Chapter 30

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Chan's pov
We are all in the infirmary watching as hyunjin slept in the bed.
"could someone explain what the hell was that?" felix asked, I glanced at minho who didn't leave hyunjin's side since we brought him and he is the only one who didn't ask about what happened to hyunjin..." chan hyung" felix said making me look at him.
"I...there is a lot to explain, I don't think that I have the right to tell you about it"I replied making the older frown.
"don't you think it is time for you, to tell the rest about you know what first " han said looking at me then at the two fire princes.
He is right, I totally forgot that jeongin changbin and well seungmin too since he is a part of our group now.
"what now...more secrets" jeongin said looking around the room.

"well you see..."I started telling them about my relationship with minho and felix watching the shock on their faces after hearing the news." I am sorry I didn't want to hide it from you...i just didn't have the time to"I said.
"you mean that your father is a water bender and mom is a fire bender...not any bender but the king's sister" changbin said looking at me.
"yeah"I mumured.
"fire and water" jeongin said" how the hell did that happened?" he yelled.
"you know my parents fell in love they got married..."
"That's not what I meant is just never happened before" he cut me off.
"it may have happened but we don't know about it...the relationship between the two kingdoms is not the best I am sure if there are people like my parents they are hiding"I said making the younger prince nod.
"I just wish that we could end this" felix said making look at him" the whole useless hatred between the two of us...i still don't even know why we hate each other...they said that the water kingdom started it but I am doubting this now"he added.

"well they kind of did" I said making them look at me with wide eyes.
"you know about the cause of the enmity," jeongin said making me nod.
"it is true that the water kingdom was the one who cut their relationship with the fire kingdom and since then they become enemies "I said looking at felix" you remember what hyunjin said about the water benders who had a condition similar to you father right?"I asked.
"yeah"he said crossing his arms.
"according to what the late king tell me, when they found out about how they could stop the sickness they asked from the fire king at the time...our ancestor to help them but he refused which caused the death of the water king...that's what started the hatred, it began because of the royal families then reached the whole kingdoms"I explained.

"why don't we know about this?" felix said clenching his jaw.
"I don't know...the water kingdom did not tell anyone about this outside the royal family and the fire...maybe they wanted to hide the fact that they were the reason of the king's death...well not reason but their refusal caused it,and got lost over generations"I replied.
"but hyunjin choose to help my father, even after knowing this...he helped him"minho said for the first time since we come but he did not even look away from the sleeping boy.
He is feeling bad because of this I wonder how he will feel if he finds out about that he is the reason why sam is back...i know for a fact that when Hyunjin healed my uncle it destroyed the necklace that was bonding Sam...that's what I was afraid of...that's why I tried to hid it from him...and that's why I wanted him to stop.
"he has a good heart...even behind his cold facade....he is a good person" I replied.

"I just want to know what happened to him...he did not look or sound the same"felix said with a frown.
"if he wants to will tell you when he wake up"I replied glancing again at minho." minho, did you know about this?" I asked making the rest look at him.
"actually it makes are the only one who is not surprised by hyunjin's state" han pointed.
Minho stood up from his chair taking a deep breath" I happened a few days ago...i went to him but he...this same which I did not know that exist until later after took control and well...chocked me" he said making my eyes widen.
"he did what?" felix yelled.
"the handprint on your neck it was him" jeongin murmed.
"actually he tried to kill me twice" minho said.

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