Chapter 10

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After a wonderful breakfast, I return to Ginny's room to pack up my stuff. I fold up my blanket and return it to my bag before changing into a pair of jean shorts and a tie-dye shirt. I pack up Evie's stuff too.
"Goldie!" Fred shouts, "You are not pouting in Ginny's room all day! We're going to go do something fun!"
"I'm not pouting!" I shout back, zipping up Evie's duffle, "I'll be done in a minute." George opens the door and smirks at me.
"Packing so soon?"
"Merlin, George! What if I had been changing?"
"But you're not."
"I'm just packing so we don't have to do it later," I reply, crossing my arms, "What are we going to do that Fred and you think is fun?" George runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head.
"We were going to play some quidditch," he answers, "Obviously not full teams, but we were going to use some apples or something."
"Don't know yet. We were going to choose when we got down there." I buckle my sandals and follow him down the stairs.
"Took you long enough," Harry teases, "Mrs. Weasley made the teams so that they are relatively fair." We all nod and walk through the kitchen to get out to the yard.
"Now don't go hurting yourselves, alright?" Mrs. Weasley calls from the sink, "but if you do, I've got stuff to heal you right up. Go have fun, I'll wait here for your parents." I smile and nod to her as we all walk out to the hill.

Fred, Ron, Harry, Evie verses George, Ginny, Ara, and I. So basically beater, keeper, seeker, chaser verses beater, chaser, beater, beater. Let's just say that went no where. With every combination the four beaters just caused chaos for the other players.
"Goldie, if you hit me with another apple I will take your present back to where it came from!" Harry shouts, as he ducks away from a flying apple.
"Weak threat, Harry!" Ginny shouts back, dodging the same apple, "Fred, George... you two better watch your Quidditch positions. Goldie's gonna give you a run for you money."
"She'll have to wait until we've graduated," Fred shouts at her as he hits another apple at her.
"That may never happen," Ara complains, getting an apple sent at her too. I giggle and hit an apple at Fred.
"Hey!" he yells at her, "We had a truce! We were gonna just bother the others! Not the beaters!"
"You just hit an apple at Ara," I tease him, as I duck to miss an apple.
"I'm getting tired," Evie whispers to me, "can I go inside?"
"Sure, Eves," I tell her, "why don't you ask Mrs. Weasley if she needs help with anything? I bet she would like that." She nods and leaves her broom at the trunk of the apple tree.

After a few more hours of chaos, Mrs. Weasley calls us in for lunch. I watch as Harry scopes up Evie's broom and takes it back to the house. Ara loops her arms through mine and Ginny's as we make it to the door.
"You should open presents after lunch," Ara says, as they sit down in front of a large platter of sandwiches.
"I... I'd rather wait for my dad," I tell her, "he always gets really excited when I open presents." Mrs. Weasley smiles at her.
"That's very sweet, Goldie," she says, "I'm sure your father will be very happy that you waited for him. Should we wait to sing then too?" We hear two people tumble into the living room.
"Dad?" Evie shouts, running from the room.
"Sorry, sport, just us," Sirius's voice rings out, "here to take you all home, right Remus?"
"Yep, now where are your siblings?"
"In here!" Harry says, "we've just sat down for lunch." My two uncles appear in the doorway, looking a little disheveled.
"Why don't you two sit down and have a few sandwiches? I made to may anyways."
"Thank you, Molly," Remus says, "but we've got to get going. Lily and James are a little on edge, as you'd expect."
"Of course," Mrs. Weasley replies, getting up, "Well let me pack you some then. Alright, Harry, Goldie, Ara, Evie, why don't you go get your stuff?" I jump up and run upstairs to Ginny's room.
"Something bad must have happened," Ara whispers to me, as to not upset Evie, "but we'll have fun back at home, won't we, Evie?"
"Yeah!" Evie replies as she slings her duffle over his shoulder, "we can play Monopoly with Uncle Sirius and Remus!" I chuckle and throw my own bag over my shoulder. We walk back down the stairs and find Remus and Sirius carrying three copperware containers of sandwiches each.
"Ready to go, guys?" Remus asks.
"Can we say bye first?" Evie asks, quietly.
"Quickly." I rush back into the kitchen and hug Ginny from behind.
"Bye," I says, "Thank you all for having us."
"Of course, Golds," Ginny says, "And happy birthday." Fred and George get up and give me a group bear hug.
"Happy happy birthday," they says together, "your gifts have already been flooed to your house." I smile and Mrs. Weasley gives me a tight squeeze.
"I sent the cake home with your uncles," she says, "Happy birthday."
"Thank you, guys," I say, "I'll see you all next week at Diagon Alley?"
"Yep!" Ron answers. I walk back to Remus and Sirius.
"Is everything alright?" I whisper to Sirius, as Evie gets into the fireplace.
"We'll tell you at the house, alright," he whispers back, "get going." I step into the fireplace and appear back at the house.
"Goldie," Mum says sounding worried, "Everything's alright, okay? I don't want you to get to stressed out about it, okay? Your dad and uncle are going to fix it."
"Mum?" I asks, voice shaking a little, "you're rambling."
"Sorry, love. Just a little on edge." I look around the kitchen.
"Where's Dad?" I ask, poking my head into the living room.
"Upstairs packing."
"Packing?" I ask, worry seeping into me, "where is he going?" Mum pulls me into a hug.
"The Ministry is sending him and Uncle Sirius off to find Peter," she tells me, "they're really worried about your safety." I pull away from her, and run upstairs to my parents' bedroom.
"Dad?" I whisper, opening the door. Dad is folding up some pants and putting them into his duffle.
"Hi, flower," he says, "did you sleep alright at the Weasleys'?" I run straight to him, and wrap my arms and legs around him.
"Y-yeah," I whimper, "do you have to go?" He chuckles sadly, and moves my up on his body, so my arms around his neck.
"I've gotta keep you say, Golds," he replies, "I'll be back before you know... But I do have to get going."
"Can you wait for me to open presents?" He pauses before zipping up his duffle.
"I don't think so, love," he replies, kissing my forehead, "you'll have to tell me all about them when we get back."
"W-what..." I cry, wiping at the tears in my eyes, "what if you.. you... you guys don't f-f-find him?" I bury my face into the crook of his neck as I cry into his shirt.
"Marigold..." he comforts, "Uncle Sirius and I will not rest until he has been found."
"What... what if he find you first?" I whisper, as he rubs my hair.
"Golds, you worry to much. We'll be fine. Uncle Remus is going to live here while I'm gone, by the way. He'll help keep you mind off of it." I nod and squeeze him tightly again.
"I'll be back soon, love," he whispers to her, "I love you."
"I love you too, Dad."

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