Chapter 20

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"I'm gonna get to bed," I tell the girls, after a while of us talking, "I'm still kind of wiped." They all nod, so I go up to our new Second Year dorm. I open my trunk and dig out my pajamas. I quickly get ready, getting more tired the longer it takes. I finally climb into my bed and shut my eyes.

When I re open my eyes, Mari is standing besides me, smiling wide. She pulls me up out of my bed.
"Come on!" she exclaims, "We gotta go! I've gotta find Regulus before I explode." I laugh and follow her out of the common room.
"I don't know where he is," I tell her, "I thought Regulus might see you before I got to you." She sighs.
"I thought so too, but I did see Fabian and Gideon!" she tells me, "I only met them once, but they seemed excited to see me." I smile.
"Maybe they went and told Regulus," I tell her.
"I told them not to," she replies, "...but maybe if we find them first, they'll know where Regulus is." We wander around, looking for Regulus. After a while we stumble upon Snape and Remus.
"Come on, Severus," Remus says, his voice sounding exasperated, "Please... I can't even count how many time I've apologized to you. Let's just call it a truce." Snape sneers, but holds out his hand.
"Fine," he answers, "we can... maybe even be good collogues." Remus shakes his hand and nods.
"That would be nice, Severus," he replies, "and thank you for making my potion... I'm sure you remember that I'm rubbish at potions." Snape nods, a smile splitting his face.
"Yes, yes," he replies, "I do remember Slughorn getting rather upset with you and Black about a blown up cauldron." Remus chuckles.
"Yes... Sirius often got upset about it taking to long and gave up." They both part ways, so Mari and I move on as well. We get to the library, where Fabian and Gideon are.
"Welcome back, Goldie," they say in unison, "Hello again, Mari."
"Hello," I say, "do you know where Regulus is?"
"He's in the Shrieking Shack," they answer, "he was getting something ready." Mari and I nod and turn around to go to the Shrieking Shack. We get outside and see the Whomping Willow in the slight distance. I walk towards it, but Mari grabs me.
"Where are you going?" she asks, "We have to go to Hogsmeade to get to the Shrieking Shack." I shake my head.
"I know a short cut," I respond, pulling her with me. As we get closer to the Whomping Willow, I see a dark figure walking away from it.
"REGULUS!" I shout, hoping it was him. The figure turns towards us and he breaks into a run. I run towards him too, leaving Mari in the courtyard.
"Goldie," Regulus says, as he scoops me up into his arms, "how was your summer? Hogwarts was so boring without you." I giggle as he sets me down.
"I passed all my exams," I tell him quickly, "and I continued to spirit walk at home and I met someone!" Regulus looks over my shoulder and freezes. A smile spreads across his face and he chuckles.
"Mari," he says, moving around me to Mari, "You... I can't believe you're h-..." His voice cracks and pulls her up into his arms. Mari laughs and kisses his cheek.
"You're so sweet, Reggie," she whispers, "I did tell you we'd be together forever didn't I?" He smiles and combs his fingers through her hair.
"Yes, I remember," he replies, "didn't know how you'd do it, but you did." Mari and I both giggle.
"I should be going," I tell them, "let you two catch up..."
"Hey, wait," Regulus says, grabbing my arm, "I wanted to show you some stuff tonight... I'm sure Mari would love to help." Mari nods and links arms with him. They both grab me and we run to the Shrieking Shack. We sit in a three person circle, all holding hands.
"Take a deep breath... remember?" Regulus says, as I shift a little bit before closing my eyes.
1...2...3... breathe in... 4...5...6... breathe out.
The shuffling of a classroom soon fills my ears and I open my eyes.

"Mari, do you want to be friends?" Mari's face turns a light pink and she smiles.
"I thought your parents wouldn't approve?" she teases, as she gets her books out. Regulus smirks and shrugs his shoulder.
"They don't need to know," he replies, making Mari laugh.
"Of course, Regulus," she answers, "we can be friends." They both smile and get all ready for class.
Everything speeds up and it stops really quick.
"Reggie!" Sirius shouts as Regulus and Mari walk into the Great Hall, "how was my favorite brother's first day of Hogwarts?" Regulus shakes his head and tries to leave, but Mari keeps her arm looped around his.
"Hi, Sirius!" she answers him, pulling Regulus with her.
"Hello, Little Evans," he says to her, "since my brother doesn't really seem like he wants to talk. How was your day?" Mari smiles.
"It was good! I made a couple friends too!" Regulus tries to move away again, but Mari pulls him back.
"That's great!" Sirius replies, patting Mari's shoulder, "now, Reg... please just answer my question." Regulus looks up at him and sighs.
"It was fine, Siri," Regulus answers, "I made a friend." Mari squeezes him close to her side and ruffles his hair.
"Awww!" Sirius shouts, "Evans! Look our siblings are friends!" Lily smiles at Mari before glaring at Sirius.
"That's nice, Sirius," she answers, "please don't shout at me." Sirius runs off and Mari turns to Regulus.
"Would you like to eat dinner with me?" she asks him, "you could meet my other friends!" Regulus shakes his head slowly.
"I've told my cousins that I'd eat dinner with them," he tells her, softly, "sorry."  Mari smiles again and unloops her arm.
"Okay," she continues, "Maybe tomorrow?" Regulus shakes his head again.
"My cousins want to eat dinner together e-every night," he stutters out, "I'm sorry, Mari." Mari's smile flatter a bit, but she nods.
"I understand," she says, "we'll just have to eat lunch together then." Regulus nods.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Mari."
"Bye, Regulus."

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