Chapter 36

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"Miss Potter, could I speak with you after class?" McGonagall asks, as everyone gets parchment and books out.
"Of course, Professor," I reply, "I'll be good for this lesson without the last week?"
"I'm sure you'll be alright," she answers, as she writes instructions on the board.
"If you've got questions, I can probably help," Hermione tells me, "I've got my notes with me."
"Thanks, Mione."

I get through an easy class of Transfiguration. Hermione and I both get the in class essay done and I even got to finish up my make up work.
"I'll meet you down at Hagrid's," I tell Hermione, after the bell rings.
"I... um, it's alright. I'm okay with waiting."
"It's alright, Miss Granger. I'll walk down with Miss Potter. I wouldn't want to make two students late."
"Oh, alright, Professor." We wait for everyone to trickle out, before McGonagall ushers me to her desk.
"How are you feeling?"
"Alright. I've already gotten a large amount of my make up work done." I set the make up on his desk and she smiles.
"Are you feeling up to a lesson with Dumbledore tomorrow morning?"
"Sure, eight to nine, correct?"
"Yes. Why don't we walk and talk?" I pack up my bag and throw the bag over my shoulder. We start to walk towards Hagrid's hut.
"Professor, I'm a little worried about the dementor situation," I confess to her, as we walk into the courtyard, "being outside makes me anxious, not going to lie."
"I can understand that," she replies, "if I had that kind of reaction to something, I wouldn't want to deal with it ever again. There is a charm that defends against them, but it's a high level spell. I know some adults that can't to it."
"Well, could I at least try it?" I ask her, "it wouldn't hurt would it?"
"No, I guess not. But, Professor Lupin would be your best bet for that. I can do one, but Professor Lupin might have the means to simulate a dementor attack."
"I can ask Professor Lupin," I tell her as we get to the stairs down the Hagrid's hut, "where should I meet Professor Dumbledore?"
"Up in his office should be fine," she replies, "don't forget the book I gave you, you'll need it."
"Okay, thank you, Professor," I tell her as I continue my way to class.

In the morning I walk up before everyone else in my dorm. I quietly get dressed and pack up my supplies for the day. I grab my book and carry it down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit down by myself and quickly eat my breakfast before walking up to Dumbledore's office.
"Sherbet Lemon," I say to the griffin before getting onto the stairs. I knock on the door and wait.
"Come in!" Dumbledore says, cheerfully. I open the door and a smiling Dumbledore is sitting waiting for me.
"Good morning, Headmaster," I say, setting my bags down.
"Good morning, Goldie," he says back, "How are you feeling?"
"That does seem to be everyone's favorite questions for me this week," I reply, "but I'm doing alright... A little worried about running into a dementor again." Dumbledore frowns and nods.
"I hope you won't ever have to deal with that," he states, "and I've done everything that I possibly can to keep it from happening." I smile.
"Thank you, sir. What are we learning today?" Dumbledore smiles and pulls out a large book.
"Well, I was reading about some peculiar gifts that some wizards had and one unnamed witch could help people connect to the dead. I was wondering if you could possibly do it. The ghost would have to be willing to talk to me, but I thought it might be worth a try."
"I guess we can try it," I tell him, "it might take me a little while, though."
"Take your time."

"You mean you might be able to help us talk to others?" Mari asks, happily, "Yeah, I'm down to try. What about you, Reggie?"
"I'm not sure, Mari... this sounds like something that'll take a lot of energy," Regulus says, obviously trying to keep emotions out of the answer, "I doubt you have a whole lot of energy right now, Goldie."
"I might not, but how much would it hurt to try?"
"I'm not telling you that you can't. But I'm guessing that your energy and the spirit's energy are supposed to balance. Mari hasn't been here consistently for a while, so probably doesn't have a whole lot of energy to share."
"Than maybe you should do it, Reg."
"I... I'm saving my energy."
"Oh, for what?" Regulus face turns red and he sighs.
"It doesn't matter, Mari. You might have enough energy, I'm not real sure about it."
"Or perhaps Fabian or Gideon would be willing?" I offer, "they've been here for a while too."
"No, it's alright. I'll try it." Mari says, "let's do this."

"Does it say anything about the process, sir?"
"It says that she would see the person who wanted to talk while just standing there. Then she would hold the spirit's hand and the living person's hand. After that, the living person could talk with the spirit as long at they stayed connected."
"Alright. Hear that, Mari? Reg... I know you also followed us so if you know how to do this, help her please." Dumbledore chuckles. I wait a while before Mari flickers into the corner.
"Here goes nothing," I say, putting my hands out to both of them. Dumbledore grabs my hands softly and we wait for Mari. Mari tentatively grabs my hand and my sight goes blurry. One of them lets go and I fall straight to the floor, breaking the connection.
"Marigold?" Dumbledore asks, calmly.
"Did it work?" I ask.
"Briefly, but yes. Miss Evans and I got to say hello and that's it."
"More energy," I mumble to myself.
"More energy?" Dumbledore repeats, looking down at me, rather amused.
"Regulus said something about how the spirit and I have to share... or balance our energy. I didn't quite understand, but I think Regulus thought that the dementor attack might have drained all of mine. And, well, Mari hasn't been around very long, so she probably doesn't have much energy."
"Fascinating," Dumbledore mumbles, "perhaps that's why you react so harshly to dementor attacks."
"Or why they attack me and not others," I add on, "but... I thought dementors fed off of happiness." Dumbledore pauses and offers me his hand.
"Energy and happiness must be connected some how," he says, after helping me up, "and that will have to be the topic of out next lesson. I believe you've got classes to get to."
"I... I do, thank you, Headmaster."

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