Chapter 18

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"Hey, Uncle Remus," I say, as we open the compartment door, "do you need anything before you fall asleep?" Remus smiles at me and shakes his head.
"Thank you for sitting in here with me," he whispers, as I sit down besides him, "I'm just super tired and didn't want to spook any first years or anything." I nod and smile at Ron and Hermione.
"Hello," I say to them, as Remus leans away from me and covers his face with his coat.
"Hi, Goldie," Hermione says, "are you excited for class?" I nod, and Ron rolls his eyes.
"I don't understand why anyone would be excited about going to Hogwarts for class," he grumbles, "honestly... with you two in our class, there is no way anyone's gonna feel good about any work they do." Hermione scoffs.
"Just because we try, doesn't mean that we have to feel bad about your grades, Ronald," Hermione snarls, "besides, that's not what we need to be concerned about right now."
"You're not gonna be concerned about your grades?" Harry asks, "I don't believe it!"
"No! We need to talk about Pettigrew and how we're gonna protect ourselves."
"Mum told Harry and I to stay in groups," I cut in, "I honesty don't think he can get into Hogwarts, but she said to be safe."
"He escaped from the best prison in the world, Goldie," Harry snaps at me, "If Hogwarts was safer... why would we be there?" Hermione rubs my leg.
"Whatever, Harry," I whisper, "I was just saying."
"Ron, why don't you show Goldie your new pet?" Hermione asks, glaring at Harry, "he got him while we were in Diagon Alley." Ron smiles and pulls out a rat from his pocket.
"His name is Scabbers," Ron answers, "he jumped onto me when we got into the pet store." I giggle as Ron puts Scabbers in my lap. He squirms up to my shoulder and scratches at my neck.
"Ouch," I whisper, plucking him off my shoulder and handing him back to Ron, "he's very cute, Ron. I'm happy you found a pet." Ron sets Scabbers on his own shoulder and the rat tracks me. The train stops and I look at Hermione.
"We can't be in Scotland yet," I tell her, "there is no way!" Hermione nods and Ron looks through the window. Ice starts to cover the window as the train comes to a complete halt.
"Maybe there is an issue," Harry states, getting up and stating to open the compartment door. I grab him and pull him away from the door.
"Are you crazy?" I whisper shout, "there is a mass murderer on the loose, looking for you and me specifically and you think it's a good idea to just open the door when the train's stopped at an unknown location?" My angry breath appears in the air and I look to Hermione. She nods in approvable, just before the lights go out.
"It's getting real cold, guys," Ron grumbles. The compartment door opens and someone tumbles in.
"Sorry," they whisper, and I recognize the shyness immediately.
"Neville?" I whisper, "are you alright?" I reach my hand down in the general area and let him take hold of it to get up.
"Yeah," he replies, "a.. umm, do you guys know what's happening?"
"No," Hermione answers, as Neville sits down between her and I, "Did you see anything in the hall?"
"Just people hurrying into compartments," he replies, "I really thought this was mine..."
"It's alright," I tell him, "you should stay in here until the lights turn back on." Even in the dark we can see our breaths. The cold only seems to get colder as we wait in darkness.
"This is boring," Harry complains, "I'm gonna check it out." I see him get back up and move towards the door. I do not reach him in time and he opens the door. This time, there is a shadowy black figure right outside of the door. I reach over Hermione and Neville and yank him by the collar back from the door. The cold seeps into my body as the figure enters the compartment. I look at it, with wide eyes as my entire body starts to cramp up in pain.
"HARRY!" Hermione shouts, as my brother passes out. My back curls, in the wrong way, as pain erupts into my body. A scream escapes from my mouth as I fall to the floor. Remus wakes up and stands over me. He points his wand at the figure and says something that I cannot hear over my own screams. The cold leaves and the cramping slowly subsides. Voices swirl in my head as I slowly come back to conciseness.
"Goldie!" Remus says, "hey, it's alright. It's gone now." I groan as I slowly sit up and lean on the seats of the compartment. The lights are back on and I can see how pale and terrified Neville, Hermione, and Ron all look. Remus is knelt down over Harry now, handing him a piece of chocolate.
"Are... Are you alright?" Neville whispers to me, as Remus turns to me. I nod, shyly to him. Remus hands me a piece of chocolate, which makes my stomach churn. I cannot tell if it's in hunger or sickness. I take it, and eye cautiously.
"Eat, you'll feel better," he tells me, as he stands up, "I'm gonna go check with the conductor. You both do know that's not laced in anything, eat." Harry shoves the piece in her mouth, but I brake a smaller piece in case I am going to be sick. I does start to make the dizziness go away, so I shove the rest of it in my mouth.
"What the hell was that?" Ron asks, as Harry get up off the floor.
"I'm not sure," Hermione replies, "I'm sure Professor Lupin will know." I nod and Neville helps me up to sit besides him again. I rub my shins as everyone continues to talk about what just happened. I crack my ankles and wrists as Remus opens the compartment.
"What was that?" Harry asks, as I lean my head back, trying to crack my back.
"Dementors," Remus answers, "they guard Azkaban. They are looking for Peter. I just can't believe they'd attack two kids."
"Wouldn't they just look?" Hermione replies.
"And not suck all my happiness," I snark, making everyone looking at me.
"She's not wrong," Remus tells them, "are you both feeling better? You both need to check in with Madam Pomfrey before the feast." Harry nods.
"The conductor said we'll be there in an hour." I get up and rub my eyes.
"I'm going to find the girls," I tell them "... so I can change."
"Be safe," Remus tells me as I leave.

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