Chapter 1

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A/n: Sorry for taking so long to publish this. The last month of school has been jammed packed with assignments. Hope you enjoy.

"You live here?" Heather exclaims, as we pull up into the driveway. I nod, sheepishly, still not used to the new house. 
"Holy cow!" Rachel says, "it's like a bloody castle! Does everybody have their own rooms or do you and Ara still share?" 
"We have our own rooms," Ara answers, "In fact, Goldie and I have a whole room to ourselves!" Rachel and Heather gawk as I fling the door open. 

Look, I love my friends and was very excited to see them again. But I had just spend the entire summer studying for exams, which I nails by the way. For those who do not already know. I am Marigold Potter. Daughter of James and Lily Potter. Sister of Harry Potter and Everlyn Potter. My friends are Ara Malfoy, Heather Isaac, Rachel Davis, and Ginny Weasley. Of course there are more, but those are the ones that I am around the most. Last year, my brother and I got rid of a certain dark lord. Oh, also... I can see dead people. Umm.. yeah. That's what you missed. 

"Hello, everyone!" my dad shouts, jumping out from behind the door. 
Did I mention he's a dork?
"I am Marigold's super amazing famous father. James Potter, at your service! But please, so autographs. Goldie thinks it's embarrassing." My face turns pink, as my friends giggle. 
"James! Stop embarrassing your poor daughter," Mum saves me from behind us. 
"Of course, darling.. You guys have obviously met my super hot wife." A mixture of 'James' and 'Dad' got our point across. 
"Just telling the truth.. isn't that right, Lily flower?" Mum's face was now as red as mine and nudges up towards the stairs. 
"Why don't you two show your friends to your rooms?" Mum says to Ara and I, "James, why don't you come help me with dinner?" Dad pouts, but follows Mum obediently. 
"Golds? Can you send Evie down here as you pass?" 
"Yep!" I call, already halfway to the second floor. I send Ara and the other girls up one more flight of stairs before opening my younger sister's bedroom door. 
"Hey, Eves," I say, seeing the usually long black hair sticking out of a blanket, "Mum wants you to help with dinner." Evie picks the blanket up from over her head and smiles. 
"Are your friends here?" 
"Yes, you'll see them at dinner, alright?" 
"Can't I just meet them now so I don't explode? I mean they're real muggles! Well not real ones I guess, but they live with real muggles!"
"So does Hermione.." 
"But muggles are all different! Maybe they have a different experience! Especially the one that got sorted into Slytherin. That must suck being a Slytherin when she a muggle. The purebloods are snobs." 
"Just go help with dinner, alright? And don't say things like that when my friends are around, please?" 
"Fine." She stomps down the stairs, and I roll my eyes. Once I make sure she is already downstairs, I make my way up stairs. 
"Hey, Goldie! Are we all going to sleep in one room, or are we going to split up?" Ginny asks. I shrug and open the door to my room. 
"We can just keep the doors open, and it'll be like we are all in the same room, but with enough room to breathe." I answer, as Ginny tosses her bag into my room. 
"Could we go explore?" Rachel asks, "or.. it's almost time for dinner isn't it?" 
"We can go explore after dinner.. we'll just have to bring a flashlight." Ara responds. She is trying to pull out the extra mattress that was under her bed. 
"Do you need help?" I ask, going over to her. She nods, quickly and we pull the mattress out. 
"Should we have someone sleep in the hall?" Heather asks, "Cause I will!" 
"No, we should have enough room. Besides, if you sleep in the hallway you might be awoken at like six in the morning by my sister." Everyone laughs and we continue to move everything so that if fits just right. Ginny and I are sharing, while Ara is sharing with Heather and Rachel. I had offered to have two people in my room, but Ara wanted to share with two. I think Ginny picked my room because I know what really happened. I do not think she is ready to openly talk about it yet though. 
"Girls!" Mum shouts, "It's time for dinner!" We all make our way downstairs, where a very energetic Evie is waiting for all of us. 
"Hi! I'm Everlyn!" she exclaims. Ara smiles at her and then me. 
She and Evie had been working on the correct way to meet people while I was studying. I think it might be working. 
"Hi, Everlyn.. I'm Heather." 
"Hey, Evie.. you know me," Ginny teases, causing my sister to giggle. 
"Hi, Ginny!" 
"Hello, Everlyn, I'm Rachel." Evie's eyes go really wide, and I brace myself for the worst. 
"It's so cool that you are in Slytherin!" Evie shouts, "I've never met a kid whose close to my age who is in Slytherin!" Rachel laughs and looks at me. 
"Well, I don't know if being in Slytherin is all that it's cranked up to be," she tells Evie, as we make our way into the dinning room, "A lot of the kids are mean." 
"That's why you've got Ara!" Evie continues, "And you've got Goldie for if you ever need help on your homework." 
"I suppose you're right, Everlyn." 
"Just call me Evie." We sit down around the table, which is plated with pastas and breads. Mum comes in, her checks red with heat. 
"I didn't know what you girls like, so I just made a bunch! Dig in." Dad sits down besides Ara and Mum, with Evie next to me. I pat her leg and smile as a thank you for behaving. 
"So, Evie. When are you coming to Hogwarts?" 
"Next year! And I'm so excited! Harry's already promised to teach me all of the secret passages used for sneaking ar-.." Mum glares at her. 
"Don't worry, Mum," I cut in, trying to save my sister from a scolding, "I use the passages to get to classes faster. I doubt  Evie would ever dream of breaking any school rules." Evie smiles and nods, but we all know that that was not the truth. 

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