Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry we had an audience all day," I whisper to Cedric as we get to the Leaky Cauldron. He smiles and squeezes my hand.
"It's alright," he answers, softly, "I mean, we've got all the time in the world to be alone. And I like your friends." I laugh and he kisses my forehead.
"I'll see you in two weeks, love," he says, as he gives me a hug, "try not to worry to much, Golds. Your father is one of the most powerful wizards in the world. And the best auror. I'm sure he'll be back before you know it." I nod into his shoulder.
"Thanks, Cedric," I reply, "I'll see you on the train." I squeeze him again, and he chuckles.
"Not as good as our last goodbye," he whispers, kissing my cheek. I laugh and he leaves with his parents.

That night, I decide to visit Mari.
"Hello, Goldie," she says as I wake up, "Did you enjoy your outing to Diagon Alley?" I nod and smile.
"Yep, we got all of our supplies. And Harry didn't pout for the whole day." Mari chuckles and shakes her head. We hear a door from downstairs open and someone stumble in.
"James?" Mum calls out, "Sirius?" My ears perk up and I run downstairs with Mari close behind me.
"Yep, just us, Lils." Mum pulls both of them into her arms.
"Did you find him?" she asks, as they pull back. Dad looks down at the floor.
"N-no," Sirius answers for him, "we're going back out, but we were in the area and thought we would check in."
"Should I wake the kids?" Mum asks, "They'd like to see you. Harry's having a hard time." Dad shakes his head.
"No," he answers, "they'll just make it harder to go... but, tell them I stopped by, I guess." Mum sighs and pulls them into the kitchen.
"I'll make you boys something to eat before you leave," she says, "and while I do...-"
"Sorry, Lily flower," Sirius says, "we've gotta get back." Mum sighs again and pulls them both into a hug.
"You two be vey careful," she scolds, "and Sirius, you should write Remus a note. He's out getting ingrediencies for his Wolfsbane." He hands Sirius a piece of parchment and a quill. Dad sits down with Mum in the kitchen, as Sirius writes.
"How's Goldie doing?"
"She's fine... Ara seems to be able calm her down about that kind of stuff. She's still worried, obviously, but it's not as bad as it has been. I'm more worried about Harry."
"Harry?" Dad asks, "he's never had a problem."
"I don't know what's up. He's pouting all day. Today, Remus walked around with him, Ron, and Hermione and said that he perked up a little, but he still seemed kinda sad. Maybe you could write him a letter as well."
"Then I'd have to write all of them letters," Dad says, "but I guess." He grabs some parchment and sits down with Sirius to write. Mari then pulls me back upstairs.
"You should get to sleep," she says, tucking me into my bed, "and don't go downstairs, your father is probably having a hard enough time."
"Fine, goodnight, Aunt Mari."

I awake in the morning and there is a piece of parchment taped to my door. I immediately know who it is from and I take it from my door and go and sit on my bed. I open it and read;

Hello, flower. Uncle Sirius and I checked in here last night. We decided not to wake you all because it was so late, but thought we would write to you all. We are both obviously fine, but we are going to be gone for a while longer. We have not been able to get a lead on Pettigrew and I told the Minister that I would search until he was back in Azkaban. Sadly, I do not think that we are going to be back before the beginning of term. I know you will have another magical year, but hopefully not such a dangerous one.
Do not forget to celebrate Ara's birthday on the 29th. I doubt that you would have, but I have some special information for you for her party. Sirius and I have been collecting some Muggle stuff that she has been looking at whenever we would go to town. While you were studying of course. It is all up in the attic. There are also some decorations and stuff. Make sure to say that those things are from either me or Sirius. Do not steal our ideas. Try to get your Mum and Remus to let you invite some friends over.
Please make sure to check on your brother. Your mum said that he is having a hard time. Make sure that you include him in your activities with Ara. Maybe invite Ron... or some of the Weasleys so that he can chill with them. Ara is friends with them too.
Also, some rules for dating at Hogwarts. Hopefully your mum does not read this before you do.
1. It does not get in the way of your studies (I do not think this is going to be an issue)
2. No super secret alone time (you know what I mean)
3. Friends are more important
4. You will tell me all the tea
5. Make sure Cedric knows all of these
6. You (Marigold Potter) make the rest of the rules. (Sorry Cedric)
7. NO PDA or any affection if at all possible
I love you so much, Goldie. I promise that Sirius and I will be safe. If anything happens, you will know. Please be careful at Hogwarts. And keep an eye on your brother, especially at Hogwarts. You know how 'trouble finds him'.
Love you and miss you terribly

I smile and press the parchment to my chest in happiness. I read through it a couple times and make sure to mark the date of Ara's birthday. I cannot remember her ever telling me exactly when she was born. I knew it was in August... but...
You haven't been a very good friend this summer.
I shoo the thought out of my head and start to make a list. A list for the BEST birthday party ever.

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