Chapter 3

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At about noon, after I had been kicked out of Ara's room, the girls find me and brings me a list. I stare at all of them and take it.
"Read it!"

Date Ideas for Cedric and Goldie
1. Picnic at the pond
2. Bookstore and coffee
3. Dinner
4. Smoothies
5. Go to the movies
6. Walk in the park
7. Broom ride
8. Shopping
9. Star gazing
10. Movie date at home (winky face)

I feel my face burning and I stare at Ara, who's handwriting the 'winky face' was in.
"Okay, one. Gross, Ara. And two, you guys have been in there for two hours.. and you only came up with ten?"
"We got a little distracted," Heather says, "Your next ten dates have outfits planned out by the way." I sigh.
"Of course," I say, trying not to laugh, "I expected nothing else."
"Can we go swimming after lunch?" Ginny ask.
"Yeah, but we should wait a little before we do. Maybe like an hour?"
"That gives you enough time to try on your outfits!" Rachel says, singingly. The other girls cheer, only to make by face turn even redder.

"Where did you.. these aren't all mine. Where did these come from?" I ask as I look around at all the outfits scattered around Ara's room.
"They're you're birthday presents! Or at least all the new stuff is," Ara answers.
"But my.. oh, thank you guys!" My birthday was not until Friday, but they would all be gone.
"Try them on!" Heather exclaims.
"I-.. I don't think I can choose one to try first."  Ginny takes my arm and leads me to the door.
"Why don't you go to your room and we'll bring you an outfit to try on," she says, "then you don't have to choose."
"Okay," I answer, leaving to go to my room. I sit down on my bed and wait patiently for someone to bring me an outfit. Ara brings me a pair of golden yellow pants and a white button up with flower's embroidered on them.
"I picked out the pants." She leaves and shuts the door for me to change. I pull the pants on and start to button up the shirt. The pants are soft and the shirt is comfortable, so I am not complaining. I go to Ara's room.
"You look so good in those pants!" Rachel says, "The color really brings out the color of your hair!" I cover my face, trying to hide the blush. 
"Yeah, you could wear that for stargazing or a picnic," Heather says, "looks comfy." 
"It is," I say, as Ara hands me another outfit. I go into my room before checking it out. A plain white shirt this time, paired with a forest green skirt. I tuck the shirt into the knee length skirt before walking out. This time, they were all out in the hallway. 
"Yes!" Heather exclaims, "and the best part, is that you can put a black shirt on with that skirt too!" 
"The green brings out your eyes," Ginny says. 
"That one'll be good for coffee.. or the bookstore!" Ara tells me, handing me a light blue dress. 
"I'm super excited for that one," Rachel sighs, "I saw it at the mall in London, and it screamed you." I smile and go back into the room. I unfold it completely and it was adorable. I slip it on, and start to button up the front. I spin a couple time before giggling like a little girl. I then find pockets
"I love it, Rach!" I say as I open the door, "It has a pockets!" All the girls giggle as I spin around. 
"It looks so good on you, Goldie!" Ginny says, "man, I'm gonna have to 'borrow' some of these sometime." 
"Feel free to, all of you." Heather hands me two folded clothing items, smiling widely at me. 
"I pick these out." I nod and go back into my room. I unfold a light tan turtleneck sweater and a brown and white plaid mini skirt. I quickly put it on and tug on the skirt a little bit. It was long enough, but just enough. 
"I won't be riding a broom in this," I tease, opening the door. 
"Oh, Heather! You've gotta tell me where you got this!" Rachel exclaims, "it's adorable!" 
"Birthday idea!" Heather sings. Ara grabs my hand and spins me. 
"No spinning either," she teases right back, "it's definitely cute." 
"She's got a black one too, with a yellow sweater."
"Quidditch cheering outfit," Ginny offers, "as long as he's not playing Harry!" Ginny hands me a brown sweater and a pair of tan pants. 
"You don't have to try this one on," she says, awkwardly. I smile and hug her. 
"Would you like me too?" 
"No.. I think you should go show your dad this one though." All the girls giggle and start shout a mixture of 'yes's and 'that'll be so funny!'. 
"Do you want my poor father to have a heart attack?" I ask, taken aback. They all laugh. I stare at them and sigh before starting down the stairs. We meet Mum before we get to the first floor. 
"Oh, Golds.. you look so cute," she says, "where are you all off to now?" 
"We're going to show Mr. Potter!" Ginny tells her. Mum gets a mischievous grin on her face and giggles. 
"Can I come?" We all nod and giggle some more. We walk down to Dad's office and I knock softly. 
"Come in!" I open the door slowly and stand with all of the girls around. Dad looks up from his work and stares at me. I hear him take a deep breath. I take a few steps closer, as I hear my Mum chuckling. 
"How do I look?" Dad gets up from his chair and stands in front of me. 
"You.." I notice that it looks like he might cry. 
"You.. you look just like your mother. I'm going to say, the skirt is a little short, but it looks good and as long as you are comfortable in it, you should wear it." I smile and he hugs me. 
"You're such a softy, Jamie," Mum teases, "It was either that or you were going to freak out." Dad chuckles and lets go of me. 
"Who says that I'm not freaking out?" 

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