Chapter 30

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One day after Potions, I finally worked up enough courage to ask Snape if I could help Neville sometime.
"P-professor," I stutter, "Can I ask you something?" Snape sets down his grading and looks up at me.
"Of course," he says, nicely, "what do you need?"
"Well... a few weeks ago.. you, umm... said that I should mentor Neville... or that I could maybe? I was wondering when I might be able to do that... and if I could do it in here." I stare at him, waiting anxiously for his answer.
"I could... do something Saturday afternoons. I know you have lessons with Dumbledore, but we could either do it before that or after that, if Longbottom is open to it. I will just be there to supervise... nothing else. You will do all the helping, unless he messes it up so bad that you can't fix it. You will also have to tell me what potion you will be wanting to help him with before hand so I can have the ingredients ready. " I smile and nod.
"Alright... T-thank you, sir!"
"Your welcome, Marigold... it might actually help your potions skills, not that they need any help." I nod before rushing off to my dorm to get ready for the quidditch game.

"Are you ready for your game?" I ask Cedric as I help him put his gloves on.
"Yep!" he says, buckling his gloves up, "it's gonna be a good game." I nod as he pulls out a Hufflepuff scarf from his bag.
"Will you wear this too?" he asks, "I love the jacket, but it's gonna be cold."
"You want me to wear two scarves?" He nods and laughs.
"Yep... Don't want you getting cold!" We both giggle and he pulls me into a hug.
"I'll think about it," I tell him, "how about if you win, I'll wear it to the rest of your games." I hear his heart rate increase. I take a quick look at my necklace and see purple swirls in an otherwise solid pink.
"Could I have a quick kiss for good luck?" I smile up at him and scrunch up my nose a little.
"You do remember that you're playing my house." He pouts, while looking down at me.
"But, I haven't gotten one since my birthday," he whines, teasingly, "just a quick one?" I shake my head up at him and get up on my tip toes. I give him a quick kiss on his cheek.
"If you win, maybe you'll get another." He smiles and sneaks quick kiss on my lips.
"Cedric!" He winks at me and leaves the corridor, leaving me a blushing mess.

"Come on, Goldie!" Ara shouts from the bottom on the stairs, "We can't be late for your boyfriend and your brother's game!" I hurry down the stair, with the scarf that Cedric gave me in my arms.
"We aren't gonna be late," I tell her.
"Well maybe I want good seats them," she replies, "is that a Hufflepuff scarf?" My face turns pink as I look at the scarf that I am holding.
"I told him if he won that I would wear it," I tell her.
"But he isn't gonna win, remember. Your brother is the best seeker in the world."
"I don't know about the world." Ara giggles and shakes her head at me.
"Well, we aren't gonna loose, so there is is no reason for you to bring that."
"Don't be so cocky," I tell her, "if we end up loosing you're gonna look real stupid."
"Oh, whatever." We both giggle and I loop arms with Ara as we start to walk down the quidditch pitch.

Ara and I get great seats, right at the from of the stands. They are all still warming up and I am silently cursing Ara for making us come out here this early.
"It's cold," I grumble to her.
"Oh you're fine," she replies.
"Why are we out here so early?"
"I thought maybe you'd like to see your boy for a little extra time..."
"Are we out here so that you can look at a boy... Ara, if it's my brother, I swear to Merlin!"
"It's not your brother... you'll have to ask Ginny about that."
"Gosh... who is it then? One of the twins...?"
"Shut up, Goldie... it's never gonna happen!"
"Oh my Merlin!" I shout, "Which one!"
"Does it matter?" I smack her as Cedric flies over to us.
"What are you two doing out here so early?" he asks.
"I wanted a good seat," Ara cuts in before I can tell him what we are actually doing.
"Well you certainly got one," he says, "no leaning... I don't want to have to catch one of you if you fall out of here." We both giggle and he rushes off the finish warming up.

As the whistle begins the game, rain comes down and soaks everyone. I try to focus on both of my boys, but the rain was making it very difficult. A yellow uniform streaks past us and makes me jump.
"Where's Harry?" I shout to Ara, trying to overpower the noise of the rain.
"I don't know! I can't find him!" she replies, as a cold hush comes over the crowd.
"It's so bloody cold," Heather complies, "I'm surprised its not snowing." I adjust my coat and scarf, trying to keep warm. My eyes shoot up to the sky and notice something. Black cloaked figures are circling the pitch. Dread fills my stomach and I almost gag.
"A-ara," I whimper, "where's Uncle Remus?"
"I... I don't know. Probably with the teachers over there," she says, point right across from us, "are you alright?"
"D-dementors," I stutter. Ara's head snaps up and my legs start to feel wobbly. I grab her shoulder as my knees buckle.
"Goldie?" Ara asks, as I see a Dementor flies towards us, "GOLDIE!" Her shouting is suddenly drowned out by my own screams as I black out.

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