it will solve our problem but now...i have no idea what should I do?

"your highnesses" a guard approached as before he bowed.
"Your parents had asked for your presence" he added.
"our parents...when did they even arrived?" minho hyung asked getting up" did you know about this?" he added looking at his brother who shook his did not tell him about their arrival either...if I did he would have asked me about what they told me...and I did not want to lie to him...i hate this...i hate hiding things from him and my friends...
"king yang asked  me to tell my father to visit him I guess he invited the rest" I replied making the older nod while felix looked at me with a raised eyebrow."let's go and see what they want from us", I added, as we started getting up one after another expect for my cousin and his boyfriend

"sir changbin and chan you need to come too" the guard said looking at the two boys.
"this much be serious" felix said, we walked together following the guard. what are they planning to do? Are they going to tell them? I am not going to lie....i am scared...i gulped looking at the fire and water prince who were walking next to each other.
"han what's wrong?" felix whispered to me.
"nothing...don't worry about it" I answered shaking my head.
"this way your highnesses" the guard said opening the door to a huge room, it is like a meeting room, our parents and the headmaster were sitting on their chairs waiting for us...right behind us jeongin and seungmin entered.

"seungmin are you even okay to move?" I asked making the boy nod.
" I called for him" king yang said making all of us look at him.
"boys we have something to discuss with you...a lot of things" my father said glancing at me...are they really going to tell them? I swallowed hard taking a deep breath.
"what is wrong?" minho hyung asked looking at his parents.
" as you all know my brother stole the throne from me, and he is preparing to attack the school...according to our intel he is about to leave the air kingdom borders alongside his army" king yang said dropping it like a bomb on us...i knew he is going to attack us sooner or later but...i did not expect it to be now.
"we are ready for him, he won't stand a chance against all of us...why are you worried?" minho hyung asked.

"the soldiers that we are going to fight are my people hyung...i don't want them to get hurt..."
"jeongin they choose to follow him..."
"they did not father...they are forced...i made a promise to keep them safe...and I am not going to break it" jeongin yelled, I am so proud of this boy he is really born to be an air king...unlike his uncle...and I am starting to think his father too...they are not suited.
"what do you suggest from us to do then young prince?" my father asked leaning on his chair.
"when they attack us we need to talk to them...give them a chance to surrender" jeongin said.
"father you owe me owe them this...if you want me to forgive need to do as I say" he cut his father making the old man look down.

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